June 16, 2016

MEMORANDUM TO: DuPage STP Project Applicants and
Current STP Project Sponsors

FROM: Mike Albin, Transportation Project Manager

SUBJECT: FY 2017 - 2022 Surface Transportation Program (STP)

Application Cycle

June 16, 2016 officially begins the application period for the FY 2017-2022 DuPage Surface Transportation Program (STP). Included in this packet are STP application forms for all project types. An application schedule is also attached.

There are two components to the Conference’s Surface Transportation Program:

1.  Highway -- includes road construction, reconstruction and resurfacing, intersection improvements, etc.;

2.  Transportation Control Measures (TCM) -- transportation projects providing air quality benefits, including bikeways, sidewalks, ITS and Demonstration projects.

Detailed information about STP policies and procedures can be found in the Conference’s STP Manual entitled Surface Transportation Program – Policies and Procedures of the DuPage County, available on our website at dmmc-cog.org.


If you wish to apply for new or additional STP funds, follow the instructions below and submit by 4:00 pm on Friday, August 5, 2016:

By e-mail, submit 1 pdf file to:

Mike Albin, Transportation Project Manager

PART 1 NEW HIGHWAY projects: Follow the format outlined in the attached New Highway Project Application Form for each new Highway project.

PART 2 NEW TCM projects: Use the attached New TCM Project Application Form for each new TCM project (including ITS and Demonstration Projects).

PART 3 RE-SUBMITTAL OF CURRENTLY GUARANTEED projects: Complete the Re-submittal of Guaranteed Project Application Form for each project seeking additional funds and/or a two year extension guarantee.

IDOT REVIEW VERIFICATION FORM: This form must be completed for ALL new projects to be considered for STP funding.

June 16, 2016 / Application forms available
August 5, 2016 / Project applications due
August/September 2016 / DMMC Staff Evaluation
September/October 2016 / Review by STP Methodologies Task Force
October 27, 2016 / Transportation Technical Committee meeting:
·  Review project rankings
·  Recommend FY 2017 - 2022 STP program
November 3, 2016 / DMMC Board of Directors approval of STP program
November 16, 2016 / DMMC Full Conference approval of STP program
December, 2016 / Official award notification
New STP program added to CMAP TIP


1.  Be complete but brief with your answers.

2.  Do not include or attach full sets of plans or copies of PDRs or other reports – only include the relevant pages, clearly marked with the question they pertain to.

3.  Clearly reference and label attachments with the question number, and attach in order.

4.  Please E-mail submittals

5.  If you have submitted the same project in a recent STP application cycle, please be sure to use the FY 2017 STP Application Forms. You can cut/paste from past applications, but please take care to arrange your responses in the order requested in the current application.

6.  If you have submitted the same project in a recent Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement (CMAQ) Program application, you may submit the CMAQ application form, attached to the appropriate Part 1, Part 2, or Part 3 blank application. Please also submit the completed IDOT verification form and any necessary items listed for the Part below.

7.  Any project with both a highway and a TCM component will be evaluated under the highway element first. If it does not qualify for the highway element, (e.g. not on an FAU route) the project can then be considered under the TCM element.


Part 1 Application (New Highway Projects only)

Location Map (Question A.4.c.)

Intersection Geometry Worksheet(s) – if required (Question B.1.d.)

Future Traffic Projections from or approved by CMAP (Question C.3.a.)

Emission Reduction Benefit Checklist (Question D.)

Part 2 Application (New TCM Projects only)

Location Map (Question A.5.)

Type “A”, “B”, “C”, “D” or “E” Worksheet

Part 3 Application (Currently guaranteed STP Projects only)

IDOT Verification Form (All NEW projects, or current projects with scope changes)

Submit the above items via e-mail (pdf format preferred) by 4:00 p.m. on August 5, 2016 to Mike Albin, Transportation Project Manager, at .


All NEW projects, or guaranteed projects with scope changes, must be reviewed by IDOT District 1 - Bureau of Local Roads staff prior to submission to the DuPage Mayors and Managers Conference. Projects that have not been reviewed by IDOT will be considered ineligible for funding.

The purpose of this early IDOT review is to assist sponsors in verifying the scope of work, time and cost estimates for their project(s), and to incorporate the most recent IDOT design policies and procedures, before the application is evaluated and programmed.

Please contact Chad Riddle (847-705-4406) at the District 1 Bureau of Local Roads and Streets as soon as possible to arrange for your STP application review.


To be completed for all new DuPage STP Applications (FY 17-22)

Municipality: ______

Contact Person: ______(Phone______)

Project Name: ______

Date of Review with IDOT: ______

By: ______(Phone: ______)

(Name of Local Roads Reviewer)

Please attach this completed form to the STP Project Application.




This form is for NEW highway projects only. Each project submitted for funding must be sponsored by a DuPage municipality. Projects sponsored by DuPage County, any DuPage Township, or any other transportation agency must have a DuPage municipality as a co-sponsor. Co-sponsors are not required to financially participate in the project.

Please insert answers directly into this document, or attach answers clearly labeled with the question number.

A. Sponsor & Project Identification

1.  Project Sponsor

a.  Sponsoring Municipality or Other Agency

b.  Municipal Co-sponsor (for County, Township or Other Agencies)

c.  Other Participating Agencies (If located in multiple jurisdictions or if other agencies (i.e. park or school district) are sharing project costs)

2.  Contact Information

a.  Local sponsor’s contact person for the project

Phone #:
E-mail Address:

b.  Consultant’s contact person for the project

Phone #:
E-mail Address:

3.  Project Location (i.e. “Main Street”) and FAU Route Number

FAU Route #:

4.  Project Limits/Termini

a.  Location and Termini of Project including FAU Route Numbers, if applicable

FAU Route #:
FAU Route #

b.  Length (in miles)

c.  Map at suitable scale showing project location (insert in box or attach as appendix)

5.  Type of Project (widen, resurface, add lanes, etc.)

6.  Operational Benefits of Project

B. Existing Conditions

1.  Description of Existing Conditions

a.  Date of last reconstruction, resurfacing or topping, etc.

b.  Cross-section (curb and gutter type, number and width of lanes, parking)

c.  Existing pavement and base/sub-base condition (a soil survey and/or pavement test may be required)

d.  Intersections (geometry, traffic control) – please complete attached intersection geometry worksheet for all intersections within the project limits

Please attach

2.  Present Traffic

a.  Indicate date and source of count data

b.  For sections: two-way, average daily traffic (ADT)

c.  For intersection: through and turning movements (12-hour manual traffic counts)

3.  Accident Experience

a.  Historical accident summary (3 years) broken down by:

i. property damage

ii. personal injury

iii. fatality

Please attach

b.  Dawn, dusk, and night accidents recorded separately if incidence is high and street lights are part of project. Also accidents should be broken down into wet and dry road condition categories if a review of accident data indicates pavement wetness as a recurring factor in accident experience. The project scope of work should address this problem accordingly.

Please attach

c.  Include a Collision Diagram for project terminus intersections if any leg is classified as an arterial, and for any arterial/arterial intersections within the project limits. (All County or IDOT routes are classified as arterials for this purpose).

Please attach

4.  Right-of-Way

Note right-of-way must be obtained using federal guidelines and be certified by IDOT approximately 6 weeks prior to letting. Projects requiring right-of-way are discouraged for this funding source.

a.  Existing right-of-way

b.  Proposed right-of-way. Include the number of parcels required, status of any negotiations in progress and anticipated IDOT certification date.

C. Proposed Improvement

1. Brief description of project, including cross-section (number of lanes, width of pavement, type of curb and gutters, signals, drainage, sidewalk channelization, etc.) and intersection geometry worksheet.

2. Estimated Cost of Improvement (Eligible phases are Construction and Phase 3 Construction Engineering)

a.  Quantities and unit cost

Please attach

b.  Non-Participating Items (i.e. decorative lighting, oversized storm sewers, etc. that are not eligible for federal funds and/or work on adjacent roadways that are not federal-aid eligible)

c.  Other federal or state funds (STP, CMAQ, HPP, ITEP, etc.) allocated to any phase of the project, or to any line item within the project and the TIP ID of those phases or line items.

3. Estimated Future Traffic Volumes

a.  Twenty year design ADT, approved by CMAP.

E-mail the following to Jose Rodriguez () to receive projections:

·  Location of the project (including a map or diagram).

·  Description of existing conditions and proposed improvements.

·  Current Average Daily Traffic (ADT)

·  Description of recent or proposed development that may affect the demand on the facility.

·  If you are a consultant, a notation (cc:) showing that the implementing agency sponsoring the study has received a copy of the request and is aware that it has been made. (e.g. IDOT, Lake County, municipality, etc.) The sponsor will receive CMAP's response, and you will receive a copy.

A copy of the email response from CMAP is sufficient evidence of CMAP approval.

Please attach

4. Planned Year of Construction Letting

D. Emission Reduction Benefit Checklist

Complete the attached checklist.

Please attach

E. Features of Project that Support Transit

Does this project help to implement the DuPage Area Transit Plan in some way, or otherwise help support the use of public transit? Features that support transit include sidewalks, bus pull-outs, signal improvements that include transit vehicle priority, intersection improvements (to allow buses to make turns), and many others. If this project does include these types of features, or others that you think could help to support transit, please describe them. Call Mike Albin at 630-571-0480, ext. 226, if you need help answering this question.

NOTE: The Conference reserves the right to reject any and all proposals. Projects are subject to federal approval and requirements.






Municipality: / Contact Information
Project: / Name / Telephone
Scope of Work: / Municipality
TIP #: / Council/Liaison / Mike Albin / 630-571-0480 x226
TIP Years (Ph II / Const): / Consultant
Section #: / IDOT / Marilin Solomon / 847-705-4407
Last Constr & E3 Cost (Date):
Current Constr & E2 Cost (Date):
Date Prepared: / Date Revised:
Projected Dates / Notes
Initial Est. / Kick-Off / Revised/Actual
1. / Project Scoping
2. / IDOT Phase I Kick-Off Meeting
3. / 1st State/Federal Coordination Meeting
4. / Categorical Exclusion Concurrence
5. / Design Variance Concurrence
6. / Submit Draft Phase I Report (PDR) to IDOT(a)
7. / Public Hearing/Meeting (or N/A)
8. / Right-of-Way Kick-Off Meeting (or N/A)
9. / Submit Final Phase I Report (PDR) to IDOT(b)
10. / Submit Phase II Engr. Agreement to IDOT (or N/A)
11. / Phase I Design Approval
12. / ROW Acquisition Initiation (or N/A)(c)
13. / Phase II Engr. Agreement Approval (or N/A)
14. / Submit Pre-Final Plans and Estimates 85% Min.(d)
15. / Submit Phase III Engr. Agreement to IDOT
16. / Submit Final Plans, Specs & Estimates (PS&E)(e)
17. / ROW Acquisition Complete
18. / Construction Letting
Notes: / See IDOT Local Roads Mechanics of Project Management Federal Aid Project Initiation to Completion Flow Chart for sequence of events and estimated review times.
(a) / 3 to 6 month review required per complexity and submittal quality
(b) / 1 to 3 month review
(c) / Minimum 9 to 18 months required from Plats to Acquisition
(d) / 1 to 4 month review
(e) / 7 to 10 days before Springfield BLR due date




Emissions Reduction is a part of the STP methodology to help implement the air quality goals of recent national legislation. Please indicate if any of the components below are included in your project. SUBMIT TURNING MOVEMENT COUNTS AS APPROPRIATE.


Convert multiway stop to two-way stop control ______

Replace multiway stop with traffic signal control ______

New traffic signal interconnect ______

Traffic signal controller modernization ______


Note: Projects should follow AASHTO, IDOT BDE Procedure Memorandum 95-21, and IDOT Policies and Procedures for Local Bicycle Facilities (Nov. 14, 1997) & subsequent design guidelines.

New/reconstruct bike/pedestrian path ______Length ______

New/reconstruct sidewalk (4' - 6' wide) ______Length ______

New/reconstruct bike/pedestrian grade separation ______

Widened curb lane (14' - 16') ______

Marked bike lane (3' - 5') ______


Grade separation ______

Install motion sensors/predictors ______

Install rubberized crossing ______


Bus turnout lanes ______

Transit signal priority system ______

Bus shelters ______

OTHER ______

Call Mike Albin at (630) 571-0480, ext. 226, if there are other components of your project not listed above that you think might reduce vehicle emissions.







This format is for NEW TCM projects only. Each project submitted for funding must be sponsored by a DuPage municipality. Projects sponsored by DuPage County, any DuPage Township, or any other transportation agency, must have a DuPage municipality as a co-sponsor. Co-sponsors are not required to financially participate in the project.