Company Name: / Main Contact Name:
Business Street Address: / Contractors/Bus. License #:
City: / State: / Zip Code:
Business Phone: / Business Fax:
Website: / Email Address:
Referred by: / Company:
I would like information on the following SWCA Benefits (Circle one or more):
SWCA 401k | Health Insurance | L & I Retro | Advertising |Scholarship
Additional Organizational Contacts
Educational Contact: / Email: / Newsletter: Plans Online:
Safety Coordinator Contact: / Email: / Newsletter: Plans Online:
Optional Company Information: / Number of Employees: / Health Insurance Renewal Date: __/__/____
Manager/Ownerof Company: / Estimated Workers Comp. Annual Premium:
Company Referrals: (Please list anyone you think could benefit by being a member of the SWCA) / Company: Contact: Phone/Email:
Company: Contact: Phone/Email: / Company: Contact: Phone/Email:
Contractor Plus (Plans Online):
Annual Membership: $1,015.00
Initiation Fee: $50.00
Total: $1,065.00
*Includes Plan Center Access
* Private Plan Center Available for $1200.00 / Contractor Members:
(No Plans Online)
Annual Membership: $665.00
Initiation Fee: $50.00
Total: $715.00
*Does Not include Plan Center Access / Supplier: Annual Membership: $550.00
Initiation Fee: $50.00
Total: $600.00 / Associate: Annual
Membership $405.00
Initiation Fee: $50.00
Total: $455.00
Additional Branch Annual Membership: $100.00 per branch
*Must be a branch associated with a current member business
*All benefits received by principal business are extended to additional branches
Additional Branch Information
Branch Contact: / Address: / Email: / Phone:
Branch Contact: / Address: / Email: / Phone:
Branch Contact: / Address: / Email: / Phone:
Branch Contact: / Address: / Email / Phone:
I, ______do hereby apply for membership in the Southwest Washington Contractors Association and agree to abide by the Bylaws of this Association.
Signature: Date:
It is the express condition of membership in the Association that no member can claim or receive any refund or dividend from any of the funds of the Association, but that all funds received by the Association shall be expended to achieve the objects and purposes of the Association.
7017 NE Hwy 99, Suite 214 Vancouver, WA Phone: (360) 694-7922 Fax: (360) 694-0188
General Contractor / Developer
Specialty Service
(i.e. Traffic Control, Drug Testing, etc.)
\ Specialty Supplier (i.e. Fuel, etc.)
Consultant (Non-design/Engineering)
\Attorney/Legal/Lien Services
Reprographics/Printing Services
Safety/Risk Management
Title Companies
Public Relations/Media
Real Estate
Division 1
1000 - General Requirements
1100 - Design, Engineering & Architecture
1200 - Accounting/Taxes
1300 - Project Management/Scheduling
1310 - Insurance/Bonding
1410 - Regulatory/Permitting
1450 - Quality Control/Special Inspections & Testing
1500 - Temporary Facilities
1540 - Temporary Equipment/Rentals
1560 - Security
1700 - Cleaning
1900 – Commissioning
Division 2
2210 - Surveying
2320 - Geotechnical Investigation
2410 - Demolition
2650 - Environmental/UST Remediation
2800 - Hazardous Material Remediation
Division 3
3100 - Concrete Forms/Accessories
3200 - Concrete - Reinforcing Steel & Accessories
3300 - Cast-in-Place Concrete
3310 - Concrete - Supply/Pumping
3400 - Concrete - Pre-Cast
3500 - Lightweight Concrete/Decking
3600 - Concrete Grout
3800 - Concrete Cutting & Boring
Division 4
4000 – Masonry
Division 5
5120 - Structural Steel
5140 - Structural Aluminum
5150 - Wire Rope
5210 - Steel Joists
5310 - Steel Decking
5410 - Steel Stud Framing
5500 - Misc. Metals
5700 - Decorative Metals
Division 6
6110 - Rough Carpentry
6170 - Pre-Fabricated Trusses & Joists
6180 - Glue-Laminated Construction
6220 - Finish Carpentry/Millwork
Division 7
7110 - Waterproofing/Damproofing
7200 - Insulation
7240 - Exterior Insulation & Finish Systems (EIFS)
7300 - Shingle & Tile Roofing
7400 - Exterior Paneling
7460 - Siding
7500 - Membrane Roofing
7600 - Sheet Metal
7700 - Roof Accessories
7800 - Fireproofing/Stopping
7900 - Joint Sealants/Expansion Control
Division 8
8100 - Doors, Frames & Hardware
8300 - Overhead/Coiling/Specialty Doors
8400 - Entrance/Storefront/Curtain Wall
8500 - Windows
8600 - Skylights
8700 - Door/Window Hardware
8800 - Glass/Glazing
8900 - Louvers/Vents
Division 9
9200 - Plaster/Stucco
9290 - Drywall/GWB
9300 - Tile
9500 - Acoustical Ceilings
9600 - Floor Covering
9700 - Wainscot & Wall Coverings
9900 - Painting/Coatings
Division 10
10100 - Display/Directories
10140 - Signage
10170 - Telephone Specialties
10200 - Partitions
10280 - Toilet Access./Partitions
10300 - Stove/Fireplace
10400 - Fire Extinguishers/Protection Specialties
10500 - Postal/Storage Specialties
10700 - Exterior Specialties
10800 - Pest Control/Scales
Division 11
11100 - Traffic/Loading/Bank Equipment
11200 - Commercial/Retail/Photo Equipment
11300 - Residential Equipment
11400 - Food Service Equipment
11500 - Technical Equipment
11600 - Theatre/Athletic/Play GroundEquipment
11700 - Medical Equipment
11800 - Solid Waste Equipment
11900 - Religious Equipment
Division 12
12200 - Blinds/Drapes/Shutters
12300 - Casework/Countertops
12400 - Furnishings
12600 - Seating
12900 - Site Furnishings
Division 13
13100 - Pools/Ice Rinks
13200 - Special Rooms/Construction
13300 - Pre-Engineered Structures
13400 - Modules/Sound/Seismic/Radiation
13500 – Meteorological
Division 14
14100 - Dumbwaiters
14200 - Elevators
14300 - Escalators/Moving Walkways
14400 - ADA/Vehicle Lifts
14500 - Other Conveying Equipment
Division 15
15200 - Field Offices/Storage
Division 21
21000 - Fire Suppression
Division 22
22070 - Plumbing Insulation
22100 - Plumbing/Piping/Pumps
22400 - Plumbing Fixtures – Supply
Division 23
23059 - HVAC Testing/Balancing
23070 - HVAC Insulation
23090 - HVAC Instrumentation/Control
23100 - Fuel Pump Systems/Storage Tanks
23200 - Hydronic Piping/Pumps
23220 - Steam/Condensate Piping/Pumps
23300 - HVAC Duct/Accessories
23520 - Boilers
23560 - Solar Energy
23620 - Refrigeration
23630 - HVAC Systems/Equipment
Division 26
26050 - Electrical
26090 - Electrical Instrumentation/Control
26200 - Low-Voltage Electrical
26302 - Generator Systems
26400 - Cathodic Protection
26500 - Electrical Fixtures/Lighting – Supply
Division 27
27200 - Data Communications
27300 - Voice Communications
27400 - Audio-Video Communications
Division 28
28130 - Access Control
28160 - Intrusion Detection
28230 - Video Surveillance
28310 - Fire Detection & Alarm
28330 - Fuel-Gas Detection & Alarm
Division 31
31000 - Earthwork
31051 - Aggregate - Supply
31250 - Erosion Control
31410 - Shoring
31620 - Pile
31630 - Drilling
Division 32
32100 - Paving
32160 - Curb & Gutter
32170 - Paving Specialties
32180 - Recreational Surfacing
32300 - Fencing/Retaining Walls/Screening
32900 - Landscaping & Irrigation
Division 33
33050 - Horizontal Boring
33100 - Water Utilities
33200 - Wells
33300 - Sanitary Utilities
33400 - Storm Utilities
33500 - Natural Gas/Fuel Utilities
33700 - Electrical Utilities
33800 - Communications Utilities
Division 34
34400 - Roadway Signaling
34710 - Roadway Construction
34720 - Railway Construction
Division 35
35200 - Waterway & Marine
35500 - Floating Construction
Division 41
41210 - Conveyors
41220 - Crane Systems & Accessories
Division 44
44110 - Air Pollution Control Equipment
44410 - Packaged Water Systems
Add Additional Work Types:
($50 per listing)
Website Tags (For Online Directory)
7017 NE Hwy 99, Suite 214 Vancouver, WA Phone: (360) 694-7922 Fax: (360) 694-0188