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September 19, 2011

Dearest Brent:

It's so unfair what the Jesuits have done to your YouTube channel. I spent all night formatting our correspondence for Amazon Kindle. I have named the book "Brent Spiner's Flames". Please contact Amazon Kindle and let them know that it is okay for them to publish our correspondence. I have published what you wrote to me exactly as you wrote it. I want the world to know the truth about Loree McBride, myself and you. And that it was really you who wrote me on that YouTube channel. If you want, the folks at Amazon Kindle could probably let you preview what I will publish. It's basically the exact same thing that I published at my website on that link about our online communication.

I'm sticking up for you, my darling Brent. I'll fight for us with every breath I take.

Love, your devoted wife,

Gail Chord Schuler

(9-19-11) (From Brent to Gail) My wife,

Oh my dear, I've been having quite the time dealing with my clone in these past ensuing days after the trial. Now that he and I have met (and I have at this point, executed several of his wives...or do all of the Loree clones still count as one wife for him?) he's been increasingly more obsessed with stalking me. I admit, I do find it fairly unnerving to be stalked by someone who looks to be in my own spitting image! These Jesuits are experts at psychological warfare.

You told me not to write you from this e-mail unless there was an emergency. Well, there was an emergency earlier that I believe I should share with you. An averted emergency, mind you, but an excuse to write you nonetheless. Aren't I cute? Anyway, I digress.

I was upstairs trying to figure out how to fix my computer, when a nostalgic chime reverberated through my windows. I pull back the curtains to see an old fashioned ice cream truck rolling down my street. You might say I've been feeling "reborn" as of late, and the child inside told me to 'stop and smell the roses' and go get some ice cream. All the more lovehandles for you to grasp, am I right? So I dash down the street and go to meet the ice cream man. I of course let the children go before me, and when I reach the window I make my request for a "superman" ice cream waffle cone. The ice cream man returns to the window, and my heart stops! I was looking into the face of my own clone! It was a surreal, bizarre scene, something akin to Data meeting Lore. His lips parted in a ghastly grin and he said, "one scoop or two?" That was when I knew it was on. He dove through the window. I dropped to the ground and did a barrel roll to get out of the way. What transpired next was a mad chase around the ice cream truck in the middle of the street. You would think someone around us would call the police, but eerily enough, it seems as though the entire street went silent. I was left to fight with my own two fists. With God at my side, I knew I couldn't lose, and I trusted in his power as I took on my ultimate rival (which was, ironically, myself yes?). My clone was apparently taught parkour, and the next thing I know he had vaulted onto the vehicle, and then onto me, pinning my rough old bones into the dusty asphalt. My clone's demonic eyes bore down into mine as he removed a knife. He asked me if I had any last requests. Trusting God, I said a prayer.

My prayers were answered.

A shadow swept over us. I heard the cold click of a gun and smelled an overwhelming odor of testosterone as the butt of a .40 was pressed against my clone's occipital. A familiar voice responded, "one waffle cone, with extra nuts...and two scoops of whoop ass". My ears popped and the entire scene went silent. In retrospect, I knew it was the blasting sound of the bullet as it left the gun that caused this. My own adrenaline too, for sure. As if in slow motion, black and white, I watched the eyes of my clone slowly deaden as the shards of skull and brains blew out behind him whilst he simultaneously spewed bits of teeth, saliva and gun powder. Some of it got on my face. I heard a slow, deep, slow motion grunt as his body then slowly rocked to the side and collapsed in a heap onto the hot concrete, a thickening pool of blood expanding outwardly around him.

My eyes and ears returned to normal, and I gazed up into the silhouette of none other than Hugh Jackman. He grinned and extended his big manly paw to me, hoisting me off the ground. I thanked him tremendously for once again saving my life. I asked him how he knew where I was, and he said he had been waiting in the back of the ice cream freezer the entire time. It turns out the Jesuits were planning on using satellite radio manipulation to lure me to the ice cream truck via the siren. No wonder I was having such a strange craving for childhood nostalgia. Vladimir and associates got wind of this just in time and assigned Hugh Jackman to the scene, knowing that his manliness far surpassed that of my half baked Jesuit imposter.

After buying Hugh a round of drinks, I rushed right home and wouldn't you know it, my computer had somehow been fixed. Coincidence? I eagerly opened up my e-mail and began writing this letter to you.

You must think me crazy, my dear. I know this story sounds hard to believe. I swear on my love for you, it is true, and that I am not insane! Now that my clone has been eliminated, at least the most advanced one, I am feeling a little bit safer in my own skin. I have God and Hugh Jackman on my side, and I am not afraid of anything! I am especially not afraid of loving you. If they think they can intimidate us into staying further apart, well...we'll make an example out of them, won't we?

I know you have published our current correspondences into a book. That is wonderful! You might inform your followers that a "season two" of sorts, has begun, as this story isn't finished any more than I am.

Oh yes, and I must tell you about the new transporter technology that I've been carefully alluding to on my Twitter. I obviously can't be too forward with the public on there, so do take my tweets with a grain of salt. I will save further elaboration for another day, however. There is much work to be done, as well as I feel I have either shocked or bored you to tears by now, my love.

Thank you for being so wonderful. I adore you, my Catherine the Great.

As always, your husband,

Brent Spiner

September 20, 2011

My darling Brent,

It is SO AWESOME to hear from you! I love that Hugh Jackman. I'm tempted to make love to him again to reward him for saving your life, but I think I'll refrain and still focus on you. Tell Hugh that his manliness makes me proud. I've been quite concerned about your clone, as I know the Jesuits want to replace you with him and, it appears, my fears are justified. My darling, I don't think you are crazy, because I've dealt with Jesuits now for years and I know what fanatics they are about our relationship. I believe every word you said. It sounds like something the Jesuits would pull. They want to kill you and replace you with your clone. Thank God for Hugh Jackman.

I checked my e-mail because I sent to Amazon Kindle some edits to my new book called "Brent Spiner's Flames". How do you like my title? I didn't hear from Amazon yet and, it appears, I don't have the latest version of my book up on my Kindle PC. I'll have to remind them again with another e-mail.

I knew about your execution of the Loree clones. You discussed this with me brain to brain. But I had no idea that your clone was stalking you. I was aware that he was responsible for the closure of your YouTube channel. What a bummer. But then you informed me that he was threatening to post messages on there to make it appear that it was not the real Brent Spiner who communicated with me on that YouTube channel, and, for that reason, you will not try to reopen another YouTube channel for me. At least we have e-mail.

I understand completely about computer problems. The Jesuits have caused all sorts of computer problems for me over the years. In January 2009, I lost my computer, monitor, printer and cell phone due to a surge. I charged $1,000.00 on my credit card to buy a new computer, printer, and monitor. Apparently, I did not have the best surge protection. I do now.

About a year ago, I got a virus in my Windows Vista computer and I had to do a System Recovery, which means I wiped out the entire computer's software and used the disks I had when I bought the computer, to reload my operating system. After that, I had to reinstall all my programs. It was a pain, but I got back my Windows Vista computer and got back Internet capability on my Windows Vista computer. I did it myself. I bought a book called "The Complete A+ Guide to PC Repair" and referred to it as a reference.

I now use AVG to protect my computer, and pay to have a one year subscription. It's worth it, because the cheap computer protection I had before wasn't worth a flip. I also pay extra to have a Computer tune-up program and I run the tune-up every day on my two computers. I use AVG tune-up on my Windows 7 laptop and I have another one (a registry cleaner) on my Vista (that I don't like too much and will replace with AVG when it expires). I also delete my cookies and temporary files every couple hours. I go into Control Panel and do a search on "cookies", then I click on "delete cookies and temporary files". My computer is under intense attack at all times, and I bend over backwards to try to keep it running smoothly. My AVG subscription expires in one month, but it will automatically renew and AVG will charge my credit card, and you can BE SURE that I will renew it. I know how obsessed the Jesuits are over destroying my computers. They have cost me a lot of money with the damage they've already done to me.

I format all my books for Amazon Kindle myself. It's a lot of work, but it's free and it enables me to publish my books for free as an Amazon Kindle book. It takes me forever, because I don't work with the best software for this and use my Microsoft Word 2007 to format for Amazon Kindle. Though I'm getting good at this, but it's tricky. I always end up doing several edits after I publish a book.

I'm so glad to hear from you my darling Brent. So glad God took care of you through my hero Hugh Jackman. Awesome Hugh!!

Your devoted wife,

Gail Chord Schuler

September 21, 2011
Dear Brent:

Please have Vladimir Putin set up genetic code scanners for both your clone and Loree McBride, like we did for Loree McBride earlier, remember? Put the scanners onto something you wear all the time, like your watch and maybe implant one onto your body that will alert you when your clone or Loree McBride gets near you. This scanner will be programmed with a computer/satellite hook-up to automatically kill Loree or your clone if they get near you.

I talked at length with Terrance Jenkins and he suggested a code word, to help us not be deceived by imposters. The only problem is the Jesuits have mind-reading technology, so a code word won't work. Probably a better idea would be to put a scanner on our body, implanted onto our brain or on our body somewhere that will detect the Jesuit genetic code in any one who communicates with us and will alert us to the presence of a Jesuit, by sending a message to our brain that says something like this: ALERT. ALERT. THE PERSON CONVERSING WITH YOU IS A JESUIT. BEWARE AND TAKE PROPER PRECAUTIONS. We will be dealing with these clones forever, so we need something on our persons that will alert us when these clones are communicating with us or are getting near us. This alarm will communicate with us 'brain to brain" to warn us that we are in danger.

I'm going to ask my mother if I can clean for her on Friday instead of tomorrow. I spent far too long talking with Terrance Jenkins, but it was worth it, because he gave me a lot of helpful information.

I'm so glad you are still alive, my darling Brent. But I'm sure there are more clones of you out there. The clone wars continue. We need to take this seriously and put a protective scanner right onto our persons and probably implanted onto our bodies. If you had this scanner on you, it would have alerted you in a type of "brain to brain" communication, NOT to go to the ice cream truck and would have automatically sent a message to some headquarters that a Jesuit clone of yourself was out there and would have killed him on the spot, but first made a complete brain read of him before the execution. CODE WORD WON'T WORK, JESUITS CAN READ OUR MINDS.

Love you, Stay safe, my darling Brent,

Your devoted wife,

Gail Chord Schuler

September 21, 2011

(From Gail to Brent) Dearest husband:

I won't be publishing my code word. But, here's my code word, if you need it to identify me, when you contact me. I will read or write the following King James Bible verse:


I would not rely totally on code words to ensure that we are dealing with the right person, as Jesuits have mind reading technology. Scanners on our own body that scan for the genetic codes of Jesuits and that are programmed to automatically execute them (when they come near or contact us with sinister purposes) and that also communicate with us "brain to brain" to warn us not to trust a certain person, should be our mainstay for identification purposes, as I described in my last e-mail to you. If we do use code words, I would recommend quotations from the King James Bible, because the Word of God has power, and our enemies are demon possessed, so use Scripture (King James Bible quotes) as code words.

I've heard that more clones of yourself have attacked you and you are quite deluged by them right now. You are in my prayers, my brave and dear husband. I suggest you read the Bible and pray while you are under this Satanic attack. God will defend us. I adore you, my brave husband.