All students will:
A. Read and use a variety of methods to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to
read independently and interpret text critically.
Reading, Writing Standard: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.7
Math Standard: 2.1, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.8, 2.9
1. Locate appropriate texts for an assigned purpose before reading.
Reading, Writing Standard: 1.1.8.A
Math Standard:
2. Identify and use common organizational structures and graphic features to
comprehend information.
Reading, Writing Standard: 1.1.8.B
Math Standard: 2.1.8 F, 2.1.8 F, 2.5.8 F, 2.5.8 B, 2.8.8.G, 2.8.8.H, 2.8.8.I, 2.9.8.D
3. Use knowledge of root words as well as context clues and glossaries to
understand specialized vocabulary in the content areas during reading.
use these words accurately.
Reading, Writing Standard: 1.1.8.C
Math Standard: 2.9.8 D
4. Identify basic facts and ideas in text using specific strategies.
Reading, Writing Standard: 1.1.8.D
Math Standard: 2.5.8 A
5. Expand a reading vocabulary by identifying and correctly using idioms and
words with literal and figurative meanings.
Reading, Writing Standard: 1.1.8.E
Math Standard:
6. Understand the meaning of and apply key vocabulary across the various
subject areas.
Reading, Writing Standard: 1.1.8.F
Math Standard: 2.1.8.C, 2.4.8.D, 2.4.8.E, 2.6.8.A, 2.9.8 D
*italics reference student expectations taught by Classroom Teacher and/or librarian
7. Demonstrate after reading understanding and interpretation of both fiction and nonfiction text, including public documents.
Reading, Writing Standard: 1.1.8.G
Math Standard: 2.5.8 D
8. Demonstrate fluency and comprehension in reading.
Reading, Writing Standard: 1.1.8.H
9. Read and understand essential content of informational texts and
Documents in all academic areas.
Reading, Writing Standard: 1.2.8.A
Math Standard: 2.4.8.A, 2.6.8.A, 2.6.8.G
10. Use and understand a variety of media and evaluate the quality of
material produced.
Reading, Writing Standard: 1.2.8.B
Math Standard: 2.3.8.F, 2.6.8.A, 2.8.8.F, 2.8.8.I, 2.9.8.I
11. Produce work in at least one literary genre that follows the conventions
the genre.
Reading, Writing Standard: 1.2.8.C
12. Read and understand works of literature.
Reading, Writing Standard: 1.3.8.A
13. Analyze the use of literary elements.
Reading, Writing Standard: 1.3.8.B
14. Analyze the effect of various literary devices.
Reading, Writing Standard: 1.3.8.C
15. Identify poetic forms.
Reading, Writing Standard: 1.3.8.D
16. Analyze the literary elements in drama with a focus on characterization.
Reading, Writing Standard: 1.3.8.E
17. Read and respond to informative text and fiction, including poetry and
Reading, Writing Standard: 1.3.8.F
18. Describe the origins and meanings of common, learned and foreign
Words used frequently in English language.
Reading, Writing Standard: 1.7.8.A
19. Analyze the role and place of standard American English in literature.
Reading, Writing Standard: 1.7.8.B
20. Identify new words that have been added to the English language over time.
Reading, Writing Standard: 1.7.8.A
B. Write effectively for a variety of purposes.
Reading, Writing Standard: 1.4, 1.5
Math Standard: 2.9
1. Write short stories, poems, plays, and /or other genre.
Reading, Writing Standard: 1.4.8.A
2. Write multi-paragraph informational pieces.
Reading, Writing Standard: 1.4.8.B
3. Write persuasive pieces.
Reading, Writing Standard: 1.4.8.C
4. Maintain a written record of activities and course work.
Reading, Writing Standard: 1.4.8.D
Math Standard: 2.9.8.B, 2.9.8.D, 2.9.8.J
5. Write with a sharp, distinct focus.
Reading, Writing Standard: 1.5.8.A
6. Write using well-developed content appropriate for the topic.
Reading, Writing Standard: 1.5.8.B
7. Write with controlled and/or subtle organization.
Reading, Writing Standard: 1.5.8.C
8. Write with an understanding of the stylistic aspects of composition.
Reading, Writing Standard: 1.5.8.D
9. Revise writing after rethinking logic of focus, content, organization, and style.
Reading, Writing Standard: 1.5.8.E
10. Edit writing using the conventions of language.
Reading, Writing Standard: 1.5.8.F
11. Present and/or defend written work for publication when appropriate.
Reading, Writing Standard: 1.5.8.G
12. Analyze the role and place of standard American English in writing.
Reading, Writing Standard: 1.7.8.B
C. Listen to and understand language and respond demonstrating appropriate speaking
Reading, Writing Standard: 1.6, 1.7
Math Standard: 2.3, 2.4, 2.6, 2.7, 2.8, 2.9, 2.11
1. Listen to others.
Reading, Writing Standard: 1.6.8.A
2. Listen to selections of literature.
Reading, Writing Standard: 1.6.8.B
3. Speak using skills appropriate to formal speech situations.
Reading, Writing Standard: 1.6.8.C
Math Standard: 2.3.8.D, 2.4.8.C, 2.4.8.D, 2.6.8.B, 2.8.8.B, 2.8.8.E, 2.8.8.J, 2.11.8.B
4. Contribute to discussions.
Reading, Writing Standard: 1.6.8.D
5. Participate in small and large group discussions and presentations.
Reading, Writing Standard: 1.6.8.E
Math Standard: 2.7.8.B
6. Use of media for learning purposes.
Reading, Writing Standard: 1.6.8.F
Math Standard: 2.6.8.F, 2.8.8.F, 2.8.8.I, 2.9.8.I
7. Analyze the role and place of standard American English in speech.
Reading, Writing Standard: 1.7.8.B
D. Demonstrate information literacy skills.
Reading, Writing Standard: 1.8
Math Standard: 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7
1. Select and refine a topic for research.
Reading, Writing Standard: 1.8.8.A
2. Locate information using appropriate sources and strategies.
Reading, Writing Standard: 1.8.8.B
Math Standard: 2.4.8.E, 2.6.8.A, 2.6.8.G
3. Organize, summarize and present the main ideas from research.
Reading, Writing Standard: 1.8.8.C
Math Standard: 2.5.8.B, 2.6.8.E, 2.6.8.F, 2.7.8.B
4. Exhibit social responsibility in the use of information
1.5, 1.6, 1.8
5. Effectively use technology as a resource.
1.2, 1.5, 1.6, 1.8; 2.1.8.D, 2.1.8.E, 2.2.8.A, 2.2.8.F, 2.3.8.A, 2.4.8.C, 2.5.8.C
6. Utilize bibliographic format.
I. Comprehension 1.1.8.D, 1.1.8.F, 1.1.8.G, 1.1.8.H.2,3,5, 1.3.8.F, 1.2.8.A
A. Details/facts 1.1.8.G.1
B. Main idea/supporting details 1.1.8.G.1, 2, 1.5.8.C.2
C. Sequence 1.1.8.H.5, 1.5.8.C.1
D. Cause/effect 1.4.8.B, 1.1.8.H.5
E. Fact/opinion 1.2.8.B.1.2.8.A.1
F. Prior knowledge 1.1.8.H.1, 1.1.8.G.1
G. Summarize/retell, 1.1.8.H.5
H. Critical thinking: Compare/contrast, analysis/evaluation 1.2.8.B.1,2
I. Draw conclusions 1.2.8.B.4, 1.1.8.G.5, 1.1.8.H.5
J. Fix-up strategies: re-read, adjust pace 1.1.8.H.2
K. Predictions 1.1.8.H.5
L. Author’s purpose 1.2.8.B.4, 1.1.8.H.5
M. Classify 1.2.8.A.1, 1.2.8.A.2
N. Generalize 1.2.8.B
O. Persuasive device: loaded words 1.2.8.B, 1.4.8.C
P. Bias 1.2.8.B.2, 1.6.8.F.1(Enrichment)
Q. Propaganda 1.2.8.B.2(Enrichment)
R. Inferences 1.2.8.B.3
S. Inflection and volume in oral reading 1.6.8.C.3
T. Role of standard American English 1.7.8.B
U. Illustrations 1.4.8.A.2
II. Vocabulary 1.1.8.C, E, F, H, 1.6.8.C, 1.7.8.A, C,
A. Word recognition and meaning in context,1.1.8.C, 1.1.8.F, 1.7.8.C
B. Identifies compound words
C. Root words and origins1.1.8.C, 1.7.8.A
D. Prefixes1.1.8.F
E. Suffixes 1.1.8.F
F. Synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, 1.1.8.F
G. Word attack skills 1.1.8.C, 1.1.8.H, 1.1.8.H.2, 1.1.8.H.3
1. Knows and applies pronunciation rules1.1.8.C, .1.6.8.C.2
2. Knows elements of syllabication1.1.8.C
3. Uses accents properly 1.1.8.C, 1.6.8.C.2
H. Increase vocabulary through reading 1.1.8.C, 1.1.8.E, 1.1.8.F, 1.1.8.H.4
I. Develops own word study techniques 1.1.8.C, E
J. Multiple meanings of words 1.1.8.C, 1.1.8.F
K. Connotation and denotation 1.1.8.C, E(Enrichment)
L. Specialized/technical words 1.1.8.C, 1.1.8.F
1. Foreign words1.7.8.A
2. Newly evolved words 1.7.8.C
III. Literary Skills 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.6, 1.7
A. Story elements: 1.1.8.G.2, 1.3.8.A, 1.3.8.B, 1.4.8.A.5
1. Characterization: protagonist, antagonist, flat/round 1.3.8.E (Enrichment)
2. Setting 1.1.8.G.2, 1.1.8.B, 1.4.8.A.5
3. Point of view: First person, Third person limited, omniscient 1.3.8.B
4. Plot: conflict, climax, {denouement (Enrichment)}, resolution 1.3.8.B
5. Theme 1.1.8.G.2
B. Figurative language 1.1.8.E, 1.3.8.A, 1.4.8.A.6
1. Idioms 1.18.E, 1.3.8.A, 1.4.8.A.6
2. Simile 1.3.8.C.2
3. Metaphor 1.3.8.C.2
4. Personification 1.3.8.C.2
5. Imagery 1.3.8.C.2
6. Alliteration 1.3.8.C.1
7. Onomatopoeia (echoic) 1.3.8.C.1
8. Hyperbole 1.3.8.C.2 (Enrichment)
9. Oxymoron 1.3.8.C.2 (Enrichment)
10. Rhythm(meter)/rhyme/repetition 1.3.8.C.1
11. Assonance/consonance 1.3.8.C.1 (Enrichment)
12. Satire 1.3.8.C.2 (Enrichment)
13. Allusion 1.3.8.C.2 (Enrichment)
14. Mood 1.3.8.C.2
15. Tone 1.3.8.B, 1.3.8.C.2
16. Symbolism 1.3.8.C.2
17. Foreshadowing/flashback 1.3.8.C.2
18. Irony 1.3.8.C.2
19. Author’s style 1.4.8.A.6
20. Genre recognition: 1.1.8.H, 1.2.8.C, 1.3.8.F
a. Fiction: mystery, realistic, historical, science fiction, fantasy
b. Informative: mythology, biography/autobiography, folklore
21. Multicultural literature 1.3.8.A, 1.6.8.B, 1.7.8.B
22. Literary forms: novel, short story, drama, newspapers and other periodicals, poetry –
{couplet, ballad, sonnet (Enrichment)}, and {public documents (i.e. bus schedules, editorials, speeches and standardized forms) (Enrichment)} 1.1.8.H, 1.2.8.C, 3.8.D, 1.3.8.F, 1.1.8.G.5
IV. Conventions/Grammar and Usage 1.5.8., 1.6.8.
A. Sentences 1.5.8.F.5
1. Complete vs. fragment or run on 1.6.8.C.1
2. Types: declarative, interrogative, imperative, exclamatory 1.5.8.F
3. Simple/compound
4. Simple/complete subject
5. Simple/complete predicate
6. Avoid beginning sentences with and, or, so, but, well, because 1.5.8.C.1
B. Verbs 1.5.8.F.4
1. Auxiliary
2. Action
3. Linking
4. Verb phrase
5. Principal parts
6. Tense
7. Usage
8. Agreement with subject
C. Nouns 1.5.8.F.4
1. Proper/common
2. Collective/abstract/concrete
D. Pronouns 1.5.8.F.4
1. Personal
2. Antecedent
3. Interrogative
4. Demonstrative
5. Indefinite
E. Adjectives 1.5.8.F.4
1. Proper
F. Adverb 1.5.8.F.4
G. Prepositions 1.5.8.F.4
1. Prepositional phrases
2. Adjective phrases
3. Adverb phrases
H. Interjections 1.5.8.F.4
I. Conjunctions 1.5.8.F.4
J. Complements 1.5.8.F.4
1. Direct objects
2. Indirect objects
3. Predicate Nominatives
4. Predicate Adjectives
V. Conventions/Mechanics 1.2.8.C, 1.3.8.F, 1.4.8.A, 1.4.8.B, 1.4.8.C
A. Capitals: 1.5.8.F.2
1. First word
2. I
3. Proper noun
4. Proper adjective
5. Titles
B. End marks: 1.5.8.F.3
1. Periods
2. Question marks
3. Exclamation points
4. Period—abbreviations
C. Commas: 1.5.8.F.3
1. Compound sentences
2. Series
3. Introductory words
4. Dates, addresses
5. Direct addresses
6. Interrupters
D. Apostrophes 1.5.8.F.3
1. Possessives
2. Contractions
E. Semi-colon 1.5.8.F.3
F. Hyphen 1.5.8.F.3
G. Quotation marks 1.4.8.A.3, 1.5.8.F.3
H. Underlining1.5.8.F
I. Parentheses 1.5.8.F.3
J. Reinforce spelling generalizations 1.5.8.F.1
VI. Writing 1.4, 1.5
A. Process of writing 1.5.8.A, B, C
1. Prewriting
a. Brainstorming 1.5.8.B
b. Determining audience 1.5.8.A.1
c. Task/purpose 1.5.8.A, B
2. Rough draft
3. Conferencing
4. Revising 1.5.8.E
5. Editing (capitalization, punctuation, spelling) 1.5.8.F
a. Recognition of errors
b. Correction strategies and tools
6. Publishing (including illustrations when relevant) 1.5.8.G
B. Paragraphs 1.4.8.C, 1.5.8.B, 1.5.8.E
1. Indentation
2. Topic sentence 1.5.8.C.2
3. Supporting details/adequate content 1.5.8.B.3
4. Concluding sentence 1.5.8.C.3
5. Logical order/relevant focus 1.5.8.C., 1.5.8.E
6. Effective word choice 1.5.8.D, E
7. Meaningful transitions 1.5.8.D, E
8. Sentence combining and variety 1.5.8.C
9. Voice and tone 1.5.8.D
C. Types of writing 1.1.8.G, 1.2.8.C, 1.3.8.F, 1.4.8.B, 1.5.8.B
1. Narrative 1.4.8.A, 1.2.8.C
2. Descriptive 1.4.8.B
3. Expository/informative 1.4.8.B, 1.2.8.C
4. Persuasive 1.4.8.C
5. Letters: business and friendly 1.4.8.B
6. Addressing envelopes 1.4.8.B
7. Writing to prompts 1.1.8.G
8. Performance tasks 1.1.8.G
9. Literature responses1.2.8.C
10. Write in various genre
VII. Speaking and Listening 1.6.8.A
A. Listen to others.
1. Ask questions 1.6.8.A.1
2. Analyze to determine relevance 1.6.8.A.2
3. Take notes when needed 1.6.8.A.3
B. Listen to selections of literature 1.6.8.B
1. Relate to previous knowledge 1.6.8.B.1
2. Predict 1.6.8.B.2
3. Summarize/analyze 1.6.8.B.3,5
4. Identify and define new words and concepts 1.6.8.B.4
C. Speak using skills appropriate to formal speech situations 1.6.8.C
1. Use complete sentences 1.6.8.C.1
2. Pronunciation/enunciation/clarity 1.6.8.C.2
3. Adjust volume 1.6.8.C.3
4. Adjust pace 1.6.8.C.4
5. Add stress and inflection 1.6.8.C.5
D. Participate in discussions and presentations 1.6.8.D
1. Acknowledge input of others 1.6.8.D.3
2. Initiate conversations 1.6.8.E.1
3. Appropriate response/tone 1.6.8.D.4
4. Oral readings 1.6.8.E.2
5. Drama/dialogue
6. Interviews 1.6.8.E.3, 1.6.8.D.1 (Enrichment)
7. Informal debates 1.6.8.E.41.6.8.D.6 (Enrichment)
E. Use of media
1. Recognize accuracy or bias 1.6.8.F.1
2. Analyze role of advertising 1.6.8.F.2
3. Create a multimedia presentation (e.g. video, music, computer,
Illustrations) 1.6.8.E.3, 1.4.8.A.2 (Enrichment)
VIII. Study Information Literacy Skills 1.2.8.A
A. Study schedules: planning and management, use of student agendas 1.4.8.D
B. Adjustment of reading speed to materials and purpose
1. Skimming to find specific details 1.1.8.C, 1.5.8.B.1, 1.8.8.C
2. Scanning to get an overview 1.1.8.A
C. Parts of a book (table of contents, indices, appendices, bibliography)1.5.8.B.1, 1.8.8.B.4
D. Dictionary, glossary, thesaurus1.1.8.C, 1.1.8.E, 1.2.8.B, 1.8.8.B.3,5
E. Maps, almanacs, atlases, globes 1.1.8.B, 1.2.8.B, 1.4.8.B.1,2
F. Outlines1.1.8.D
G. Card catalog/databases1.1.8.A, 1.5.8.B.1, 1.8.8.B.3,5
H. Encyclopedia1.1.8.A, 1.2.8.B, 1.8.8.B.3,5
I. Graphs, schedules, charts, tables1.1.8.B, 1.2.8.B, 1.4.8.B.1,2
J. Notemaking1.1.8.D, 1.6.8.A.3, 1.8.8.C.2
K. Following directions1.4.8.A
L. Paraphrasing1.1.8.D, 1.1.8.G.4
M. Computer usage for keyboarding, word processing and internet access 1.1.8.A, 1.8.8.B.3,5, 1.2.8.B, 1.4.8.B
N. ACCESS PA and other electronic media 1.1.8.A, 1.2.8.B, 1.4.8.B, 1.8.8.B.3,5
O. Location, selection and use of materials 1.1.8.A, 1.5.8.B.1, 1.8.8.B.2, 1.8.8.B.3
P. Appropriate presentation /publication 1.5.8.G, 1.8.8.C.5
Q. Application of problem-solving approach 1.1.8.D, 1.2.8.B.3, 1.4.8.B
1. Select and refine a topic 1.8.8.A
2. Identify steps of research 1.8.8.C.1
3. Develop thesis statement (Enrichment) or main idea 1.8.8.C.3
R. Identification and use of primary and secondary sources 1.1.8.A, 1.2.8.B, 1.4.8.B, 1.5.8.B.1, 1.8.8.B.1,2,3,5 (Enrichment)
S. Standard documentation 1.8.8.C.4 (Enrichment)
T. Scale drawings/diagrams 1.1.8.A, 1.2.8.B, 1.4.8.B.1,2 (Enrichment)
Objective A—Read and use a variety of methods to acquire the knowledge and
Skills needed to read independently and interpret text critically…………………12 weeks
Objective B—Write effectively for a variety of purposes………………………………….12 weeks
Objective C—Listen to and understand language and respond demonstrating
Appropriate speaking skills………………………………………………………………..6 weeks
Objective D—Demonstrate information literacy……………………………………………….6 weeks
In addition, there is a Reading Advancement Program (RAP) of 40 minutes per 4-day cycle. This has been established to provide additional reading opportunities for students to increase reading achievement.
Seventh Grade Special Units of Instruction and Activities:
1. Drama Unit including a field trip to the local theater for a Thunderbird, Ltd. Production of “A Christmas Carol”.
2. Study skills unit including the use of agendas, SQ4R Study Method, notemaking, and test-taking strategies.
3. Newspaper study to identify functions, terminology, sections, production, and styles of writing.
4. Greek and Roman Mythology to correlate with the World Cultures course.
5. Word Processing Unit to ensure that all students have acquired a basic facility with using MicroSoft Word.
6. Participation in a school-wide reading campaign to encourage students to read.
7. Research using the library’s current and emerging technologies and print resources.
Students will receive instruction and practice the following skills in Grade 7:
A. Elements of Literature (Holt, Rinehart, Winston)
B. Heath Grammar and Composition (D.C. Heath & Co.)
C. Trade books, including Grade Level Core Books
D. Daily Oral Language , Daily Analogies (McDougal Little)
E. Write Source 2000 Handbook (D.C. Heath)
F. Write Source Language Series Program Guide , Level 7 (D.C. Heath)
G. CAMS Seventh Grade Honors Spelling List