Tour Flow
- Day 1: Norms, Names, and so much driving! Participants may not know what to expect, bus ride is long (especially for those who don’t travel much) –great opportunity for games, conversations, and setting some basic norms. Keep evening activities light—set framework for the tour, go through expectations, APs, etc.
- Day 2: People are tired—waking up at 7am is not the norm for most college students, especially after sleeping on the floor. Core should model energy level above what is expected for participants. Debrief service on the bus, begin building trust with evening activities. Continue to mix the bus up and have some fun.
- Day 3: People are starting to meld into family status. Yarn activity is always powerful and memorable, but it doesn’t need to be 5 hours long. Keep people wanting more and allow them free time to have side conversations and personal reflection space. Make sure people are getting some sleep, we are only a third in.
- Day 4: Traveling begins to wear on people—make a pit stop at a grocery store, Target, Walmart, etc so people can stock up on their favorite things. Do some fun and competitive evening activities, not every night should be emotionally exhausting. Allow more free time for participants to catch up on sleep, have conversations, play games, etc.
- Day 5: Last full day as a bus—start candlelight earlier rather than later, people are going to stay up and have late night conversations afterward. You are heading into the CC the next day, and things get even crazier. Remember “Who Knew” and a recap of all the awesome things the bus has accomplished as a group before they become part of the larger group—PIF movement.
- Day 6: Final service project as a bus, focus on FUN! Practice being on time, remind people that when everyone joins in the CC you are not 1 of 40, but 1 of 300. Stay in touch with RC/Nash—you’re almost there Hotel=orientation meeting and free time, showers, everyone is happy! Bus core meeting at night.
- Day 7: Efficiency and Punctuality is the name of the game. RC will be taking care of logistics, but it is VERY IMPORTANT for bus core to keep their bus together and on time to each thing. Service project, lunch, hotel, tourism/free time, hotel, and celebration. Lots going on—bus cores should focus on having fun and spending time with their bus.
- Day 8: Lots of driving. Recommendation—start 40 things on this drive, do the second half on Day 9. Bus Idol, Bus Twister, Yeah Buddy Bags are all good options for bus games. Allow some downtime for movies and conversation too. Connection city housing site does not have much programming, will not be space for each bus to have a quiet space. May have time for a bus closing, but not guaranteed.
- Day 9: People pass out, generally for the first 4-5 hours. Same as Day 8—pretty low key. Closing message as you get close to home is good, establish ways to continue supporting one another on campus (reunions, FB, etc) BUS CORES SHOULD NOT PLAN BUS PARTIES INVOLVING DRINKING ON THE FIRST NIGHT BACK!!