September 30, 2016

While trying to fall asleep tonight, as is common, I began preaching--as quietly as possible as to not disturb others in the house.I’ve done a lot of preaching the Good News of salvation in many countries throughout my life, but this preaching turned prophetic. Tonight, as I was making bold pronouncements by the anointing of the Spirit, Abba began speaking to me about the real meaning behind the erecting of theArch of Triumph, first in England and then in America. I turned on the light about sevendifferent times to write down what He was saying. Finally, I turned on the overhead light and starting writing it out on the computer. After all, who can sleep when He’s talking!

My mind was overloaded at the enormity of the message! I thought, “Here we go again--another article.” But,what I write here is more than an article--it is prophetic words from Yahuwah of how He sees things as an Abba/Father.

For background information and pictures refer to my article “The Temple of Ba’al Shaman--April 2016, 13-Day Worship of the Beast, Beltane, American Idols, and Portal Openings”/April 5, 2016.Learn about the Arch replica to the temple of Ba’alShaman in Palmyra, Syria, that was to be erected in London, New York, and in thousands of cities all over the earth by the Institute for Digital Archeology. What happened? Why was this massive project CANCELLED?

Days before the first Arch--the Arch of the temple of Ba’al Shaman--was erected in Londonin 2015, the Institute for Digital Archeology mysteriously called it off. Silence reigned. The whole project was scrapped to the amazement of many. Why was the project scrapped?Yes, there was a lot of negative publicity about it, especially from the Christian community, but there is more to it than that!

Then later, inApril 2016, we learned that instead of a replica of the Arch entrance to the temple of Ba’al Shaman in Palmyra, Syria--a UNESCO heritage site, destroyed by ISIS August 31,2015--the Roman Arch of Triumph that was the entrance into the temple area would be erected in London’s Trafalgar Square. Nothing was said about New York City. Then SURPRISE America! In early September we learned that the same arch as was erected in Trafalgar Square April 19thwould be unveiled in Manhattan, New York City, September 19th.

Jonathan Cahn made a short video of theunveiling of the Arch in New York. He linked it to the spirit of Ba’al that infiltrated Israel and brought immorally and degradation – even child sacrifice, not only among the ten northern tribes but in Jerusalem among Judah. The link to that video is:

Sep 22, 2016 - Uploaded by Angel White - Original video: The Sign of Baal Part 1: Jonathan Cahnat theUnveiling

Image of the altar of Ba’al used in Jonathan Cahn’s video, courtesy of WND

The Roman Arch of Triumph (see photos below)of the Romans was a gate/portal/entrance way into the temple area. It was the main portal that led from the outside street into the temple area for worshippers of Bel and/or Ba’al Shaman. Thus, the Arch served as a spiritual gateway/portal, connecting the street of common man going to and fro about his daily business with the dark forces of the kingdom of darkness.

It is highly possible that the first project was scrapped because there was not a need for another idol--monument to a god--to adorn American soil, or London’s soil either.The original plan by the U.N. and Digital Archeology was to put thousands of these replicas in cities around the world.America has been covered over with idols of pagan gods of Egypt, Babylon, Greece, and Rome for most of its history. One more monument to a god would be lost in the attic, so to speak. America is a nation of idolatry.

England is known as “Great Britain.” In Hebrew that is “Brit Am,” meaning “the great Covenant people.” It is named for the House of Israel, led by Ephraim. England to this day is still America’s mother. (Jeremiah 50:12) Just one more piece of deceptive American history--actually, America never cut ties totally with England. America still pays taxes to the Queen. England is still “mother.” So, the replica of the Arch of Triumph had to go up first in the motherland, then in the daughter-land.

Genesis 49:8-20 gives us the prophecy of Ya’cob over Ephraim and Manasseh. By this prophecy, it has long been understood that England, an extensive colonizing nation,becamehome for Ephraim and America became home for Manasseh.[No, this is NOT“British Israelism!”] Actually, the main body of the tribe of Ephraim settled in the area of central to southern England, which includes London. The American Pilgrims said they were of the tribe of Manasseh. Thus, instead of replicas of theRoman Arch of Triumph over Parthia going up in thousands of cities around the globe, it has gone up in two - representing Ephraim and Manasseh. America and England have the largest concentration of the House of Israel, the ten northern tribes, than any other nations. America has nearly as many Jews living in it as in the state of Israel today. Ephraim rules as the birthright holder of all twelve tribes. The House of Israel/Ya’cob is also known as the House of Joseph or House of Ephraim.

I read the following article, and watched Cahn’s video, AFTER Abba showed me the prophetic significance of this Arch of Triumph. I love Yahuwah’s confirmations!

Confirmed: The Arch of Triumph Is Going Up In New York City on September 19th - By MichaelSnyder, September 1, 2016

Excerpts: “…The Romans constructed this arch after a victory over Parthia and in his extraordinary book on the Parthians, Stephen M. Collins has shown that the Parthian Empire was largely made up of people that came from the northern tribes of Israel.So the original purpose of this arch was to celebrate victory over Israel! Is that really something that we want to put up in New York?And even though this arch did not stand directly in front of the Temple of Baal in Syria, it was part of the overall complex. In a previous article, I pointed out the similarities between the child sacrifice that would be done to honor Baal in ancient times and what is taking place in America today….Jeremiah 10:4-6…”

For over 10 years, I’ve owned a copy of Steven Collins’ book Parthia–The Forgotten Ancient Superpower and Its Role in Biblical History. In Parthia Collins also goes into detail about how Yahushua spent 18 years of His life until He began His ministry at age 30. He is also the author of The Ten Lost Tribes Found, and three other books on ancient history of Israel, evidenced even in America.

I will quote from Steven’s book later in this article to show you that, indeed, the Roman Arch of Triumph was erected to commemorate their triumph over Parthia! History was written by the surviving lineage of the conquering nations. Therefore, it is often full of lies and deceptions about their heroes!

The temple complex of Bel and Ba’al Shaman in Palmyra, Syria, the center of religious life for 2,000 years, was destroyed by ISIS in 2015.The U.N.’s UNESCO wants to make sure that this world heritage site is remembered!

Headlines from the New York Times: “Palmyra Temple Was Destroyed by ISIS, U.N. Confirms” - By Anne Barnard and Hwaida Saad, AUG. 31, 2015


The world doesn’t read about it, or hear about it, in public schools? Why are Greece and Rome so glorified when they were pagan cultures who worshipped the gods of old--Nephilim and demonic hybrids? These nations claim to fame were their bloody wars, stately architecture, art forms, and soulish reasoning by their great philosophers? Both the Greek and Roman cultures were immersed into obsessions with satisfying the cravings of the flesh, indulging in pampering the body, and excessive lust forpartying and sex, reflecting the nature of their gods.


From Steven Collins’ book Parthia – The Forgotten Ancient Superpower and its Role in Biblical History, page 4-5: “The famous nineteenth century historian, George Rawlinson, wrote two books extensively documenting the history of the Parthian Empire…He introduces The Sixth Great Oriental Monarchy with these words: `The picture of the world during the Roman period…put before students in Histories of Rome, was defective…in its omission to recognize the real position of Parthia…as a counterpoise to the power of Rome…a rival state dividing with Rome the attention of mankind and the sovereignty of the whole earth. Writers of world history have been too much in the habit of representing Rome as a universal monarchy, a power unchecked, having no other limits but those of the civilized world…the truth seems to be that, from the first to the last, there was always a world Second Power, civilized or semi-civilized, which in a true sense balanced Rome, acting as a counterpoise and a check. This power for nearly three centuries (BC 64 – AD 225 was Parthia.”

By the 1st century, Parthia had become a very powerful Empire that was in a cold war with Rome. As with Carthage, a powerful sea-going empire in North Africa, Rome was terrified of Parthia. Both were Israelite Empires!

In the book of Ezekiel we read that the prophet was in Babylon from the first dispersion out of Judah by Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon. Yet,Yahuwah called him as a prophet to the House of Israel/House of Ephraim/House of Joseph – the 10 northern tribes. (Ezekiel 2, 3 and 33) Parthia had not been established as a nation until 64 BCE. Yet, Ezekiel was among many Israelites in Babylon and the surrounding area. Later Babylon became part of the Parthian Empire. In the first century there were many Messianic believers among the Parthian people due to the evangelism of the Apostles, and perhaps the visitation by Messiah himself that is discussed in Steven Collins book.

Judah is the scepter holder of the twelve tribes (Genesis 49:10)whose sons would rule over the House of Israel. Ephraim became the birthright holder for the twelve tribes following Reuben’s sin. (Genesis 36:22; I Chronicles 5:1-2; Genesis 48:8-20)

From Steven Collins’ book Parthia, page 18: “Josephus penned these words about the status of the ten tribes of Israel in the first century AD: `…the ten tribes are beyond the Euphrates till now, and are an immense multitude, not to be estimated by numbers.”

The boundary line between the Empire of Rome and the Empire of Parthia was the Euphrates River, whose headwaters are 80 miles east of Damascus. The ten tribes mostly migrated to, and settled in, the West--Europe, UK, and North America!

Because the ten tribes separated from Judah after the death of Solomon and stayed to the north of Israel, we have “two houses” - the House of Judah (Judah/Jews, Levi, and Benjamin) and the House of Ephraim/Joseph/Israel (the 10 tribes). The reuniting of all the tribes under the Covenant of Yahuwah was the goal of the salvation of Yahushua. This is the biggest subject in the entire Bible. No covenant was ever made with gentiles. The Bible says Elohim will destroy all gentiles. A gentile is a heathen, barbarian, pagan--a foreigner to the covenant of Yahuwah. No one in Messiah is a gentile (Ephesians 2:8-19). Messiah only came to restore the House of Israel back to the Covenant of Yahuwah (Matthew 15:24; 10:6-7 with Jeremiah 31:31).

In Romans 11, the Apostle Sha’ul tells us that Israel was like a wild olive branch. Messiah came to pave the way for Israel to be re-grafted back into the olive tree, symbol of the whole House of Ya’cob. The renewed covenant--yes the word in Hebrew is “renewed,”not “new” as opposed to “old”--was only made with the tribes of Ya’cob. Very few who are not of tribes of Ya’cob were ever interested in the Good News of Messiah! But, by faith, His Good News is for all those who will obediently obey His commands. [Refer to my article: “Romans 11”/Nov. 9, 2011]

During 2 BCE, a huge entourage from Parthia arrived in Jerusalem. They came with a massive army, estimated at about 10,000 men. The “wise men” of Parthia led the army. They had come to find “the King of the Jews.” They were ruled by the House of David through Judah’s son Perets, and King David’s son Nathan. They came for the baby from the lineage of Nathan to take Him back and raise Him to be their King. (Matthew 2:1-16; Luke 2:1-23-38, lineage of Miriam, daughter of Eli)

Acts 2:9: Parthians were in Jerusalem for Shavu’ot and heard the powerful preaching of Kepha/Peter after he was baptized into the Spirit of Yahuwah. These Parthians Israelites may have been some of the first believers in Yahushua Messiah!

From Steven Collins’ book Parthia, page 19: “Throughout the Parthian-Scythian sphere of influence, kings are found with names based on the word “Phares,” a marker of David’s royal bloodline. Matthew 1:3-6 confirms King David was a descendent of a Jewish patriarch named Pharez (Phares)…David’s descendents of the house of Phares were ruling over widely separated nations of the ten tribes of Israel…Page 21: “David’s house had no shortage of royal princes to rule over the of the ten tribes.” (Genesis 38)

Being a leading ruler in Babylon, it ismost likelytrue, as some Bible scholars have reasoned,that Daniel left his massive wealth to Israelite “wise men”/astronomersof the Parthian Empire to take to the Messiah when He was born. So, the approximate half-billion dollars (in today’s dollars) worth of gold and jewels that the wise men took to Miriam and Yosef for the Baby, then about a year old, would have come from the prophet Daniel. It took the entourage from Parthia about a year to get to Jerusalem. They followed a planetary alignment that kept returning in retrograde during that whole year – 3 BCE. Finally, it appeared the brightest over Judah by the time the wise men got there. The wise men must have been greatly saddened to go home without the baby, and in such haste, too. Herod must have been terrified, reasoning that since there was a cold war with Parthia they had come for war. Yet, they had delivered their “gifts” to the King of Kings!

Greece and Rome always hated anything Hebrew. They hated Yahuwah. They hated His Torah (instructions and teachings for right standing in His Kingdom). In the second century, Rabbi Akiva, “father” of Rabbinic Judaism, using the ploy of Bar Kokhba as the messiah, tricked Rome into killing the Messianic Jews and Ephraimites who guarded the Torah. By 133 CE, Akiva had been so successful in getting Rome to wipe out the Torah-guarding believers in Yahushua, that Jewish leaders would not allow believers in Messiah to enter their synagogues. This tragic separation of believers from the Torah began the heresy we have today--the “we’re not under the law of the Jews, we’re under grace” mentality of Christians.

[For truth about rabbinic Judaism please read my articles: “Exposing Rabbinic Judaism and Its Link to Rome”/March 2009, and “Regarding Modern Judaism and Kabala”/2004, and “Putting the Torah in Its Proper Place”/August 26, 2014, available on Amazon Kindle and my website,]

The true believers,from the beginning, had no name other than the followers of the Way or the followers of the Nazarene. (Acts 24:5, 14) These believers, adhering to the Torah and the teachings of the Apostles were never called “Christians.”Greek Gnostic Christianity denied the Torah of Yahuwah, and tried to stamp it out, along with the Hebrew Messiah Yahushua. Constantine simply revamped the Greek religion to suit his purposes and institutionalized it as the Roman Catholic Church—headquarters of Satan worship and paganism to this day!

[For the truth that has been hidden carefully by the Vatican regarding the real believers in Yahuwah and Yahushua, those who were horribly persecuted by the Roman Church up until at least the 13th century, read my mini-book The Foundation of Deception, published on Amazon Kindle, and found on my website:]


Yes, it these replicas are portalsfor the entrance the spirits of Ba’al worship, as Jonathan Cahn pointed out. Bel (Cush), Ba’al, was a Canaanite god.

But, the United Nations and Digital Archeology evidently figured out that putting another idol up in London and New York City was not reaching their desired message-goal. But, the putting up of the two replicas of the Roman Arch of Triumph--that is another story.

The Arch of Triumph symbolizes Rome’s victory over Parthia. The message to us from theIlluminati--the united final Roman Empireand the final Babylon--the 8th Beast of Revelation 17:10-11 is announcing their triumph over the House of Israel, for whom Yahushua came and died--and their opening of a portal for the entrance of the rulers of darkness to destroy the House of Israel/Ephraim, also opening the door for more sacrifice of Israel’s sons and daughters to the Ba’al, or Moloch of Babylon.