Membership Form

Please fill in the form below and post with your cheque and SAE to the acting Trust Secretary below:

Mrs Elizabeth Bowskill,
3 Sandcliffe Rd

Grantham NG31 8DT

Tel: 07840 240854 Email:

Annual subscriptions run from 1st January to 31st December.
Members joining in September or after will be automatically credited with a subscription for the following year. You may pay either by cheque or use the Bankers Order below.
Please also complete the Gift Aid certificate below
I enclose my Cheque\Bankers Order form for
£ ______being my Subscription as a (please tick as appropriate)
Single Membership £15.00
Family Membership (for 2 people) £25.00
Corporate Membership (for 4 people) £50.00
Life Membership £200.00

Title ______Name ______
Address ______
------Post code------
Email Address ______

Telephone ______

Please tick below your areas of Interest
Conservation ..
Research ..
Administration ..
Practical gardening projects ..
Fund raising and events organising ..
Botanical or horticultural skills ..Public relations and publicity ..Education and training ..

Banker Standing Order
To ______
Bank plc Account No: ______Sort Code ______
Bank Address: ______
Please pay:

Yorkshire Bank Plc,
8 Guildhall Street, Lincoln
for the credit of

Lincolnshire Gardens Trust Ltd
Account No: 43221180 Sort Code 05-05-63
the sum of £______(numbers) ______(amount in words)
On ______(date of first payment)
and thereafter annually
Until January 1st ______(year) inclusive
Name ______Address ______
Signature: ______

Gift Aid

Please complete the gift aid declaration below to benefit the Association even more. Thank you.

Charity No: 1050884
Title ______

Name ______

Address ______


______Post code ______

Telephone ______

I authorize the Lincolnshire Gardens Trust to treat
- the enclosed donation of £ ______
- the donation(s) of £ ______which I made on ...... / ...... / ......
. - all donations I make from the date of this declaration until I notify you otherwise
- all donations I have made since ...... / ...... / ......
and all donations I make from the date of this declaration until I notify you otherwise as Gift Aid Donations. (Delete above as appropriate.)

Signed ______Date ...... /...... /......

1) You can cancel this declaration at any time by notifying the Lincolnshire Gardens Trust.
2) You must pay an amount of income tax and/or capital gains at least equal to the tax that the Lincolnshire Gardens Trust reclaims on your subscription in the tax year for each £ you give).
3) If in future your circumstances change and you no longer pay tax/capital gains equal to the amount the Lincolnshire Gardens Trust reclaims, you can cancel you declaration (See note 2).
4) If you pay tax at the higher rate you can claim further tax relief in your Self-Assessment tax return. 5) If you are unsure whether your donations qualify for Gift Aid tax relief, ask the charity or ask your local tax office for the leaflet IR113 Gift Aid 6) Please notify the Lincolnshire Gardens Trust if you change your name or address.