Gunnison City Council Meeting Minutes and Public Hearing

Wednesday, February 18, 2015, 7:00 p.m.

Gunnison City Hall, 38 West Center

Gunnison, UT 84634

Present: Mayor Bruce Blackham, City Councilmembers: Thayne Carlisle, Blake Donaldson, Brian Jensen, Melissa Judy, Recorder Janell Braithwaite, Police Chief Trent Halliday, Officer Tyler Donaldson, Gary Keddington with Keddington and Christensen, High School student Logan Bown and Robert Stevens with the Sanpete Messenger

Presiding: Mayor Bruce Blackham

Invocation: Council Member Brian Jensen

7:00 p.m. Public Hearing to Receive Public Comment Regarding Resolution 2015-1, a Resolution Supporting Submission of a Renewal Application for an Enterprise Zone Designation

Councilmember Jensen made the motion to open the Public Hearing to receive Public comment regarding Resolution 2015-1, a resolution supporting submission of a renewal application for an Enterprise Zone Designation. Council Member Judy seconded the motion. The motion passes with a 4-0 vote.

Mayor Blackham proceeded to read the Resolution No. 2015-1 document. The area included in on the proposed Enterprise Zone Designation was reviewed with the Council making sure all of the city's industrial park was included. The benefits of having an Enterprise Zone for the businesses were discussed.

Councilmember Jensen made the motion to close the Public Hearing. Council Member Carlisle seconded the motion. The motion passes with a 4-0 vote.

Proposed Approval of Resolution 2015-1, A Resolution Supporting Submission of a Renewal Application for an Enterprise Zone Designation

Councilmember Jensen made the motion to approve Resolution 2015-1 in support of submitting a renewal application for an Enterprise Zone Designation. Council Member Judy seconded the motion. The motion passes with a 4-0 vote.

Public Comment

There were no citizens in attendance requesting public comment time.

Proposed Approval of AED Purchase for Swimming Pool ~ Councilmember Judy

Councilmember Judy reported GJ Willden from the Pool Committee had the responsibility of looking into purchasing an AED for the pool. The pool is mandated by law to have an AED, and needed to get into compliance. GJ had come to the conclusion the best AED machine at the best price could be purchased through the hospital. Chief Halliday questioned if anyone had checked into obtaining a grant to help with this cost. Councilmember Judy was unaware if anyone had looked into this. She noted Pool Manager Havey had already attended the training for the AED. Chief Halliday listed the possible grants that may be available.

Councilmember Judy made the motion to approve the purchase of an AED for the swimming pool, and if there is grant money available it will be purchased through a grant situation, otherwise it will be purchased through the bid received through the Gunnison Hospital of $1,000. Councilmember Donaldson seconded the motion. The motion passes with a 4-0 vote.



Review and Proposed Approval of Swimming Pool Instruction Booklet for Lifeguards and Pool Manager ~ Councilmember Judy

Recorder Braithwaite reported there had been no corrections made to the booklet since the previous council meeting. Councilmember Judy stated she had noted the mentioned suggestions made during the previous discussion, but had not made the actual changes yet, and was planning on making all of the changes prior to the proposed approval. Councilmember Judy answered questions while clarifying some of the verbage in the booklet. Councilmember Judy stated she would make the changes in the document, and have it ready to present at the next meeting.

Proposed Approval of Swimming Pool By-laws ~ Councilmember Judy

Council Member Carlisle questioned how the term lengths in the by-laws would affect the Youth City Council members. Mayor Blackham pointed out the changes he suggested regarding the budget and expenditure verbage. Discussion ensued regarding where the responsibility lies for budget and expenditure decisions. The city purchasing policy was reviewed. Mayor Blackham explained he would like to avoid any control problems that could occur. Recorder Braithwaite noted this document would need to go back to the Pool Committee with the suggested changes for approval and then recommended back to the Council for approval. Gary Keddington explained the reasons why the Pool Committee did not need to form a Pool Foundation to raise money for the pool. The donations would already be tax exempt going through the city as donations. Gary summarized the differences in the fund raising for the Main Street project as well as the Veteran's Memorial project. The number of members of the Pool Committee were reviewed. Mayor Blackham wanted to be sure Gunnison always had the majority of the vote, and recommended Gunnison City keep the majority vote at all times. The Gunnison representatives will be changed to seven which should insure this control at this time. This will be taken back to the Pool Committee with the proposed changes for review then recommended back to the Council for approval.

Proposed Approval of Hiring Part-time Lifeguard for Pool ~ Council Member Judy

Councilmember Judy noted Myriah Bjarnson had worked at the pool previously, and had gone through the interview process during the recent hiring process. Councilmember Judy reported it had been determined Pool Manager Havey would need an additional lifeguard to take care of the morning swim, and he would arrive between 7:30-8:00 a.m. Myriah had started the morning lifeguard position last Wednesday, and needed approval from the Council. Myriah will also fill in for the other three lifeguards when they need her. Councilmember Judy reported the numbers for the public swim have been up the past two weeks. Councilmember Judy reported the Pool Committee had reviewed this hire, approved it and recommended it to the Council.

Councilmember Judy made the motion to approve Myriah Bjarnson as a part-time lifeguard. Councilmember Donaldson seconded the motion. The motion passes with a 4-0 vote.

Proposed Approval of Amending Resolution 2002-1, Swimming Pool Fees and Charges, Section

2-11-1, Resolution 2015-2

The Council reviewed the new fees recommended by the Pool Committee. Following a lengthy discussion, the Council agreed upon the fees noted in Resolution 2015-2. Councilmember Judy also reported the Pool Committee had recommended a 10% renewal incentive, and would be sending letters 30 days prior to the expiration date of their current passes, and if they renew their pass within the 30 day period, they will receive a 10% discount, with Gunnison City residents receiving an additional 10% discount.

7:55 p.m. Logan Bown left

The Committee also recommended those who had an annual pass in 2014 receive a 2 month extension on their pass to allow for the two months the pool was closed. The arthritis and aerobics instructors will receive a monthly pass for the months they teach as their payment. The discussion turned to payment of


the aerobics instructor. The Council determined to pay the instructor through the city payroll, while documenting the number of participants in the class, paying the instructor minimum wage or $1.00 per person, whichever is the greatest amount. The new "therapy pass" was reviewed with Councilmember Judy explaining GJ Willden would be meeting with the med staff to present this pass. Those purchasing this pass must qualify for this discount by bringing in a doctor's prescription. The committee is also going to some of the surrounding businesses to encourage passes for their employees. Councilmember Judy reported the rates would be increased with these proposed rates.

Proposed approval of Les Olsen Contract, A Custom Proposal for Managed Print Services Program

This item will be tabled.

Discuss 2015 Elections, Proposed Approval of Method-Paper or Mail-in

Recorder Braithwaite noted the city has 783 registered voters, and reviewed the cost of holding an all by mail election if the County Clerk's office were to take care of the ballots. She noted the city had a 42% turnout on the last municipal election which was a greater turnout than prior elections. The County Clerk, Sandy Neill, had stated each ballot would cost $2.00 plus .25 cents each to mail. The Council discussed the pros and cons, and decided to hold a paper election on municipal elections, and participate with the all mail elections during the county elections. Mayor Blackham felt there was a quality about a paper election as well as an educational portion of a paper election.

Recorder Braithwaite noted the treats tonight were from the new "Casa" restaurant that had opened in what was previously known as Quirky's. She also noted the "Soda City" manager had come in to get their business license today, and was hoping to open March 2nd.

Proposed Approval of Cemetery Donation

Recorder Braithwaite noted there would be a funeral held Monday, and the Bishop had called to see if the city ever did anything to help out those that were struggling financially. Recorder Braithwaite reported the city had done this previously. Mayor Blackham felt the Council would be justified in a case of indigency if a break was given on the fees. Recorder Braithwaite noted Supervisor Reber's suggestions for a donation. The plot would normally cost $750 for a non-resident and $300 for the opening and closing.

Councilmember Judy made the motion to approve the donation and waive the fees for a cemetery plot as well as the opening and closing fees for an indigent burial. Councilmember Donaldson seconded the motion. The motion passes with a 4-0 vote.

Proposed Approval of City Council Minutes for Wednesday, November 19, 2014, Open and Closed Sessions and Tuesday, December 23, 2014, Open Session

Council Member Judy made the motion to approve the City Council Minutes for Wednesday, November 19, 2014, Open and Closed Sessions. Council Member Andersen seconded the motion. The motion passes with a 4-0 vote.

Future Items

Streets: Councilmember Carlisle noted the bid he had received from Johansen Construction. Councilmember Donaldson noted he had discussed the 500 So. 200 East street with Alden from Johansen Construction, who felt the whole street needed to be taken out, raised and redone, and felt Staker Parsons should participate with this since their cement trucks are constantly using this road, and breaking it down. He gave an example of another city that had the same problem with a different company, and the assistance they received from the company using the road. There was some question regarding the street addresses included in the bid, and it was determined the 500 South 200 East should actually be 600 South 300 East. The length of the project in the bid was also in question, and will need to be clarified with Johansen's.


Councilmember Carlisle will work on this. He also reported he had contacted UDOT regarding the sidewalk grants, and found out nothing has been released yet. The discussion moved to the sidewalks on 500 South, and the power poles that would need to be moved prior to the installation of those possible sidewalks. Mayor Blackham will review the area and give his recommendations to the Council before anything is pursued.

8:30 p.m. Robert Stevens left

Proposed Approval of Bills and Adjustments

Council Member Judy made the motion to approve the bills and adjustments as presented. Council Member Carlisle seconded the motion. The motion passes with a 3-0 vote. Council Member Jensen abstained from the vote.

Proposed Approval of City Council Minutes for Wednesday, January 7, 2015, Open and Closed Sessions and Wednesday, January 21, 2015, Open and Closed Sessions

Councilmember Donaldson made the motion to approve the minutes for Wednesday, January 7, 2015. Councilmember Carlisle seconded the motion. The motion passes with a 4-0 vote.

Proposed Approval of Amending Resolution 2002-1, Swimming Pool Fees and Charges, Section

2-11-1, Resolution 2015-2.

Councilmember Judy made the motion to approve Resolution 2015-2, Amending Swimming Pool Fees and Charges, Section 22-11-1. Councilmember Carlisle seconded the motion. The motion passes with a 4-0 vote.

Proposed Approval of City Council Minutes for Wednesday, January 21, 2015, Open and Closed Sessions and Wednesday, January 21, 2015, Open and Closed Sessions

Council Member Donaldson made the motion to approve the City Council Minutes for Wednesday, January 21, 2015, Open and Closed Sessions. Council Member Jensen seconded the motion. The motion passes with a 4-0 vote.

Future Items

City Hall: Councilmember Donaldson reported the furnace was having problems again at City Hall, and would cost between $2,000-$2,500 to repair. Dale with Peterson Refrigeration had come to look at the problem. Councilmember Donaldson also reviewed the problems that had continued to occur with the doors and locks in the building. He reported Blane would be working on the lock problem when he got back home. Councilmember Donaldson reported a digital copy of the HVAC system had been requested in order to look at replacing the system.

Fence-City Yard: Recorder Braithwaite noted Scott Anderson would like to install a fence between his house and the city yard, and wondered if the city would like to participate with this. The Council recommended he get a bid on the fence before this is determined.

Spring Clean Up: Recorder Braithwaite reported the Spring Clean-up had been scheduled for May 4-11.

Economic Development: Councilmember Judy questioned if the Council would like to apply for another grant from EDC Utah. The Council discussed this further, and agreed to turn in the application then decide what to do from there if the grant is awarded. The Council discussed changing certified planners as they were not happy with the work received from Bonneville Research.


Police Trucks: Officer Donaldson expressed his appreciation for the new police trucks and all of the working equipment. The decals will soon be put on. Chief Halliday relayed the request from the school regarding the placement of the school emblem on the back of the school resource officer's truck. The Council did not see any problem with allowing this. Officer Wimmer's police car will now be used by the part-time officers.

Closed Session

Council Member Jensen made the motion to adjourn into a Closed Session pursuant to the Provisions of Section 52-4-5(1) of the Open Meeting Law for the purpose of (a) discussion of the character, professional competence, or physical or mental health of an individual and (c) strategy sessions to discuss pending or reasonably imminent litigation; and (d) strategy sessions to discuss the purchase, exchange, or lease of real property, including any form of a water right or water shares, if the public discussion of the transaction would: (i) disclose the appraisal or estimated value of the property under consideration; or (ii) prevent the public body from completing the transaction on the best possible terms. Council Member Judy seconded the motion. The motion passes with a 4-0 vote.