Beresford City Council

October 2, 2017

The Beresford City Council met in regular session in the City Library Community Room at 7:30 p.m.

Members present: Mayor Jim Fedderson presiding, Troy Boone, Steve Cain, Tom Erickson, Gerald Dahlin, Art Schott and Teresa Sveeggen.

Also present: Elaine Johnson, Finance Officer, Jerry Zeimetz, City Administrator and Tom Frieberg, City Attorney.

Absent: None.

Adopt Agenda: Motion by Dahlin, seconded by Boone to adopt the amended agenda. All present Council Members voted aye, motion carried.

Minutes: Erickson made the motion, seconded by Sveeggen to approve the September 18, 2017 Council Minutes. All present Council Members voted aye, motion carried.

Public Forum and Visitors

Request to rezone Lot 10B in Block One of BEDCO First Addition

First reading of Ordinance 2017-05 – A zoning Amendment for the City of Beresford: The Planning & Zoning Commission made their recommendation to approve. The first reading of Ordinance 2017-05 was held.

Dept. Head Report

Jeff Heidebrecht – Public Works Supt.

Consider no truck parking on W. Main St.: Street Superintendent, Jeff Heidebrecht showed the Mayor and Council a picture of West Main Street where a parked truck has damaged the road. The city has communicated with the truck owner. Attorney Frieberg will review the ordinance. Cain asked that Chief Christensen visit with the truck owner again.

Water tower condition and repairs needed: Heidebrecht reported on the recent water tower inspection and explained the maintenance that needs to be done. Attorney Frieberg will review the bidding process versus professional services and report back.

Committee/Mayor Reports

Tom Erickson – Lewis & Clark Regional Water Update: Erickson recently attended a Lewis & Clark meeting and updated council on items they are working on.

Thank-you: Mayor Fedderson read a thank-you note from the Dewey Rasmussen family.

Old Business

2nd Reading and Adoption of Ordinance 2017-04 – Supplemental Appropriation Ordinance: Cain made the motion, seconded by Erickson to adopt Ordinance 2017-04 Supplemental Appropriation. All present Council Members voted aye, motion carried.

ORDINANCE 2017-04 Supplemental Appropriation Ordinance (published separate of minutes)

New Business

Water Meter Reader – Jesse Garza: Water Meter Reader, Jesse Garza gave his resignation. Mayor & Council thanked Garza for his service. Dahlin made the motion, seconded by Sveeggen to accept his resignation. All present Council Members voted aye, motion carried.

Schott made the motion, seconded by Erickson to approve advertising for a part-time water meter reader. All present Council Members voted aye, motion carried.

Resolution 2017-11 – Authorizing application for financial assistance thru Governor’s Office of Economic Development for water and sewer main extensions to Hybrid Turkey Hatchery: Schott made the motion, seconded by Dahlin to adopt Resolution #2017-11. All present Council Members voted aye, motion carried.



WHEREAS, the city of Beresford (“the City”) has determined it is necessary to proceed with sanitary sewer and watermain extensions to service the Hybrid Turkey Hatchery which will be locating in the Northeast Industrial Park.

WHEREAS, the city has determined that financial assistance will be necessary to undertake the Project and an application for financial assistance to the Governor’s office of Economic Development (GOED) will be prepared; and

WHEREAS, it is necessary to designate an authorized City representative to execute and submit the Application on behalf of the City and to certify and sign payment requests in the event financial assistance is awarded for the Project,

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City as follows:

1. The City hereby approves the submission of an Application for financial assistance to the Governor’s Office of Economic Development (GOED) for the Project.

2. The Mayor is hereby authorized to execute the Application and submit it to the Governor’s Office of Economic Development (GOED), and to execute and deliver such other documents and perform all acts necessary to effectuate the Application for financial assistance.

3. The Mayor is hereby designated as the authorized representative of the City to do all things on its behalf to certify and sign payment requests in the event financial assistance is awarded for the Project.

Adopted at Beresford, South Dakota, this 2nd day of October 2017.



K. James Fedderson, Mayor

City of Beresford


Attest: ______

Elaine Johnson, Finance Officer

City of Beresford

Step Pay Increase – Aaron Mayer – Beresford Municipal Telephone: Telephone Manager, Todd Hansen made his recommendation to approve Cablevisions Aaron Mayer’s step pay increase. Schott made the motion, seconded by Boone to increase Cablevisions, Aaron Mayer’s step pay increase from $28.27 to $29.02. All present Council Members voted aye, motion carried.

Discussion & Information Items

Union County Multi-Hazard Pre Disaster Mitigation Plan 2018 update: Schott made the motion to authorize Mayor Fedderson to sign the Union County Multi-Hazard Pre Disaster Mitigation commitment letter. Erickson seconded the motion, all present Council Members voted aye, motion carried. Mayor Fedderson has agreed to attend the six meetings for the City.

Consider special meeting on Oct. 9: Zeimetz requested a special council meeting to review the Hybrid Turkey Sanitary Sewer & Watermain Extension project bids. Council agreed to October 9, 2017 5:30pm at the Library Community Room.

Payment of Bills:

A motion was made by Erickson seconded by Sveeggen to approve payment of the bills listed below, motion carried.

3D Security, service call, $175.00; A-1 Portable Toilets, rental, $125.00; Akron Hometowner, subscription renewal, $31.00; Altec Industries, repair, $17.88; Anderson, Wayne or Gertrude, refund, $21.16; Applied Software, office supplies, $110.58; Baker & Taylor, books, $542.43; Batteries Plus, resale, $201.80; Beal Distributing, beer, $4,862.15; Beresford Cablevision, monthly billing, $601.55; Beresford Municipal Telephone, monthly billing, $2,256.58; Beresford Municipal Utilities, monthly billing, $15,618.12; Border States Electric Supply, operating supplies, $260.75; Bridges at Beresford, clothing allowance, $34.50;

Canon Financial Services, copier contract, $177.00; Chesterman Company, resale, $331.47; Concrete Materials, asphalt, $9,297.44;

Crane Sales & Service, vehicle maintenance, $1,534.00; Dakota Beverage, beer, $2,918.08; Dakota Power Community Wind, refund, $76.47; Dakota Riggers & Tool, repair, $2,429.86; DEMCO, supplies, $326.63; Dexter Pump Service, repair, $1,866.68; DGR Engineering, service, $1,684.00; Eastway Auto, Fire truck repair, $106.52; Fedde, Robert, refund, $20.55; Goldfield Telecom, Internet supplies, $429.72; Hayden-Murphy Equip, vehicle maintenance, $261.14; Jensen Agency, Notary, $80.00;

Johnson Brothers, liquor, $2,419.52; Junior Library Guild, books, $195.60; Kennedy, Barbara, refund, $18.66; Loren Fischer, disposal service, $4,958.50; Merchant Job Training, tuition books, $1,100.00; Micromarketing, audiobooks, $434.43; MidAmerican Energy, natural gas, $583.57; Midwest Alarm Company, library alarm monitoring, $63.00; Midwest Tape, DVD’s, $216.90; Midwest Turf & Irrigation, repair, $78.12; Muller Auto Parts, supplies, $445.11; Neustar, LNP expense, $310.85; North American Numbering, membership, $33.91; Nuno’s Landscaping, rock, $282.00; Olson’s Ace Hardware, supplies, $1,692.25;

Olson’s Pest Technicians, service, $35.00; Overdrive, electronic books, $280.98; Papa Murphy’s Pizza, resale, $187.80; Pitney Bowes, postage meter lease, $578.82; Precision Irrigation & Lawn, mowing, $210.00; Printing Plus, envelopes, $171.00; Quill Corporation, office supplies, $166.77; Republic National, liquor, $3,489.85; Schumacher, Bob, refund, $17.80; SD Department of Health, lab fees, $362.00; SD Federal Property Agency, jack hammer, $100.00; SD Supplemental, retirement, $3,720.00; Sherwin Williams, paint, $286.00; Smart Apple Media, books, $311.64; Southern Glazer’s of SD, liquor, $616.28;

State Home Care Services, refund, $31.46; State Steel of SD, operating supplies, $75.00; Swiden Distributing, operating supplies, $203.72; Unemployment Insurance, insurance, $689.36; UPS, shipping fees, $130.95; US Department of Energy, trust billing, $4,400.00;

USAC, schools & libraries, $4,572.09; Variety Foods, food, $1,746.62; Ver-Tech, baling wire, $617.85; Verizon Wireless, service, $1,242.67; Voog, Vera, refund, $15.58; Walt’s Homestyle Foods, resale, $102.00; WESCO Distribution, transformer, $36,147.00; Wholesale Supply Company, resale, $666.87; Zeimetz, Jerry, mileage allowance, $300.00.

September 2017 Payroll Total:

Finance $4,615.40; Gov’t Bldg. $106.58; Police $19,422.10; Street $12,501.16; Parks $827.45; Liquor $5,078.12; Water $4,666.67; Electric $24,782.80; Sewer $7,272.83; Telephone $29,446.42; Rubble/Recycling $1,773.96; Planning & Zone $1,150.00; Library $7,068.25; City Administrator $6,880.00; Golf Course $9,071.92; Clubhouse $10,813.40; Event Center $475.91.

Executive Session – Personnel

At 8:04 p.m. Boone made the motion to go into executive session for personnel. Cain seconded the motion, all present Council Members voted aye, motion carried.

Council reconvened at 8:32 p.m. No action taken.

Adjournment: As there was no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:33 p.m. on a motion by Dahlin seconded by Sveeggen. All present Council Members voted aye, motion carried.

______Elaine Johnson, Finance Officer

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