Middlesex County Netball League

Guidance Notes 2015-2016


Affiliation is a completely separate process to the player registration requirements of the County League.

All players MUST be Affiliated to England Netball & Middlesex County Netball BEFORE they are submitted for registration to the County League.

Please contact Brenda Horn (Middlesex County Affiliations Secretary) if you require assistance with the affiliation process.


The enclosed Squad Registration Form for the Middlesex County League must be fully completed and returned to the Registration, Fixtures & Results Co-ordinator (Amber Derrien) by Tuesday 1stSeptember 2015 at the latest, together with the EN Club Roster Form.

The Club roster report (from the England Netball affiliation system) shows players flagged as ‘active’ for the current affiliation year 2015 – 2016.

Each team must register a minimum of 10 players

Teams may only use those players whose names appear on their Squad Registration Form or who have been additionally registered during the season.

Once registered, players are not eligible to play for another Club in the League during the current season.

Once registered, players are eligible to play up ONCE for another of their higher club teams during the first half of the season. If a player plays up on a second occasion for that team, they will then become registered to the higher team and unable to play for their own team again during that half of the season.

Please note the rule amendments regarding the eligibility of Premier League Players and Regional League Players. Clubs who have Premier League Players within their club will be requested by the County League Committee to advise if a player is in a Premier League Team’s top 7. Any player submitted as a top 7 premier league player cannot participate in the Middlesex league. Players who play in the National Premier League but are not named in the top 7 or who play in Regional Leagues must be registered in a Club’s highest placed team in the Middlesex County League. For full details please see rule 2.2 & 2.3, and rules 3.1 through to 3.11.


A player who plays up will always go to the higher team that they have played up to. E.g. play up to A and B teams, would become A team player. This applies equally to 2 club teams within one division or across divisions.

C team player / 1. Play up to B
2. Play up to B / Become B team player / 1. Play up to A
2. Play up to A / Become A team player
C team player / 1. Play up to B
2. Play up to A / Become A team player
C team player / 1. Play up to A
2. Play up to B / Become A Team player

For unregistered players, they will automatically be registered to the team in which they first played.

Play-up on same day: The first occasion is fine. On the second occasion, they can only play up at a time after they have played for their own team. E.g. 1 September play up for A team. 8 September play for B team at 11 and A team at 2pm.

Clubs with multiple teams may re-register their squads mid-season. The play-up eligibility will recommence at this point.


Players may be added to a squad at any time providing they are Affiliated to England Netball and Middlesex County Netball before submission.

Full details of additional players (name, EN ID, DOB if under 21) must be lodged with and acknowledged by the Registration, Fixtures & Results Co-ordinator (Amber Derrien) at the latest by 6pm on the Thursday evening prior to the fixture in which they intend to play. If no acknowledgement is received the matter should be followed up prior to the fixture to ensure no penalties are incurred. A copy of the EN Club roster report should also be provided or the EN additional affiliation notification.

After the first half of the season, each team will have the opportunity to re-register their players.

Please ensure you are familiar with the rules regarding player registration, under section 3 of the County League Rules & Regulations.


New Rules were introduced from the 2014 – 2015 season with regard to the playing of Talented Youngsters and these are fully documented under section 2 of the County League Rules & Regulations.


Teams must ensure that Umpires/Scorers present themselves promptly for their allocated match. Do not disrupt the fixtures for other teams. THERE IS NO TIME ALLOWED FOR LATE STARTS.

For Premier and Division 1 matches, umpires will be centrally allocated. Teams must provide scorers and are required to pay umpire expenses.

For Divisions 2 and 3, each team must provide an umpire and scorer for their own match, according to the schedule. The County League Umpire Co-ordinator is not responsible for sourcing/allocating umpires in Division 2 and 3.

Scorers must be competent and, for this season, may be active squad members. Scorers must still stand together, away from their ‘team benches’, but may be changed at an interval or stoppage for injury/illness if a substitution on court is called for and a substitute scorer is provided promptly by that team. If changes are made, the scorers must ensure that their administrative duties are completed accurately.

Premier Division - Each team must nominate at least one umpire who holds the Netball Europe B Award or above and has achieved level 6.1 or above on the Multistage Fitness Test (bleep test). The appropriate certification must be submitted to the County League Umpire Co-ordinator prior to umpiring in the County League. An umpire can only be nominated by one team in the league.

Division 1 – Each team must nominate at least one umpire who holds the Netball Europe B Award or above or who is a Netball Europe C award umpire who is actively working towards their B Award qualification and can satisfy the following criteria - attended a B Award course, passed their B Award theory paper and ideally be working with a mentor accredited by Middlesex County. They must also have achieved level 6.1 or above on the Multistage Fitness Test (bleep test). The appropriate certification must be submitted to the County League Umpire Co-ordinator prior to umpiring in the County League. An umpire can only be nominated by one team in the league.

Division 2 and 3 - Each team must nominate at least one umpire who holds the minimum Netball Europe C Award and has achieved 5.1 or above on the Multistage Fitness Test (bleep test). The appropriate certification must be submitted to the County League Umpire Co-ordinator prior to umpiring in the County League. An umpire can only be nominated by one team in the league.

All umpires must have completed a bleep test to the required level as outlined in Rule 8.3.

A non-playing umpire on a fixture date may umpire a maximum of two matches on that fixture date and it is recommended that there is a match length rest period between umpiring commitments. Failure to comply may incur the deduction of penalty points as 10.1.4 and/or the umpire may be removed from the central allocation pool if this is in operation.

A playing umpire on a fixture date may only umpire one match on that fixture date and they must umpire before they play or have a match length rest period before umpiring. Failure to comply may incur the deduction of penalty points as 10.1.4 and/or the umpire may be removed from the central allocation pool if this is in operation.

All umpires nominated for matches in Premier and Division 1 will receive an expense payment of £25 to be placed in an envelope and provided to the umpires by the teams prior to the commencement of the match.

For Divisions 2 and below, the Umpires’ expenses will be a recommended payment of £25 to A Award, £20 to B Award and £15 to C Award. Teams will be responsible for paying their nominated umpire(s) on the day of the fixture and the expense payment should be placed in an envelope and provided to the umpire prior to the commencement of the match.

In order to support the development of umpires, those umpires who achieve a positive B Award Pre-Assessment during the season should inform the Registration, Fixtures & Results Co-ordinator to seek eligibility to umpire the Premier Division before officiating. This is discretionary on the part of the CLC.

Umpires who gain full B-Award qualification through London & South East or any other Region during the season must inform and RECEIVE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT FROM the Registration, Fixtures & Results Co-ordinator prior to officiating in the Premier Division of the County League.

No old qualifications (Preliminary, Intermediate) will be accepted.

Please ensure that your umpires are aware of the Rules and Regulations specific to the Middlesex County League.

It is the Umpire’s responsibility to ensure the match starts at the allocated time; to ensure provision for the timing of the match and ensure it is completed within the appropriate time scales. The Umpires are responsible for ensuring the timing of the intervals and any stoppages.

Umpires must officiate the whole match, unless illness or injury prevents this.

All scorers must be competent in their role. The scorers are responsible for holding the Result Cards during the match play and must complete the score section on both cards. They are not required to time the match, but may do so if requested by the umpires. Full information regarding the role of the scorer is attached in a separate document.


Matches will be played on the date and at the time indicated on the fixture schedule. Teams must allow plenty of time for travel in order to present themselves promptly for each match. THERE IS NO TIME ALLOWED FOR LATE STARTS.

Match times will be rotated throughout the season to try to ensure teams play a variety of time slots. However, clubs with multiple teams may not find this the case as the Registration, Fixtures & Results Co-ordinator has also tried to ensure that not all their teams are playing at the same time.

The first named team will be regarded as the HOME team for that fixture.


Matches are 4 x 15 minutes, 3 minutes at quarter and three-quarter time and 5 minutes at half time. Injury/stoppage time as detailed in the Middlesex County League Rules and Regulations, section 7 Match Regulations.

NOTE – Both Premier and Division 1 will operate stoppages as per the IFNA Rule book this season.


Match, Umpire, Scorer and Squad/substitutes details (FULL NAMES PLEASE) must be entered and the card handed to the Scorers BEFORE PLAY COMMENCES. The team cannot take to the court until this has been done and the umpires will employ INF Rule 21.3 if necessary.

Each team may declare up to twelve (12) players. Umpires and scorers names should be CLEARLY PRINTED. Scorers will complete the match score details.

After the match the Captains must sign BOTH cards to confirm they are complete and the scores are correct. Please ensure that your umpire has completed their affiliation number otherwise a penalty will be applied (Rule 10.1.7).

On the day of the matches, all results cards are to be placed in the results box at the venue if available; or immediately scanned or photographed and emailed/electronically sent to arrive on the day of the match with the Registration and Results Co-ordinator. All will be acknowledged within 48 hours. Results cards not received on the day will result in a deduction of 2 (two) league points. The CLC will not enter into any correspondence regarding late results cards. The score of the match will not be registered until both result cards have been received.


Results will be posted on the website. Any penalty adjustments will be made only after consideration by and confirmation of the County League Committee and/or County Executive.


All teams are responsible for their own first aid and ideally should have a qualified first aider with them (either a team member, team official or spectator). Every team MUST have first aid equipment in their kit bags.


All queries or complaints must be lodged in writing within 72 hours (Rule 10.2, 10.3) and addressed directly to the Complaints Co-ordinator (Julia Mark) who will proceed appropriately. The County League is following the Appeals Procedure as per EN guidelines and full information is documented under section 11 of the County League Rules & Regulations.


Any amendments to your team contact details must be notified to both the County League Secretary and the Registration, Fixtures & Results Co-ordinator immediately.

County League ChairClaire Kean07956343611

Registration, Fixtures & Results Co-ordinatorAmber Derrien07963 321864

County League Umpiring

Complaints Co-ordinatorJulia Mark 07957 157026

County League Secretary Liz Horne07762337138

Operations SecretarySally Essex07730 938378

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