AASFAA Conference Call
July 5, 2017
The primary purpose is of this conference call is to discuss the upcoming resignation of our incoming 1718 President, Lissa Powell.
Prior to the 3:00 pm call we met our quorum for the 1718 board. (Kelly D’eath, Lissa Powell, Nikki Bradbury, Lane Smith, Jim Theeuwes)
As the 3:00 call began we met our quorum for the 1617 board. (Kelly D’eath, Amy Rowell, Marcus Byrd, Lane Smith, Jay Powell)
Marcus Byrd has announced that he has taken a position in Baltimore and will not be present for the upcoming transitional meeting, but all Secretary’s materials will be made available to Nikki at the before, by or shortly after the transitional meeting.
Kelly will bring the card markers to the transitional meeting, which is set for July 14th at Samford.
Congratulations were shared for Marcus Byrd as well as Lissa Powell in her upcoming transition to NAASFAA as a trainer. She will be presenting at the AASFAA Fall Workshop in October as her first task as a NAASFAA Trainer.
NAASFAA will be reimbursing AASFAA for Lissa’s conference registration for the NAASFAA conference, which she was unable to attend due to knee surgery.
Lissa’s official resignation from AASFAA Board as President is effective today. According to our Bylaws 1718 Vice President, Theresa Mays will become President. We will have a vacant Vice President position until a new election is held.
Kelly will work to get a clean slate of candidates for the special election of Vice President, and various officers will work to cover the travel requirements to assist Theresa in her new duties as President.
Recommendation(s) for Vice President is: Shawna James
Shawna is currently the 1718 Membership Committee Chair. If she becomes the Vice President then recommendations for the Chair position will need to be made.
Kelly called for additional comments about topics related to the primary purpose of this call. No Board members (past or present) had any current recommendations.
Kelly announced she will work toward opening up the special election and dismissed the meeting.
July 6, 2017
Please note that after the conference call noted above was adjourned, it was found that an addendum was due in order to update the following information. It has been determined, based upon our bylaws (Section D. Vacancies.), that the vacant position of Vice President is named by the President. Therefore, Theresa will be following up with the 17-18 Executive Board with her appointment for approval.