MOCC Agenda
Thursday May 24th, 2007
1:00 pm to 3:00 pm, CST
605-773-2307; password: 4625#
Minutes to be recorded by Sandy Anderson
Main Agenda:
1. Introductory items:
¨ Role call
¨ Agenda modifications
¨ Approval of minutes from April 27th meeting
2. Technology Update: Don
¨ Academic standing: please refer to Don’s email (attached)
¨ R18
· Follow-up to Barb’s concerns: Suzanne incorporated this conversation into the next ASCC phone conference. The group’s resolve centered on implementation of an R18 issues spreadsheet (please see attached).
· Progress report
3. MCR #27: Completion of second major attached to original degree
¨ Technology module recommendation: please refer to Carla’s email (attached)
¨ Next step for technology recommendation
¨ AAC discussion of distinction between second major and second degree: due to time constraints, this dialogue was deferred until the June meeting; please refer to this link to review Sam’s introduction to the topic.
¨ Recommendations from the Registrars’ module
4. MCR 26A: Coding of students who express interest in teacher education
During the previous MOCC call, Don reviewed four viable options to track students in Colleague. Paul, Carla, and Trudy discussed the various options and decided to pursue documentation of interest on the Special Interest Recruiting Screen (SPIR):
¨ Comments: Don
¨ Implementation target: fall 08
¨ Implementation plan
5. MCR #31: Implementation Procedures for Program-to-Program Articulation
¨ Situation recently identified by the Registrars’ Module: Sandy
¨ MCR #31: Ranny crafted this document last year and tweaked the content following a collaborative meeting in Pierre. It is attached for review.
6. Computer proficiency requirement:
¨ Email to Admissions Directors
¨ AAC discussion: complexity of screening process
¨ Campus reports: status, challenges, etc.
7. MCR #33: Catalog assignment
We have exhausted possible solutions tied to proactive use of technology. Precise catalog assignment remains a critical issue; strategies to address the situation include the following:
¨ Long term: request enhancement from Datatel – Suzanne will follow up
¨ Short term:
· Improve reliability of data entry (ideas?)
· Run edits to assess accuracy of catalog assignment
8. Summer meetings:
¨ June: Thursday, the 21st (1:00 to 3:00 pm); phone conference
¨ July: Thursday, the 12th (12:00 noon to ~4:00 pm); live at Al’s Oasis
¨ August: Thursday, the 16th (1:00 to 3:00 pm); phone conference
Supplemental Agenda:
1. Immunization policy: application to summer session; here is the relevant excerpt from an email exchange with Dr. Shekleton:
One shot confers immunity in 80% of the cases. Hence, a person with one shot is most likely immune to measles, mumps and rubella. Thus, it seems to me reasonable to allow the student to enroll for the first term, or session, with the understanding that further enrollment will be denied absent proof of a second MMR.
2. Electronic Commitment Project: Summary of current status delineated in the ASCC agenda:
Due to time constraints, the project has been broken into two phases. During Phase 1, we will complete a self-contained ACH collection form for WA and the accompanying refund interface changes (XSRV). If time allows, the FA Authorization form will also be completed and added to WA. These workflows will need to be available in Production WA by August 1, 2007. During Phase 2, we will complete the Electronic Attendance workflow (and FA Authorization if needed). It is anticipated that these workflows will be available prior to 2008SP, or 2008FA at the latest.
In the meantime, universities will continue to use the Electronic Attendance workflows that they used for 2006FA/2007SP. The FA Authorization form will continue to be available to students in hard-copy, as it is sent to each FA recipient with their award letter. Universities can advertise the ACH collection workflow to new and continuing students.
Comments: Pam
3. Information Literacy Requirement:
During the May 16th meeting, AAC discussed various facets of Goal #7.
Relevant policy excerpt:
GOAL #7: Students will recognize when information is needed and have the ability to locate, organize, critically evaluate, and effectively use information from a variety of sources with intellectual integrity.
Student Learning Outcomes: Students will:
1. Determine the extent of information needed;
2. Access the needed information effectively and efficiently;
3. Evaluate information and its sources critically;
4. Use information effectively to accomplish a specific purpose;
5. Use information in an ethical and legal manner.
Assessment: Students fulfill this requirement by demonstrating competency through an assessment designated by the university.
Following an informal cost-benefit analysis, the group voted to abandon the IL exam as the system-wide means of validating goal achievement. Assessment will be attached to specific classes that encompass presentation of relevant material. USD expressed interest in continued use of the exam as an assessment tool embedded in course requirements (not as a proficiency exam); per Dr. Gingerich’s request, test completion will not be documented in Colleague.
4. Payment Plan update: Facts and fun details: Pam
5. Other?