The Board of Trustees met on Monday, January 13, 2014, at the Butler Township Government Center, 8524 North Dixie Drive, Dayton, Ohio, at 7:00pm for a Regular Session to transact the business of the township.
Michael Lang, President, called the meeting to order.
The Oath of Office was presented and read into record by Trustee, Doug Orange on behalf of Trustee, Michael Lang for the renewal of his 4-year term and new Trustee Nick Brusky were sworn into office as Township Trustees, effective January 1, 2014. Furthermore, Melody Davis, Zoning Commission member was sworn into office to renew her 5-year term. Curt Slaton, Board of Zoning Appeals member was not present for the oath.
The Minutes of December 30, 2013, Regular Session, were submitted for approval. Doug Orange made a motion for approval of the Regular Minutes of December 30, 2013, as submitted, with Michael Lang seconding and approving the motion.
Resolution #13-126 was submitted for approval authorizing the Amendment of the Township’s Personnel Policy Manual. Nick Brusky made a motion for approval of Resolution #13-126, as submitted, with Doug Orange seconding and Michael Lang approving the resolution.
Resolution #14-01 was submitted for approval to Retain Wanda L. Carter. Nick Brusky made a motion for approval of Resolution #14-01, as submitted, with Doug Orange seconding and Michael Lang approving the resolution.
Resolution #14-02 was submitted for approval to Approve the Temporary Appropriations for Butler Township During the Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2014. Nick Brusky made a motion for approval of Resolution #14-02, as submitted, with Doug Orange seconding and Michael Lang approving the resolution.
Resolution #14-03 was submitted for approval to Approve the City of Dayton Appointees to the Butler-Dayton JEDD Board. Michael Lang made a motion for approval of Resolution #14-03, as submitted, with Doug Orange seconding and approving the resolution.
Resolution #14-04 was submitted for approval that Butler Township will No Longer Pick-up the Statutorily Required Contribution to the Ohio Police and Fire Pension Fund for the Non-Union Employees of Butler Township Pursuant to Internal Revenue Code Section 414(h)(2). Nick Brusky made a motion for approval of Resolution #14-04, as submitted, with Doug Orange seconding and Michael Lang approving the resolution.
Resolution #14-05 was submitted for approval that Butler Township will Pick-up the Statutorily Required Contribution to the Ohio Police and Fire Pension Fund for the Union Employees of Butler Township Pursuant to Internal Revenue Code Section 414(h)(2). Nick Brusky made a motion for approval of Resolution #14-05, as submitted, with Doug Orange seconding and Michael Lang approving the resolution.
A request was submitted for approval to appoint an elected official as the MVRPC Representative & Alternate for 2014 by January 31, 2014 in order to stay a member. Nick Brusky made a motion to table the appointment of Representatives to MVRPC, with Doug Orange seconding and Michael Lang approving the motion.
A request was submitted for approval of the 2014 Volunteer Fire Fighters Dependent Fund and designation of Board Members. Doug Orange made a motion for approval of the 2014 Volunteer Fire Fighters Dependent Fund, designating Nick Brusky and Doug Orange as Board Members, with Nick Brusky seconding and Michael Lang approving the motion.
Chief Cresie had no further business to report at this time.
Fire Chief Alig had no further business to report at this time.
Administrator, Kimberly Lapensee had no further business to report on behalf of the Service Department. On behalf of the Administration, Ms. Lapensee reported that the board needs to pass a motion to approve to the new signatures cards with Fifth Third Bank. Nick Brusky made a motion to approve the Account Resolution Certificate for Treasury Management Services with Fifth Third Bank, with Doug Orange seconding and Michael Lang approving the motion.
Mark Adams, Fiscal Officer reported that the next MCTA meeting will be January 23rd.
Trustee, Nick Brusky expressed his appreciation and thanks on being able to serve on the board, to his wife Alyssa, and Representative Mike Henne. He stated that he is looking forward to working with the City of Vandalia, the JEDZ, MVRPC, Vandalia Youth and Government and dealing with concerns pertaining to health care issues.
Trustee, Doug Orange wanted to congratulate and welcome Trustee Nick Brusky and is looking forward in working with him.
Trustee, Michael Lang stated that he is incredibly proud of the team of people the township has and the accomplishments made over the past four years. He also wanted to welcome Nick Brusky to the board. He mentioned that the President’s Club Banquet will be Tuesday, January 28th and the renovations to the Fire Station should be done by mid February, however the new meeting hall will not be done until May.
State Representative Mike Henne, 8447 Diamond Mill Road, wanted to welcome Nick Brusky to office. Ms. Lapensee had a question regarding the elimination of administrative fees for towing contracts and Mr. Lang had questions about the JEDZ. Representative Henne indicated that fees for towing have not been on the house floor yet or have come out of committee and the question pertaining to the JEDZ he would look into. Mr. Brusky questioned on what scope of projects can the township use capital monies for. Representative Henne stated that he sent out a list of what you can and cannot do and would be glad to forward that to him.
Doug Orange made a motion for approval to recess into Executive Session for discussion of personnel issues in the police department, with Nick Brusky seconding and Michael Lang approving the motion. At roll call, the vote resulted as follows:
Nick Brusky, aye
Michael Lang, aye
Doug Orange, aye
Nick Brusky made a motion to reconvene into Regular Session at 7:54 PM, with Doug Orange seconding and Michael Lang approving the motion. At roll call, the vote resulted as follows:
Nick Brusky, aye
Michael Lang, aye
Doug Orange, aye
There were no further actions taken as a result of the Executive Session.
Nick Brusky reported that the trustees have reviewed the financial statements and made a motion for approval to pay the bills of the township, as submitted, with Doug Orange seconding and Michael Lang approving the motion.
Nick Brusky made a motion for approval to adjourn the meeting, with Doug Orange seconding and Michael Lang approving the motion.