Meeting Minutes: November 15, 2016 @ 7:00 pm
Vanier College Council MeetingMinutes / November 15, 2016
@ 7:00 pm
- Welcome
- Call to Order
- Motion to Commence @ 7:26 pm
Motioned by Lucas, Second by Kelita. [7-0-0]
1.2.Accept Minutes
- Motioned by Menfes, Second by Fizz. [7-0-0]
- Accept Agenda
- Motioned by Seif, Second by Lucas. [7-0-0]
- Reports
- Master’s Office
- PresidentJason Lomboy
- Sign Cheques
- Office Hours
- Intramurals
- Vice-President Finance Menfes Kidus
- Writing cheques
- Dealing with BDO
- Opened office
- Worked on requisitions
- Talked with master’s office
- Cleaning
- Past problems fixing
- Played sports
- Talked with bank
- Meeting with athletics and Sami
- Vice-President Social/Cultural Man Van
- Open lounge
- Open office
- Clean lounge
- Contacted blue mountain
- Worked on formal
- Help with coffee house
- Attended YUSC meeting
- Help Fizz with lounge monitor hiring
- Vice-President Communications Christine Nieto
- Finished coffee house poster
- Finished snakes and lattes poster
- Finished movember carnival poster
- Finished & sent peer mentor door banner
- Started working on peer mentor hiring poster
- Talked to Seif & Peter about council apparel
- Promoted coffee house
- Emailed Oceanic for apparel update
- Worked on Movember decorations
- Put up coffee house sign-up sheet
- Played intramural sports
- Started on holiday decorations
- Took down Halloween decorations
- Prepared decoration materials for Social Sub Committee
- Promoted for NYHFB collection
- Updated website
- Labeled board games
- Director of Finance Sami Dessuky
- Attended athletics meeting
- Deposited money with Menfes
- Meeting with Janice
- Intramural sports
- Office hours
- Cleaned the office
- Wrote cheques with Menfes
- Conducted interviews for lounge monitors with fizz
- Helped promote coffee house and signed 3 people up
- Director of Social/CulturalRhyena Miller
- Intramurals
- Office hours
- Frost Week: Called skyzone, emailed putting edge, worked on outline
- Social sub: Ran meeting, posted minutes
- Director of Communications Fizz Oladiran
- Office hours
- Lounge monitor interviews
- Event promo
- Video editing
- Director of Campaigns/Advocacy Lucas Santos
- Office hours
- Bought games for movember carnival
- Printed vanier food drive, snakes and lattes, movember carnival, and coffee house posters
- Put up posters around York
- Donated to YFS food bank
- Donated to North York Harvest Food Bank
- Got the donation box order in for North York Harvest Food Bank
- Director of Administration Sello Tlelima
- Office Hours
- Res Council Meeting
- Cleaned the office
- Contacted BDO with Menfes
- Ordered Office supplies with the Master’s office
- Intramural Sports
- LAPS and clubs meeting with Seif
- Helped Athletics with their order
- YFS Representative Nicole Yanqui
- Vision boarding with Epic
- Posted about USAY's South Asian Resistance Week
- Postered for Mental Health Awareness Week
- Commuter Representative Seif Hamdein
- Office hours
- Filled in for Jason at LAPS and Clubs meeting
- Spoke to Britt(athletics) about opening the commuter room for rage night
- Residence Representative Kelita Silas
- Attended last meeting
- Meeting with Weston and Dishan
- Attended social sub meeting
- Office hours
- First Year RepresentativeTasha Reece
- Did office hours,
- Cleaned office
- Helped resolve an issue
- First Year Representative Ryson Budhram
- Office Hours
- Coffee House poster
- Updates
- President, Administrative, & Masters Office Updates — (Jason & Sello)
- VAC Updates -New Hiring (MOTION)
- Hiring is done
- Master’s Office
- Clubs moving office spaces in process
- Looking to get rid of extra furniture from club offices (Ask VAC)
- Looking for $500 or less to pay movers to move club furniture around – Menfes toconsider budget proposal
- FOOD DRIVE - high demand rice, chickpeas, feminine hygiene products, etc.
- ROOTS FOR CHANGE - Looking to affiliate with Vanier
- Main focuses - wellness programs, assisting in life after university, looking to do a job fair (mid-February)
- Meeting in student center: 313, November 28 @ 9:30AM - 12PM(registration), @ 12-1PM (meeting), and @1-3PM(social)
- Book Sale & Existere Updates
- Able to use Book store @ York’s amazon account
- Existere account – the club should be able to open their own account (Janice to look into it)
- Finance — (Menfes & Sami)
- Blank cheques were ordered and received
- Our audit account was assigned to a new manager
- Athletics – Looking to change honorarium percentages due to new council member additions
- Social & Cultural — (Peter & Rhyena)
- Social Sub-Committee
- Snakes & lattes November 22 @ 10am – 4pm
- Decorations started
- Have time slots for movember carnival
- Frost Week
- January 9th– 13th, 2017
- Events: Hot chocolate & movie night, Midnight skate, Skyzone, Putting Edge
- Working on garage sale
- Garage sale
- Master’s office donating books
- Complex 1 Vs. Complex 2
- Look for where the money will be donated or contributed to
- Sell for $1 OR do a Swap
- 1 week of selling during office hours
- Coffee House
- Continue promoting it
- Open to Vanier students only
- Help with decorations
- Peter book VC 001
- Pub Night
- To be hosted in February
- Blue Mountain
- January 27th -29th, 2017
- Glendon Gala
- Moved to January
- Still waiting on information on prices & date
- Campaigns and Advocacy — (Lucas)
- Movember Carnival
- 9AM set up
- 8 games bolo toss, twister, bean bag tic tac toe, giant jenga, red solo cups, nerf guns, basketball shots (minute to win it), regular jenga (with hockey sticks)
- Using board games as well
- Lucas to print out rules
- Goal for donation is 250lbs of food
- Consistently promote the drive
- Council to donate
- Communications — (Christine & Fizz)
- Promo
- Watch out for placement
- Send in your bios for the website
- Get promo info from VCP
- Lounge Monitor Hiring
- Robel, Kendra, Kidus, Morale, Dylan, Marcos
- Peter will train them
- Clubs
- YGA (York Game association) – Looking to use the lounge for an OverWatch Tournament on November 28, 2016
- YFS — (Nicole)
- Mental Health Awareness Week
- Next week November 21st -25th, 2016
- Nicole will post schedule
- USAY South Asian Resistance Week
- Schedules posted
- November 14th -18th, 2016
- Motions/Resolutions/Additions:
- Motion that Vanier college council hire Neil Ghosh as VAC Sports Director [7-0-0]
- Motion that Vanier college council hire Robel Alem as Sports Director [5-0-2]
- Motion that Vanier college council hire Stephen Bedeau as Sports Director [7-0-0]
- Sami walks in @ 8:11
- Motion to adjourn @ 8:26PM
Motioned by Menfes, Second by Peter. [8-0-0]
Next Meeting: November 22, 2016
Members Present / Members AbsentMila Dadashev
Fizz Oladiran
Man Van
Christine Nieto
Seif Hamdeim
Nicole Yanqui
Lucas Santos
Kelita Silas
Menfes Kidus
Sami Dessuky
Jermaine / Jason Lomboy
Sello Tlelima
Rhyena Miller
Ryson Budhram
Tasha Reece