Research Cadre Editing Checklist
Directions: Evaluate your cadre member’s paper using the checklist below. Use the comments option to add clarification to your selections or provide additional feedback. Please highlight your selections.
Higher Order Concerns - Questions to Ask:
Did the researcher establish and maintain a style that indicates credibility within the discipline of the paper?
- Yes, all of the time
- Yes, most of the time
- Through some of the paper
- Through very little of the paper
- Comments:
Did the researcher define terminology that may be difficult for the reader?
- Yes, all of the time
- Yes, most of the time
- Through some of the paper
- Through very little of the paper
- Comments:
Did the researcher provide and explain any hypotheses or assumptions critical to the topic?
- Yes, all were explained
- Some were explained
- None were explained
- Comments:
Did the researcher acknowledge and synthesize different perspectives regarding their topic?
- Yes, all of the time
- Yes, most of the time
- Through some of the paper
- Through very little of the paper (few perspectives are evident)
- Comments:
Did the researcher situate their research in the body of knowledge surrounding their work?
- Yes
- Yes, though it could be more clear
- Very little evidence of the author’s own study is evident or connected to the lit review
- Comments:
Did the researcher use a line of reasoning to arrive at their research question?
- Yes, and it is clear and coherent
- Yes, though it occasionally lacks cohesion/ logical progression
- It is difficult to discern
- Comments:
Did the researcher identify a gap in the current body of knowledge?
- Yes
- No
- Comments:
Lower Order Concerns - Questions to Ask:
Did the researcher consistently follow a style guide?
- Yes, the paper successfully follows APA guidelines
- Yes, the paper mostly follows APA guidelines
- Yes, but the paper contains lapses in APA format
- Comments:
Did the researcher follow the rules of Standard English by avoiding colloquialisms and usage inappropriate for this formal style of writing?
- Yes, the paper is stylistically sophisticated throughout
- The paper is mostly formal but lapses into occasional conversational language
- The paper mostly uses conversational language
- Comments:
Did the researcher maintain the appropriate tense for this section of the paper?
- Yes, the paper stayed consistently in one tense (present or past)
- No, the paper switched between tenses in places
- Comments:
If visuals are present, did the researcher cite and provide captions while also contextualizing the visuals within this segment of the paper?
- Yes
- No
- Comments:
Did the researcher anchor quotations while also maintaining control of their voice by contextualizing these quotes within the topic and focus of the paper?
- Yes, quotations are used effectively and the student’s own voice is also discernable
- Quotations are used mostly effectively and the student’s voice is sometimes evident
- Quotations are sometimes awkwardly used/ incorporated. Student’s voice is difficult to discern
- Comments:
Did the researcher maintain clarity regarding the credibility of the sources used without stilted phrasing?
- Yes, sources are discussed in such a way that showcases their credibility without overt stilted phrasing (“this source is credible because…”)