11장 객체-지향 프로그래밍 언어
11.1 객체, 클래스, 및 메쏘드
(Objects, Classes, and Methods)


n  Simulation of real-world objects in programs

n  An object

n  Storage and state


l  An object = data(instance variables) + operations(methods)

-  An object has storage and state (values in instance variables)

-  An object can be accessed and modified via only its methods

l  For example, a bank account

–  has an account number and a current balance

–  can be deposited into

–  can be withdrawn from


l  A defintion for objects

-  define data(instance variables)

-  define operations(methods)

l  A class is a type for objects

-  Objects are declared to be of a class type

-  An object is an instance of a particular class

l  Instantiation

–  Creating an object from a class

클래스의 예

l  Class in Java

-  Definition for instance variables

-  Definition for methods

l  Class in C++

-  Definition for data members and

-  Definition for member functions

Java 객체 및 클래스

클래스 정의

l  The syntax for defining a class is:

class class-name {

declarations of instance variables




l  The variables, constructors, and methods of a class are generically called members of the class

클래스 정의: 예

class Account {

int account_number;

double balance;

Account (int account, double initial) {

account_number = account;

balance = initial;

} // constructor Account

void deposit (double amount) {

balance = balance + amount;

} // method deposit

} // class Account

객체 생성

l  The new operator creates an object from a class:

Account saving = new Account ();

l  saving is a variable that refers to an object created from the Account class

l  It is initialized to the object created by the new operator

l  The newly created object is set up by a call to a constructor of the class

클래스 및 객체

l  A class defines the data types for an object, but a class does not store data values

l  Each object has its own unique data space(memory)

Instance variables

–  The variables defined in a class .

–  Each instance(object) of the class has its own.

클래스 및 객체


l  A constructor:

–  is a special method that is used to set up a newly created object

–  often sets the initial values of variables

–  has the same name as the class

–  does not return a value

–  has no return type, not even void

l  The programmer does not have to define a constructor for a class


l  For example, the Account constructor could be set up to take a parameter specifying its initial balance:

Account toms_savings = new Account (1,125.89);

객체 참조 변수

l  The declaration of the object reference variable

l  The creation of the object

Account toms_savings;

toms_savings = new Account (1, 125.89);

객체 참조 변수

l  An object reference holds the memory address of an object

Chess_Piece bishop1 = new Chess_Piece();

l  All interaction with an object occurs through a reference variable

l  References have an effect on actions such as assignment


l  The act of assignment takes a copy of a value and stores it in a variable

l  For primitive types:

num2 = num1;

객체 참조 변수 배정

l  For object references, the value of the memory location is copied:

bishop2 = bishop1;


l  Two or more references are called aliases if

- they refer to the same object

l  There is only one copy of the object (and its data),

- but with multiple ways to access it

l  Aliases can be useful, but should be managed carefully

l  Affecting the object through one reference affects it for all aliases, because they refer to the same object

메쏘드 및 메시지

l  Methods are shared among all objects of a class

-  All methods in a class have access to all instance variables of the class

l  Method call using dot operator:

toms_savings.deposit (35.00);

l  Message

-  a method call; request to execute a method


l  A class contains methods;

-  Before defining our own classes, we need method definitions

l  We've defined the main method many times

l  All methods follow the same syntax:

return-type method-name ( parameter-list ) {




l  A method may contain local declarations

l  For example, a method definition:

int third_power (int number) {

int cube;

cube = number * number * number;

return cube;

} // method third_power

메쏘드 제어 흐름

l  The main method is invoked by the system when you submit the bytecode to the interpreter

l  Each method call returns to the place that called it

매개 변수

•  When a parameter is passed, a copy of the value is made and assigned to the formal parameter

•  Both primitive types and object references can be passed as parameters

•  When an object reference is passed, the formal parameter becomes an alias of the actual parameter

•  Usually, we will avoid putting multiple methods in the class that contains the main method

C++ 객체 및 클래스
C++ 클래스

n  Struct in C

-  a type for a collection of data(variables)

n  Class in C++

-  Extension of struct in C

-  to include definitions of operations as well as data

-  A type for a collection of

-  data members and member functions

-  Classes can be used to declare variables and create objects

C++ 객체

l  An instance of a class

l  s is a variable for objects of stack

Stack s;

C++ 예

class Stack {


char pop();

void push(char);

Stack() { top = 0;}


int top;

char elements[101];


char Stack::pop() {

top = top -1;

return elements[top+1];


char Stack::push(char c) {

top = top +1;

elements[top] = c;


#include <stdio.h>

main() {

Stack s;

s.push('!'); s.push('@'); s.push('#');

printf("%c %c %c \n", s.pop(), s.pop(), s.pop());



n  Data members

- variables in a class

- top, elements

n  Member functions

- functions in a class

- push(), pop(), Stack()


l  Constructor

-  a special member function for initialization

-  an automatic execution when object is created

Stack( )

l  Destructor

-  a special member function for cleanup

-  an automatic execution when object is deleted

~Stack( )

Member의 이름

l  <class-name>::<member names>

l  name(scope) resolution operator ::

l  stack::pop()

생성자를 이용한 초기화

struct Complex {

float re;

float im;

Complex(float r, i) { re= r; im=i;}


Complex x(1,2);

C++에서 동적 할당

l  new T

-  create an object of type T

- return a pointer to the newly created object

l  delete p

- destroy the object that p points to

객체에 대한 포인터

l  A pointer variable p pointing C objects

C *p;

l  Using pointer variable

-  (*p).info : p->info

-  0 : null pointer, pointing to no object

-  this : used within member functions to point to this object itself

생성자/소멸자를 이용한 동적 할당

class Stack {


char pop();

void push(char);




int top;

int size;

char *elements;


Stack::Stack(int n) {

size = n;

elements = new char[size];

top = 0;


Stack::~Stack() { delete elements; }

11.2 가시성 조정자
(Visibility Modifiers)


l An external view of object

-  object is an encapsulated entity,

-  providing services (i.e. interface to the object)

l  An object should be self-governing;

–  the object's state should be changed by the methods

–  we should make it difficult for another object to "reach in" and alter an object's state


l  An encapsulated object can be thought of as a black box

l  The user, or client, of an object

–  can request its services,

–  but it should not have to know how the services are accomplished

Java 가시성 조정자(Visbility Modifiers)

l  Visibility modifiers를 사용하여 캡슐의 가시성을 조정한다.

l  For encapsulation

l  Localization of errors

l  A user of such a class need only examine the definition of the member function

Java 가시성 조정자

l  Java has three visibility modifiers:

–  public, private, and protected

l  Public members

- can be accessed from anywhere

l  Private members

- can only be accessed from inside the class

l  Default visibility

-  Members without a visibility modifier

-  can be accessed by any class in the same package

가시성 조정자

l  A general rule

-  no object's data should be declared with public visibility

l  Public methods

-  methods that provide the object's services(interface)

-  also called service methods

l  Support methods

-  assist the service methods;

-  they should not be public


class Tunes {

// Instantiates an object to monitor the value

// of a collection of musical CDs.

public static void main (String[] args) {

CD_Collection music = new CD_Collection (5, 59.69);

music.add_cds (1, 10.99);

music.add_cds (3, 39.34);

music.add_cds (2, 24.73);


music.add_cds (2, 20.82);

music.add_cds (4, 46.90);


} // method main

} // class Tunes


class CD_Collection {

private int num_cds;

private double value_cds;

// Creates a CD_Collection object with the specified

// initial number of CDs and their total value.

public CD_Collection (int initial_num, double initial_val) {

num_cds = initial_num;

value_cds = initial_val;

} // constructor CD_Collection

// Adds the number of CDs to the collection and updates the value.

public void add_cds (int number, double value) {

num_cds = num_cds + number;

value_cds = value_cds + value;

} // method add_cds


// Prints a report on the status of the CD collection.

public void print() {

System.out.println ("***************");

System.out.println ("Number of CDs: " + num_cds);

System.out.println ("Value of collection: $" + value_cds);

System.out.println ("Average cost per CD: $" +average_cost());

} // method print

// Computes and returns the average cost of a CD in this collection.

private double average_cost () {

return value_cds / num_cds;

} // method average_cost

} // class CD_Collection

C++ 가시성 조정자

n  public members

-  accesible to outside of the class

n  private members

-  accesible to the member functions in this class declaration

n  protected members

- like private member except for inheritance

- visible through inheritance to derived classes, but no the other code

11.3 메쏘드 중복정의
(Method Overloading)

메쏘드 중복정의(Method Overloading)

l  Method overloading

–  the process of using the same method name for multiple methods

l  Signature

–  The signature of each overloaded method must be unique

–  The signature is based on the number, type, and order of the parameters

l  The return type of the method is not part of the signature

Java 메쏘드 중복정의

l  The compiler must be able to determine which version of the method is being invoked by analyzing the parameters

l  The println method is overloaded:

println (String s), println (int i), println (double d) etc.

l  The lines

System.out.println ("The total is:");

System.out.println (total);

invoke different versions of the println method

Java 메쏘드 중복정의

l  Constructors are often overloaded to provide multiple ways to set up a new object

Account (int account) {

account_number = account;

balance = 0.0;

} // constructor Account

Account (int account, double initial) {

account_number = account;

balance = initial;

} // constructor Account

C++ 메쏘드 중복정의

class Complex {

float re;

float im;

Complex(float r) { re= r; im=0;}

Complex(float r, i) { re= r; im=i;}


Complex y(1);

Complex x(2,5);