PRESENT:Matt Denison, Suellen Wilkinson, Kay Garry

ALSO PRESENT: Joe Hamm, Denis Smith, Chief Juliot, Chief Bailey, John Rosenbarger, David Hall, Shane Gibson, and Mindy Milburn


Mr. Denison called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.



Item #1 - Vicky Brim re: Dumpster at 114 E. Market.

Not present.

Item #2 - Jack Norton with Norton and Associates Plumbing re: Street cut permit on Bono Road for new sewer line 948-8828

Mr. Norton addressed the board regarding sewer issues on Bono Road that he is working on. He explained that he will need to close Bono Road for two days while he works on these issues.

Mr. Denison stated that the main issue he is having with this is closing the street for two days with this being a detour for Daisy Lane and asked if there was any way he could work it to keep at least one lane open.

Mr. Norton stated that he doesn’t think there is a way to safely plate this cut because of the size and the amount of traffic on this road.

There was a lengthy discussion regarding the concerns with this closure while Daisy Lane is also closed.

Mr. Brewersuggested that he do the workon Saturday and Sunday

Mr. Norton explained that they could do that if the individuals want to pay the extra costs on those days.

Mr. Denison stated that there really isn’t a good alternative and he doesn’t want to hold this up. He asked that they let the City know well in advance of when the work is going to start so they can get prepared on their end.

Mrs. Garry suggested that they try to do this during spring break so that they won’t have all of the school traffic.

Mr. Norton stated that he would be back at the next meeting to finalize all the details.

Item #3 - Denis Smith re: Handicap request for Troy Black on Culbertson Avenue

Mrs. Wisman stated that Mr. Smith asked her to present this to the board and explained that they do have the proper tags and he would recommend approval.

Mrs. Wilkinson moved to approve, Mrs. Garry second, all voted in favor.

Item #4 - Tim Teives re: Civil Action 1308 E. Main Street

Mr. Denison asked Mr. Gibson to explain how this works.

Mr. Gibson stated that they have a structure that is unsafe and Mr. Teives has been trying to work on getting this corrected to no avail and they will be moving forward with the court process.

Mr. Teives explained that Section 50.094 of the building regulationsstipulate that they need the board’s approval to take this case onto court. He stated that this is a 4-plex with several life threatening issues and they are currently working to relocate the tenants

Mrs. Garry moved to allow them to take whatever action they need to proceed to correct this issue, Mrs. Wilkinson second, all voted in favor.

Item #5 - Mike Jacobs, Masonic Temple re: Request for sign placement at various city entrances.

Mr. Jacobs presented the board with a list of locations where they would like to place signs for the Masonic Lodges.

Mr. Denison informed them that at some of the locations they will need to be very careful to ensure that they are placing these on city right of way and not in the State right of way. He asked Mr. Thompson to work with them on locating the city right of ways, and they will table this until next week.


Item #1 - Allison Smith, Relay for Life re: Request for temporary street closures for Relay for Life 5K race near Scribner Middle School

Mr. Denison stated that they have not received their route as of yet.

Item #2 - Bill Smith re: Animal issues, conditions of businesses in neighborhood & complain on Animal Shelter employee.

Mr. Denison stated that he, Mr. Hall and Mr. Teives have been working on these issues and this can be removed from the agenda.

Item #3 - Mr. Hawkins re: Deteriorating corner of E Maine and E. 14th Street.

Mr. Denison stated that (Matt will email his statement)

Mrs. Garry moved to proceed with the recommendations from TSI paving, Mrs. Wilkinson second, all voted in favor

Item #4 - Tony Watkins re: Back in Time Car Clubs annual car show

Mr. Denison stated thatthey want to close both sides of Market this year because they are expanding the event.

Mrs. Wilkinson moved to approve, Mrs. Garry second, all voted in favor.


Shane Gibson stated that Ron Granger asked him to work up a proposal for the transfer of the unused ambulance vehicle to Flood Control.

Mrs. Garry stated that when something goes from one taxing entity to another both entities need a resolution.

Mrs. Wisman read the resolution into the record.

Mrs. Garry moved to approve the transfer, Mrs. Wilkinson second, all voted in favor.


Mr. Ron Judd and Lane Stumler, stated that they are putting a geothermal system in the church and they will need to cut the alley in order to run 6” pipes.He explained the work that they will be doing and how deep they will have to go in order to lay the pipe. He stated that they will repave after the work is complete.

Mrs. Garry moved to approve closing the alley stipulating that when they are ready to start work that they contact Mr. Denison and emergency services, Mrs. Wilkinson second, all voted in favor.

Mark Williamsstated that he is doing some work for PNC Bank at321 Pearl Street. He stated that they have some windows that are in need of repair and they would like to start work on Thursday and plan to be done by Friday. He asked for permission to close the sidewalk in front of the building for safety reasons.

Mr. Brewer asked if they were following the historic guidelines on this.

Mr. Williams stated that he would sure that they are.

Mr. Brewer stated that he wanted to warn him that they will have to have the proper documentation from the Historic District or they will come over and shut the work down.

Mrs. Garry moved to approve the blocking of the sidewalk with the stipulation that he receive the proper documentation from the Historic District, Mrs. Wilkinson second, all voted in favor.

Warren Nashstated that he would like to request a banner for two weeks prior to May 14thfor the Earth Day Celebration at the Falls of the Ohio.

Mrs. Wisman stated that she would look into it to see if thedates are available.

Annie SavinoTree Board President came to introduce herself and informed the board as to what they are working on throughout the city.



Mrs.Garry moved to approve the meeting minutes from February 22nd and March 1st, Mrs. Wilkinson second, all voted in favor


There being no further business before the board, the meeting adjourned at 10:56a.m.


Matt Denison, President Marcey Wisman, City Clerk

1 Board of Works
March 8, 2011

All meetings are recorded and on file with the City Clerk’s Office