Emerson SILC

Family Involvement Plan at a glance 2017-18

Emerson believes that our families are key to student achievement and the success of our school. In order to meet the school’s goals we need your input in decision making throughout the school year. Please join us for the opportunities below and/or provide feedback on this FIP to:

Title I Annual Meeting Fall & Spring
We will host a Title I meeting to involve families in how we spend Title I funds and to inform them of their right to be involved (may be in conjunction with other meeting)
Families will have opportunities to review and provide feedback in the following areas:
·  Title I School Status
·  Rights of Title I Parents
·  School data
·  Overview of SIP and FIP / Events to Engage Families in Academic Achievement - We will offer flexible and meaningful opportunities for family involvement in leadership, volunteerism, questions/concerns, and feedback specifically concerning their students’ education.
·  Open House - Welcome back night for new and returning families. 8/24/17
·  Curriculum night – teachers will share homework, behavior and other expectations with families. 9/12/17
·  Coffee with the administration – Every last Thursday of the month @ 7:45am. Family input collected.
·  PTA meetings – first Tuesday of each month @ 5pm
·  Site Council meetings – First Tuesday of each month @ 4pm
·  Parent Academy – April-May
·  Parent-teacher conferences FALL & SPRING
·  Additional Activities
Partnering with Families & School-Parent Compact
The School-Parent Compact is a communication tool to support achievement for parents, school staff and students. The Compact is an agreement on how each person (and the student) will support each other in ensuring that the student is successful.
·  We will discuss this School-Parent-Student Compact at our school Parent-Teacher Conferences as the compact relates to the individual child. 10/18 & 10/19
·  We will conduct a simple Barriers to School-Involvement survey with families and will use it to determine additional supports needed. Date: TBD
·  We shall provide other reasonable supports for family involvement activities as parents may request.
Community Building and Family Events
Please join our school community for these family fun/cultural events
·  Taste of Emerson 12/14/17
·  La Noche 3/24/18
·  Winter Concert 12/21/18
·  Field day 5/25/18
·  Other grade level activities
Communication & Access All families will have equitable access to information from our school. We will accommodate all families by providing:
·  Childcare and food at workshops and events
·  Interpreters and translated documents
·  Multiple meeting dates and times
·  Communicate with families via robo-call, flyers, newsletters, school website & emails.
·  Transportation when needed
Capacity building & resources – We will help build the capacity of families and staff to support student academic achievement and increase family engagement.
·  We will host a Parent Academy at our school.
·  We will provide literacy training to families (date TBD)
·  We will provide staff PD around the value of and best practices for collaborating with families.
·  We will have a family resource space with resource information available.