UNIT: Inventory

Sub-Topic:Count to 100

Key vocabulary words for the sub-topic:numbers

Content and Language Objectives
SWBAT… / Activities and Grammar / Resources / CASAS Correlation
  • Count to 100
  • Write numbers using numerals and words
  • Count by 5s, 10, etc.
  • Identify ordinal numbers
  • Number practice and chants
  • Dictation
  • Class mingle
  • Correcting inventory worksheet
  • Classroom inventory relay game
  • Hubbs EL Civics Curriculum
  • Teacher-made worksheets
  • 6.0.1 Identify and classify numeric symbols
  • 6.0.2 Count and associate numbers with
quantities, including recognizing correct
number sequencing

UNIT: Inventory

Sub-Topic:Identify common container names

Key vocabulary words for the sub-topic:can, box, jar, carton, bag, pound, bunch, bottle, dozen, head, loaf, gallon

Content and Language Objectives
SWBAT… / Activities and Grammar / Resources / CASAS Correlation
  • Identify common container names and the products that come in them
  • Vocabulary
  • Matching activity
  • Picture Stories “Checkout counter”
  • Activity Worksheet 8D: How do we sell these?
  • Real-Life Reading
  • Picture Stories
  • Out & About Teacher’s Resource book p. 169
  • Realia
  • Step Forward p. 88
/ 1.1.7 Identify product containers and related
units of measure

UNIT: Inventory

Sub-Topic:simple adding and subtraction

Key vocabulary words for the sub-topic:

Content and Language Objectives
SWBAT… / Activities and Grammar / Resources / CASAS Correlation
  • Students will be able to add two and three digit numbers
  • Subtract two and three digit numbers
  • Use a calculator
  • Adding and subtraction using real objects and worksheets
  • Using a calculator for larger numbers and to check answers
  • Department Store Math
  • Market Math
  • Calculators
  • 6.0.1 Identify and classify numeric symbols
  • 6.0.2 Count and associate numbers with
quantities, including recognizing correct
number sequencing
  • 6.0.3 Identify information needed to solve a
given problem
  • 6.0.4 Determine appropriate operation to apply
to a given problem
  • 6.0.5 Demonstrate use of a calculator.
  • 6.1.1 Add whole numbers
  • 6.1.2 Subtract whole numbers

UNIT: Inventory

Sub-Topic:sorting items by container, color, size, etc.

Key vocabulary words for the sub-topic:small, medium, large, extra large, red, blue, black, white, green, yellow, orange, review of container names

Content and Language Objectives
SWBAT… / Activities and Grammar / Resources / CASAS Correlation
  • Identify aspects of a product and place it in its correct category
  • Counting cans on the shelf worksheet
  • Taking inventory of boxes worksheet
  • Sorting clothes and other items in Alley Shoppe by color, size, etc.
  • Everyday Conversation
  • Hubbs EL Civics Curriculum
  • Realia
  • Alley Shoppe
  • Survival English p. 173
  • Step Forward p. 110
/ 7.2.3 Make comparisons, differentiating among,
sorting, and classifying items, information,
or ideas

UNIT: Inventory

Sub-Topic:identify items by broader category

Key vocabulary words for the sub-topic:fruits, vegetables, meats, bakery, dairy, men’s, women’s, furniture, children’s, sporting goods,

Content and Language Objectives
SWBAT… / Activities and Grammar / Resources / CASAS Correlation
  • Identify broader categories of items, such as clothes, meat, electronics, and place items into correct category
  • Fruit and Vegetable inventory worksheet
  • Meat and Bakery inventory worksheet
  • Identifying categories of items in Alley Shoppe i.e. women’s, men’s, children’s
  • Hubbs EL Civics Curriculum
  • Alley Shoppe
  • Realia
/ 7.2.3 Make comparisons, differentiating among,
sorting, and classifying items, information,
or ideas

UNIT: Inventory

Sub-Topic:identify items by aisle or location

Key vocabulary words for the sub-topic:

Content and Language Objectives
SWBAT… / Activities and Grammar / Resources / CASAS Correlation
  • read a store map to find items
  • identify item location by aisle
  • ask and answer questions about product location
  • Students will fill in a blank map of a store by placing items in certain aisles based on category
  • Students will complete dialogues to ask and answer questions about items and their locations
  • Students will answer questions about which aisle items are located in after visiting a local drugstore
  • Supermarket Food Sections sort activity
  • Field trip to local drugstore
  • Taking Off p. 109
  • Out & About Activity Worksheet 10C
/ 1.2.7 Interpret information or directions to locate

Classroom Inventory

Name of item: How many:

  1. ______
  2. ______
  3. ______
  4. ______

Total: ______

AppleEgg potato

PearEggplant tomato





Alley Shoppe Inventory Sheet


1. ______

2. ______

3. ______

4. ______

5. ______

6. ______

7. ______

8. ______

9. ______

10. ______

11. ______

12. ______

13. ______

14. ______

15. ______

Identifying Containers

What is your name? / What food do you have?