Welcome to the Beardsley School District’s Extended Daycare Program (EDC). This handbook will provide information about EDC policies, as well as the EDC daily programming. Our staff at each EDC site is committed to providing quality care and supervision. The Extended Daycare Program strives to meet the individual needs of a student through recreational, academic, and social opportunities. The program is completely self-supporting. The Beardsley School District does not receive any State or Federal funding for this program.
EDC Program locations: The Extended Daycare Program provides after school daycare for each of our elementary schools. Beardsley Elementary Students will be bussed to North Beardsley to attend daycare.
Registration: Each school year registration is required for entrance into the Extended Daycare Program. Registration for the fall will begin on April 13, 2015. Priority will be given to those families currently enrolled whose accounts are in good standing. Siblings of enrolled students will also qualify for priority enrollment. A non-refundable deposit of $40.00 per child will be due at the time of registration. The enrollment packet will be given to you at this time. The completed forms must be returned, along with the first month of tuition, no later than five workdays prior to the start of the program (August 12, 2015). Spaces are limited and all applications will be dated as received. Students will be placed in the program on a first come, first served basis. Registration will close when each site is full, at such time, you will have the opportunity to be placed on a waiting list.
Enrollment Packets: Packets containing the required forms for program participation must be completed for each enrolled child and returned to the Coordinator of the Extended Daycare Program or the Beardsley School District Office located at 1001 Roberts Lane, Bakersfield, California 93308. The required forms, along with the first month’s tuition, must be received no later than five workdays prior to the start of school to secure a spot in the Extended Daycare Program.
Tuition Payments: Tuition will be invoiced on the 25th of each month for the following month. Tuition is due on the 1st of each month. Payment not received by the 5th of the month, will become past due. At this time, a late fee of $30.00 will be assessed. If, tuition due date falls on a weekend or holiday, tuition will be due on the following business day. If your payment, including the late fee, is not paid by the 14th of the month, your child (ren) will automatically be dropped from the program. Payments are to be made by cash, money order, or check payable to the Beardsley School District. Payments may be accepted by the Daycare site or the Beardsley School District Office, 1001 Roberts Lane, Bakersfield, California 93308.
Hours and Days of Operation: Regular school day EDC hours are 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Minimum day hours are 12:00p.m. to 6:00 p.m. The program will be closed during Winter Break, Spring Break, and Summer Vacation. The program will also be closed on the following holidays:
DATE / HOLIDAY / DAYSSeptember 7, 2015 / Labor Day / Monday
November 11, 2015 / Veteran’s Day / Wednesday
November 23 - 27, 2015 / Thanksgiving / Monday-Friday
December 21, 2015- January 1, 2016 / Winter Break / New Year’s Day / Monday-Friday
January 18, 2016 / Martin Luther King, Jr. / Monday
February 8, 2016 / Lincoln’s Birthday / Monday
February 15, 2016 / President’s Day / Monday
March 21-March 28, 2016 / Spring Break / Admission’s Day / Monday - Monday
May 30, 2016 / Memorial Day / Monday
*Should the District close school for the day due to fog, or other issues or school/community emergency, parents will be asked to pick up their child.
Drop-In Care Procedures: Drop-In Care will allow a family access to the Extended Day Class for any regular day of after school care, as well as scheduled minimum days and or early dismissal days. A $10 Registration fee, tuition, and registration forms must be turned in 48 hours prior to using services. Such arrangements must be made with Daycare Coordinator. Please call 399-6594. *Spaces are limited, and service will be on a first come-first served basis. .
Arrival/Departure Procedures: The Extended Daycare Program staff will sign in your child in the afternoon. ONLY parents or designees as indicated on your emergency contact card will be allowed to remove your child (ren) from program custody. You may be asked for photo identification at anytime. If there are any changes to your contact list you must update your information with the Director of the Extended Daycare Program. Our staff will begin to contact those people listed on your emergency card to arrange for immediate pick up if you are more than five minutes late. If you are late in picking up your child (ren), charges will apply as agreed upon in the Parent Contract. There are no exceptions to this policy. You will receive an invoice at the time of late pick up. The invoiced charges must be paid within 48 hours to the Director of Extended Daycare Program or the District Office.
Attendance and Illnesses: If you pick up your child after school and he/she will not be attending daycare, please call and let us know so we do not expect your child that day. A parent must contact EDC if your child will be absent. An absence without prior notification could be mistaken for a missing child and would cause unnecessary concern. If your child becomes ill, you will be called. It is expected that you will pick up your child or arrange to have your child picked up within 30 minutes. Children showing any of the following symptoms will be sent home: Temperature of 100 or more, vomiting, sore throat, diarrhea, open sores, nasal, eye or ear discharge. If your child has a communicable disease, such as head lice or pink eye, you are expected to pick up your child immediately. If your child is absent, and has not attended school, he/she may not attend the Extended Daycare Program. There are no refunds/credits for missed days due to illness.
Medical Emergencies: In the event of a serious accident or injury your child will be given first aid. Every effort will be made to contact you immediately. Our decisions in all emergencies will be based on the immediate concern for your child’s health and safety.
Medications at School and EDC: There are state laws and district policies that govern the taking of medication by students while at school or EDC. Before EDC personnel can assist with any medication (prescription or over the counter) we must have on file a completed “Authorization For Any Medication Taken During School Hours” form signed by the parent and the child’s doctor. Please do not send any Tylenol, Aspirin, cough drops, etc. with your child, nor ask our staff to give any medications to your child unless the authorization form is completed and signed. Prescriptions must be in the original container with the pharmacist’s label attached. The label must include a description of the kind of medication, dosage, how often the medication is to be taken and the same doctor’s name that signed the authorization form. School policy must be followed.
Discipline: Children are required to follow school rules as well as those developed for the EDC. When the behavior of a child interferes with the well-being of other children, or becomes disruptive, intervention will become necessary. Our discipline procedure and behavioral consequences are as follows:
- Verbal Warning
- Time Out from the group
- Removal from activity or privilege
- Parent Contact / Conference
- Suspension from the EDC
*If a child is suspended from school he/she is automatically suspended from the Extended Daycare Program. No refunds/credits are given for missed days due to suspensions. The severe clause may be invoked for immediate parent contact and possible suspension from the EDC for any behavior that warrants this action. Continued discipline issues could cause your child to be removed from the program.
Nutrition Break: A nutritious snack is included in the program. This snack will be provided during the afternoon. Items such as carrot sticks, granola bars, snack crackers, and fresh fruit will be offered with juice or milk.
Enrichment/Homework: A time to study, read and provide homework assistance will be part of the daily program schedule. Your child will be responsible to choose an activity, or an activity will be provided during this time. The following options during this time will be:
- Work on school assignments or homework
- Reading for pleasure/A.R. Testing
- Study time or quiet activity
Our staff will assist your child with homework questions. We will not correct homework assignments. We strongly suggest that you continue to stay personally involved with your child’s homework status and that you review completed homework, or assist your child in the evening with unfinished work.
We encourage all students to complete their homework assignments during homework time. Their choice during homework time may be to read rather than complete their homework assignments. It is important that your child understands what your expectations are during this time period. If your child has special needs, please contact our Director of Daycare Program so that support options may be discussed.
Activities: We believe in providing an out-of-school time environment that allows for a variety of child directed activities, as well as organized group activities. Physical activity will be encouraged to help develop coordination skills and to promote healthy bodies. Organized outdoor play and unstructured free play on the playground will be part of their daily routine. The program will allow time for craft projects, art, educational games, gardening projects, and plenty of opportunities for social interaction with friends. All activities will be developmentally appropriate. We will also have periods of quiet time to relax, read, or to enjoy a movie.
Withdrawal from the Program: If you wish to remove your child (ren) from the Extended Daycare Program for any period of time, you must make your request in writing at least two weeks prior to the date of discontinuance of service. This notice must be made to the Director of Daycare Program at the San Laurén School Office located at 5210 Victor Street, Bakersfield, California 93308. Payment of tuition will still be due during this time. *If required notice is not received or notice is not made in a timely manner, the full month of tuition will become due.
* At any time during the school year you wish to re-enroll your child into the program, a $15.00 reinstatement fee will be assessed.
Tax I.D. #
The number to be used on your income tax form for the Extended Daycare Program is
Program Contact Information
If you have any questions or concerns, you may contact the San Laurén School Daycare (661) 399-6594 and speak to the Coordinator of Day Care Services, Roxana Vaughn.