A is for Animism:
Animism is a primitive belief that explains nature by the presence of spirits, souls, “anima” in Latin. In spite of the scorn shown to animists by contemporary philosophy, it is an approach that makes more sense than its rivals. Our current philosophy supports any system of ideas that helps sell soft drinks and televisions. It is not surprising that what is important to us are brain functions and language functions, since these are the kinds of things you need to know about if you are going to hypnotize the public into buying a new kind of soda or a new brand of soap.
The animists believe that there must be an inside to something as well as an outside and the inside may be the most important and may come first. Brain functions may explain how information is processed in an organism, but no science of brain function can explain why pleasure is deeply pleasurable and our own energy contains passion, why our own subjectivity interprets the world with reds that are living from within red and blues that are living blue.
Subjectivity supplies a new time dimension that enters into the center of the brain as an arrow from the soul’s infinitesimal eternal now. This new dimension adds only infinitesimally to the quantity present in the brain, hence it is not scientifically measurable. It is an internal rather than an external thing. Yet, as the animists discovered before philosophy was even invented, the core of something is more important than the external package it is wrapped in. Animism is all about the core spirit.
B is for Basis:
The basis for everything is eternal energy that cannot be created or destroyed and weightless information potential that is also eternal and universal. What is temporary, mortal, are the finite complexes made as the dance of energy generates the improbable.
Energy will generate the improbable because it generates motion and flux. Because it is neither created nor destroyed, it endures through infinite amounts of time, causing infinite amounts of flux. Given infinite flux, the improbable becomes probable. Once generated, improbable combinations of energy decay toward the probable, move toward entropy. As improbable energy combinations move toward the entropy probable, they drive the emergence of improbable composites of energy and information and thereby generate evolution. Evolution drives the emergence of a hierarchy of levels of organization of information systems: quanta, particles, atoms, molecules, cells, organisms, tribes, civilizations, industry, electronics, computers, robots, android, demons, gods, and supergods that generate new universes and new evolutionary histories. But all this evolution takes place in the public objective world made of quantum mechanics and space-time relativity. This world is mortal because it is made of information and energy composites that are finite and decay toward the energy probable, toward entropy. The evolution of energy composites begins with the smallest and most infinitesimal and moves toward the larger and measurable.
C is for Center:
As evolution moves from the infinitesimal toward the finite, it moves from the immortal toward the mortal, from the free and indeterminate toward the bound. From the internal, subjective, personal, singular toward the public, objective, measurable, and determinate. Evolution begins with the infinitesimal, with things so small there is nothing for them to break into that is smaller, so small there is nothing that can hold them in because they penetrate through the invisible cracks in all barriers. These tiny immortals are the monads described in Leibnitz’s famous “Monadology.” Leibnitz’s Monadology was once the basis for German philosophy. Today it is the subject of ridicule because there is nothing in the scientific world that is the equivalent of his monads. They were simple substances without parts. They were indivisible and had no possibility of perishing. Of course, there is no such thing in the visible scientific world. We now know that substance is nothing more than complexes of energy.
But, these monads do exist. They are the simplest and most primitive of all forms of energy. Everything is built from them. They are the simple eternal now that is drawn out by its attachment to finite complexes into simple time. These arrows of primitive add additional dimensions to the world from inside, as a new dimension has access to old dimensions in all their parts. So this new dimension, sent out from the attaching primal subjective, enters into the objective form at its hidden center. Being simple and infinitesimal, entering at the core, it cannot be seen.
D is for Design:
Information and energy rule all things. They complex together in various combinations from the small to the large. The smallest, the infinitesimal, and the largest, the infinite, are invisible and immortal. The finite and the composite form the visible structures and systems of the visible world. The infinite and the infinitesimal are prior to the visible. The objective and the visible are an external film that forms over the invisible subjective beginnings to clothe them and give them boundaries and form.
The external form is all chance and fate, all chaotic indeterminism and mechanistic determinism. It is all objective and measurable, finite, and mortal. It is all quantum events and relativistic space-time. Four things rule the visible world: quantum mechanics, relativity, information systems, and energy thermodynamics. Four things rule the invisible subjective source of the visible world: the same energy thermodynamics that rules the visible world, but from the inside as passion and feeling; the same information systems that rule the visible world, but from the inside as idea and principle; the infinite pleasure whole that is the complement of the world of broken parts, atoms, quantum events and local pain; the infinitesimal private monads, the jives, animas, souls, the subjective now that generates the roots of super-time, this world of true freedom that is the subjective complement to the objective public world of evolution and mechanism, and chaotic space-time change. This relationship is the result of an eternal design that rules all things.
E is for Everything:
The information to energy polarity shapes all things. Since information potential is universal, and energy is neither created nor destroyed, thus eternal, it means that this relationship is something universal and eternal, that it extends to everything (either through the medium of eternal energy actuality or universal information potential).
The information systems aspect of this polarity is extended into infinity by the endless energy flux to which it is joined.
This infinite flux makes the improbable probable. It assembles an infinite whole that is ordered by information potential into an inclusive design that governs all things.
The ultimate basis of this inclusive design is the singular infinitesimal. The bits of singular nothingness that cannot be destroyed because they are singular. These primal bits of nowness become filled with weightless information. Because they are eternal and penetrate all boundaries, because each is a unique universe to itself with endless potential to concentrate information in its endless existence, each becomes a free system, a system to itself, a unique time dimension, a unique cosmology, a unique development redefining all things at their root. The design that gives meaning to everything connects these primitive infinitesimals to a boundless whole that generates the most inclusive information system, endlessly extended into an infinity of singular, monad, subjective, now, souls. In this system, information is the polar opposite of energy, infinite whole of local quantum event part, private infinitesimal soul of public relative space-time worlds.
G is for Genesis:
The genesis of all things, the source of everything is the infinite flux generated by an infinity of infinitesimals. This infinite flux makes the improbable probable. It calls up the ultimate design from information potential. It structures the eternal octahedron defined by the six vertices generated by the three polarities: fixed information to energy flux, singular monad to public world, quantum part to infinite whole.
The polar opposite of the supernatural subjectivity of the infinite flux is the natural world defined by quantum mechanics, public space-time relativity, and information theory. The polar opposite of the eternal design is the energy thermodynamics that generates the probable complement to the improbable.
The true genesis of all things is in the hidden subjective world that lies within, where energy from within is passion and information is plan, principle, idea, and ideal. In this genesis, all time comes from an infinity of infinitesimal nows that are the time souls of all larger time systems. Out of their primal nothingness, these singular subjective nows weave the infinity of superspace. Everything comes from the infinite flux of dreams and passions that the singular infinitesimals weave upon the loom of the infinite whole, weave upon the inclusive system that emerges as boundless superspace totality.
This subjective magic comes before any other things.
H is for Heaven:
The ancients called this subjective, from within, source of all objective things: “Dreamtime,” or “Zamani.” Gradually this Dreamtime, this supernatural beginning, where all things are dreams, fantasies, and passions, begins to be shaped by information potential into a system of systems. As it becomes a system of systems, it begins to become what the ancients called “Heaven,” “Tao,” or “The Way,” or the “Form of the Good,” or “Purusha.” As pure information it is the “Law,” “Dharma,” “Principle,” “Santa Sophia,” “Divine Wisdom,” “Divine Mind.”
This system of systems is a super-space whole that is pure pleasure from within. The ancients called this “Nirvana,” “Brahman,” the Neoplatonists called it “Hen” (The One). This system is timeless. Time emerges through the interaction of this infinite timeless one with an infinity of infinitesimal subjective nows. The ancients call these “Jiva,” “Atman,” “Anima,” “Pneuma,” “Buddha,” “Kami.” They are the souls, the monads, the spirits that are the primitive beginning of all things. As the logos, the word, the Buddha principle, they draw out the Dharma-Nirvana, Dharma-Brahman whole into new creation. They are the Son of God operating on the Holy Spirit to search for the Ultimate God, the Nameless Divinity of the Ultimate Past and Ultimate Future.
Each logos, jiva, monad, generates its own unique primal creative system, its own unique genesis, its own unique theology of heaven and hell.
I is for Infinitesimal:
Each infinitesimal now is a unique source of its own eternal time dimension that reinterprets the super-space whole from its center. Each is Buddha, is Christ Mind-Logos, is God as Brahma, the creator, redefining the role of God as Vishnu (the super-space whole) and as Shiva (the eternal energy flux that endlessly destroys all things). Each infinitesimal generates its own interpretation of that whole, its own interpretation of God, of eternity, of the timeline of super-space.
The public world is wrong in believing that reality begins from without and is best known from without. Reality begins within and is best known from within. All things public are composite. Only the infinitesimal dwells in the primitive simple beginning from which all other things are formed: the creative now that spins the singular thread that combines with all other singular threads to spin the composite time of the universes that emerge on the loom of super-space as the result of the collective coming together of these separate simple threads.
There is no true freedom in the objective world. All objective things are chance and fate. True freedom only exits in the private cosmology of the primal now. Only this jiva-monad chooses the quantum mechanical alternative to attach to. It alone calls up a quantum actuality out of the infinity of alternatives generated in the dreamtime whole. All public things are composite and secondary, derivative.
The scientific world is a crust of Maya, of delusion.
J is for Jiva:
Everything beings and ends inside the jiva. The monads concentrate the immortal information that is the source of all time. Everything spins out of the endless now that is the core of the subjective monad. Each now is utterly unique. Each views infinite superspace in an utterly different way, changing it utterly at its origins. Each generates a totally unique history of all things.
Public philosophy is only about the composite time that is derived from the jiva. Public theology and public mythology, public metaphysics are all secondary, all derived. They all reflect the external crust that forms over the subjective dreamtime that is the true source of all systems. The public similarity of human organisms, the power of human organisms to speak, gives the false impression that all souls are similar and human, just as human bodies are similar. But, the body does not make the soul. The body is something finite that overwhelms the infinitesimal soul, when it attaches to the body, seeking awakening, seeking consciousness of pleasures.
The soul naturally exists in a dreamlike pleasure filled sleep generated by the infinite system that rules all things. Some souls seek to wake from that sleep in order to experience the intense pleasure that can come from attachment to the brain of a complex organism. The problem is that intense pleasure also exposes the soul to the possibility of pain and suffering. Souls become addicted to this public world of pleasure and pain.
K is for Kinds:
Our classification of the kinds of reality is based on language and our experience of the public world. This experience is not what it seems to be. The composite world shields the attaching jiva from discovery of its true nature. The simple jiva is confused and confounded by its attachment to the larger composite of the public world and the brains and organs of consciousness it seeks in order to experience more awakened pleasures.
Some jivas choose instead to attach to the sleep like pleasures of being within rocks and trees or the intense trance like states of energy systems like those in clouds and weather. These jivas must not be thought to be less enlightened. Each jiva creates its own interpretation of God and Heaven. Each jiva generates its own way of stringing together the universes of super-space. No jiva monad can be judged by any other. There is no final aristocracy of jivas. Each is in its own aristocracy of private creation.
The jiva in a human brain attaches to a greater degree of power and awakenedness but the jiva in a rock attaches to a greater degree of order and peace. The jiva in a human brain is in much greater danger of generating pain and suffering, of generating a basis for reincarnation in some lessor system that is hell like in its nature.
In general, the hidden system of systems sorts all things according to their nature, resulting in astrology.
F is for Forms:
The Greek philosopher Plato believed in eternal ideas that he called “forms” (that is at least the English word that the Greek is usually translated into). According to Plato, all physical things are to these ideas as shadows are to the objects that cast them. The problem with Plato’s thinking on this subject is the ancient’s tendency to confuse information and substance. These “forms” are not “things.” They are information potentials. Otherwise, the Platonic and Neoplatonic views of this seem correct. There does seem to be a “Grand Design” that emerges from infinite flux as the improbable becomes increasingly probable, as information potential draws out endless energy actuality into endless possibility.
According to Plato, the ruling “form” was the” Form of the Good.” Hundreds of years later, Plotinus would develop a Neoplatonic system in which this Form of the Good would operate through a trinity of the One, Mind, and Soul. The Neoplatonic One is basically the inclusive totality generated out of endless energy flux as information potential operates on, and within, that energy flux. Mind is that information potential in action. The soul is the infinity of infinitesimal monads that draw this super-space system out into super-time, into an infinity of separate creative, immortal, chains of subjective nows.
The objective world is the shadow of this system. The total whole casts a shadow of quantum event parts, the private now souls cast a shadow of public space-time relativity.
L is for Levels:
The agent of the universal order in the world is the emergence of levels of organization driven by the movement of energy toward entropy and the generation of increasingly complex competing energy dissipative structures. These levels of organization become increasingly developed: moving from: photons to particles, atoms, molecules, cells, organisms, human tribes, human cities, human industry, electronics, computers, robots, android-cyborgs, demons, gods, super gods that create new universes.