Bon Fleming
1401 N St. NW, Apt 515, Washington, DC 20005 • • 202-460-8140
Johns Hopkins University
School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS)Master of Arts, International Relations /
Washington, DC
May 2006- Concentrations: International Economics, China Studies, Japan Studies
- Coursework includes Multinational Corporate Finance, Monetary/Trade, Economics of Northeast Asia
- Authored “Effects of the Rise of China on US-Japan Relations” in US-Japan Reischauer Yearbook
Emory University
B.S. Physics, Second Major Philosophy / Atlanta, GA
May 2000
- Graduated High Honors with research thesis in biophysics
- Biophysics work on chemical structure of vitamin B12 enzyme, theoretical astrophysics work on expansion phase of big bang; Philosophy concentration in philosophy of history, existentialism
ASIAPRESS InternationalTranslator; Editor / Washington, DC
Jun 2009 – Present
- Translate and edit political and economic Japanese/Korean reports from journalists inside North Korea
Nippon Television
Producer for White House and International Affairs / Washington, DC
Sep 2006 – Jul 2009
- Responsible for covering the US President for a CNN-Style Japanese television network and audience
- Attended and reported on daily White House briefings; analyzed daily economic and political news
- Traveled with and reported on the President at APEC, ASEAN, and other international meetings
- Covered the 2008 Presidential election on the road with presidential candidates
Tokyo Electric Power Company
Research Analyst / Washington, DC
Sep 2005 – Aug 2006
- Coordinated with government and business groups to facilitate understanding of US power industry
- Researched the effects of US energy deregulation, China’s influence on global energy commodities
Sinopec Language Training Center; Beijing University System
English Instructor, Freelance Translator / Beijing, China
Nov 2002 – Aug 2004
- Facilitated English training for Sinopec oil corporation executives and staff; university students
- Translated corporate documents from Japanese and Chinese into English for Toyota and Ricoh
Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology
Japanese Exchange and Teaching (JET) Assistant Language Teacher / Osaka, Japan
Jul 2000 – Jul 2002
- Developed a method for teaching English phonics, gave lectures and published paper on the method
- Acted as coordinator and interpreter at cultural exchange events
Additional Information
Languages: Fluent in Chinese (HSK 8) and Japanese (JLPT 1), intermediate ability in Korean, French
Technical Skills: Financial Statement Analysis, Video Editing, Excel, PowerPoint, STATA
Membership:White House Correspondents' Association, 2008-Present
Reischauer Center, Johns Hopkins SAIS, 2004-2005
President, Physics Society, Emory University, 1999-2000