Springfield Food Co-op

Board of Directors Meeting

April 28, 2016 6 p.m.

Members present: Brooke Decker, Cherie Harris,Jane Sandelman, Kelen Beardsley, Carrol Veltrop

Ex-officio: Neomi Lauritsen

Recording officer: Lucy Georgeff

Meeting called to order: 6:04 p.m.

Welcome and agenda review: Brooke moves to accept Carroll Veltrop on the SFC Board of Directors, Jane seconds. 1 abstention, 4 yays. Brooke asks to take time at end of meeting to talk about Ends policy, since other policy reviews will be short.

Approving minutes of March 31

Cherie moves to accept minutes as entered; Kelen seconds.Motion passes with 1 abstention, 4 yays.

GM Monitoring

B1: Financial Conditions and Activities

For new directors, board will use decision-making tree for reports this time.

Board runs through items #1-10 without issue, andwalks through the decision-making tree with item #11. Brooke asks what is out of compliance. Neomi refers to a document titled Internal Financial Controls, and explains which areas still need work. One main area is computer backups, learning the process for restoring a computer using the data backup system. For area of shrink prevention, co-op needs a policy on purchasing and receiving. No policy in place for shoplifting. No policy on handling milk bottles.

Neomi will work with Lucy on coming up with a list of financial controls that still need work. Jane would like dates attached to the list, Brooke asks to add a chart to report with controls in place, controls still needed.

Jane moves to accept B1 as submitted with understanding that the next B1 report (July) will come with an action plan for item #11. Cherie seconds, motion passes unanimously.

Q4 Financial report

Jane mentions the negative sales growth in produce, notes that this number has been slipping for two quarters, wonders if the department needs a consultant. Neomi explains that department has increased in profitability but that produce faces a lot of challenges such as weather irregularities, the produce cooler acting up, and a learning curve for the new manager. The Eastern Corridor of NCG has hired consultants for nearly every department, so she might consider hiring one. Jane emphasizes that produce is 12% of sales and a very important department for store. Neomi mentions that co-op was 17th in overall sales growth in Eastern Corridor and our meat department was 2nd.

GM FYI – March

Management team is growing stronger. Someone from EAP came to talk with management team on communication, feedback, and talking as a supervisor.

The Board will be available for help on Member Appreciation Day, Friday May 7, prior to Mother’s Day.

Fulfilling inventory requirements to quality as a WIC vendor in their new store-based system is proving a challenge. A WIC rep did an audit on store and we have quite a list before we are compliant. Currently, the co-op cannot accept WIC debit cards.

Board self-monitoring

D2: Accountability to the GM

Wording is awkward; Board will add this to the policy review list.

Board self-rating: 4/5

Annual Meeting Planning

Location: Co-op community room, Jane is in charge of sushi.

$500 budget includes: food, a warning sent by email or snail mail if member has opted-out. Board has to print annual report, consisting of year-end financial statements. Board might donate to Trout River Brewing Company in exchange for beer.

Agenda: all officers give a report, Carrol and Kelen will be voted in officially. Jane is up for renewal, and will commit to one more 3-year term.

Discussion topic for meeting: Brooke will report on retreat during President’s Report.

Board discusses doing a raffle for one bag of co-op products. Cherie volunteers herself and Ron for this project.

Brooke will work on email invite and send to Jane for edits, and that will go out before next meeting.

Cherie and Ron will work on set-up together; Cherie and Carrol will help with clean-up.

Board will do a lot of outreach on annual meeting. Board will contact Marilyn to verify that warning does not have to be mailed to members without email addresses.

Co-op’s 24th anniversary is this year.

Meeting will need a sign-in sheet.

Meeting will be on Wednesday, June 22nd.

Board recruitment

Welcome to two new board members, Kelen and Carroll! Board still has two open seats. Cherie will stay in touch with Alina Abram, who is not ready to commit at this point.

Neomi will look at newer members.

Other Business

Dam Run: Co-op not participating this year because of forecasted rain. Co-op donated $25 gift certificate. Dam Run is not actually an extraordinary day for shoppers.

Earth Day: Cherie had one really interested participant in cleaning products workshop. She thinks the workshop went well, despite low turnout.

Co-op Café Recap: Neomi and Jane went. Everyone meets in one large room at small tables. A lot of small group discussions, great presenters. River Valley Co-op of Northampton gave a great presentation. They do a lot of team-building; have good energy in the store, and tremendous growth. A recent member drive netted $2 million.

Topic was “Courageous Leadership,” about keeping co-ops strong in the face of growing competition.

Jane was inspired by presentation by GM of Onion River Market (City Market in Burlington) on “be the bamboo.”


Jane will do newsletter article focusing on takeaway from co-op café.

Brooke will do an article for May.

Policy Alignments

A: Global Ends. Brooke brings Ends from another co-op to open discussion on new ideas for report. Jane suggests adding info on staff and co-op as an employer. Neomi will get back to board on whether or not she thinks she can integrate it into this year’s Ends report, due next month. Board believes co-op has made taking care of employees a priorities and this should be reflected in the Ends.

Suggestions: “a fair and equitable workplace,” “a workplace where employees are valued as part of the community,” “model co-op values,” “workplace community,” “family.” Board settles upon, “A workplace community where employees are valued and treated equitably.” Board will not hold Neomi accountable to reporting on this new “End” for this year.

Last revised 4/28/16. Lucy will edit.

Open session: Cherie needs to resubmit officer exclusion forms again due to new formatting of state.

Member Appreciation Day is next Friday, May 6. Some board members will be there.

Next meeting, May 26th.

Jane moves to adjourn meeting at 7:42, Brooke seconds, motion passes unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Lucy Georgeff