Career Mark Guidance Note Career Mark Guidance Note 6
Evaluation activities table
Remember! Evaluation is about finding out whether a lesson/activity/event has happened; what impact it has made; has it been worth doing? Could it be done better?
This table is a template showing different activities to evaluate and the process this could involve. As well as outlining a process of evaluation, it also includes various activities which could be evaluated. Many of these activities have been selected under the 4 key topics to address in CEIAG, to assist students with developing the skills to make informed choices: Making a good choice; Knowing about myself; Knowing what’s available; Putting my plans into action. This template also addresses some of the possible evaluation methods, indicating whether they are quantitative/qualitative; plus possible tools, eg questionnaires
Activity / Purpose/focus of evaluation activity (objectives for this can be same as those for original activity) / Objectives (of original activity) / Desired outcomes / Evaluation method andtools: these can include that the event has taken place; VALIDATION / TimescalesTerm in which module delivered
Putting my Plans into Action
Interview Skills module / To establish that this activity has taken place; equipped students with necessary skills and been worth doing / To prepare students for interviews by equipping them with necessary skills and techniques to achieve a desirable result / All students achieve a positive outcome by ‘passing’ their final mock interview / Qualitative
- End of module discussion group with students
- End of module discussion with teachers
- End of module mock interviews against agreed criteria
- Feedback sheets completed by employers
- Questionnaire to students re learning/views/what could be improved
- End of module test of students learning using test paper
Careers Education Programme
Work experience / To ensure students understand purpose of Work experience
To establish how much (VCL) contributes to students decision making process / To equip students with skills, knowledge and understanding to make informed decisions about their lives
Increase students understanding of purpose of work experience
To establish that students are aware of how can make use of VCL / Increase in attendance for specific group of students
Students able to state purpose of work experience and what they got from it
Students are able to give examples of how they have used VCL to help them make decisions about next step / Qualitative
- Discussion group with students
- Discussion group with staff
- Questionnaire for students
- Questionnaire for staff
- Attendance figures pre/post module
- Registers from lessons/tutors
- Discussion group of students
- Discussion group of staff
- Questionnaire pre & post work experience module to test students understanding
- Discussion group of students
- Discussion group of staff
- Questionnaires for students to gain their views
- Questionnaire for staff to gain views
- Questionnaire pre & post intro. and use of VCL
- Discussion group of students
Duration Work experience module
DM- Options choice process
Making a good decision
Student outcomes
Positive outcomes/transition for students / To establish that students have received impartial information about their options
To establish how much careers provision has contributed to positive outcomes/transitions for students / To establish how much the option choice process has contributed to students DM skills
To equip students with the skills, knowledge and understanding to enable them to make informed choices about their transition options / That students know/can say how much option choice helped them to make an informed choice
Students make a transition to an option of their choice /
- Discussion groups students/staff
- Questionnaires staff/students/parentspre/post process to test out knowledge understanding of options available
- Students completed option choice forms
- Statistics from options/transition regarding retention
- Discussion groups students
Example – Learner evaluation form / Learner Evaluation Form
We want your help!
We set up this programme so that we could help you to make the most of yourself and your opportunities in life. How well have we done? Let us know by filling in this form. We will tell you what the results are and use them to improve the programme. We want you to be honest so you don’t have to give us your name unless you want to. If you do tell us who you are, we may ask you some more questions later.
Helping you to help yourself
How much has this programme helped you to:
- Recognise your achievements, skills, qualities, strengths, weaknesses and potential?
- Think about and plan for the future?
- Recognise the people and things that influence you and how they affect what you think, what you do and the decisions you make?
- Believe in yourself, and make your own decisions using all the help, support and advice that you can get?
Helping you to find out about life’s opportunities
How much has this programme helped you to:
- Think about the links between living, learning and earning and how changes in these could affect you in the future?
- Understand that you will have to keep topping up your knowledge and skills if you want to be employable?
- Find out about different opportunities in learning and work, including some that you hadn’t thought about before?
- Work out what you can do to improve your chances of success in the future?
The following is an example of 1 method of collecting evidence via questionnaire re how much the overall career programme has helped students to develop their knowledge, skills and understanding; how this will help them to make a positive transition
Helping you to get where you want to be
How much has this programme helped you to:
- Decide what you want to do next and explain to other people why you want to do it and why it will suit you?
a lot some not much not at all
- Think about the consequences of your decisions, including cost and other money matters?
a lot some not much not at all
- Plan how to get where you want to be, and make a back-up plan in case things go better or worse than you expect?
a lot some not much not at all
- Make a good application, present yourself well and get ready for change?
a lot some not much not at all
13. What was the best part of the programme?
14. What was the worst part of the programme?
15. What was the most important part of the programme?
16. What was the least important part of the programme?
17. If you were in charge of the programme what would be the first
three things that you would change?
Framework for timescales of evaluation:
Possible priorities to evaluate –
Forthcoming year:
- Options choice process
- Employability skills day
- Year on year improvements in student participation in CEIAG activities
- Information on what students have done and when they did it
- Has student entitlement been met, and to what extent?
- Have learning outcomes for programme been achieved?
3 yearly:
- Contribution of CEIAG to attendance/attainment
- Impact of work experience on students; contribution to overall aims of CEIAG
- Parental awareness of CEIAG provision in school
- Parental knowledge of options open to their son/daughter
- Parental perception of contribution of CEIAG to their son/daughter’s transitions
Longer term:
- Impact of introduction of virtual careers library (VCL), to overall CEIAG
- Impact of introduction of VCL to use of resources for CEIAG