1. Membership As an organization dedicated to achieve equality, access and full participation for immigrants and refugees in every aspect of Canadian life, the OCASI membership should reflect the full racial diversity of the communities it serves.

Policy statement


Outcome desired


Actions required


Who is responsible


Resources needed


Time lines

OCASI will reach out to settlement service organizations serving immigrants, refugees and racial minorities who might be under- represented in the membership and actively seek to attract them as active members within OCASI.

Equitable representation


·  Identification of new agencies that are eligible for OCASI membership

·  Review of OCASI membership fee structure /

The membership committee and the membership services coordinator.


Student Placement to research non-member agencies


Fall 1999 to Fall 2000

Each OCASI committee and working group will develop strategies to increase participation of racial minorities in the work of these groups.
They will establish targets that:
§  would ensure representation,
§  are representative of the membership
§  and are reviewed every two years

Equitable participation


·  Educate member agencies

·  Educate Board
·  Provide support for OCASI committees and work groups
·  Include into considerations for next election / Committee and Working Groups Chairs /



Fall 1999 - Ongoing

Rates of membership dues will be administered with flexibility in order to facilitate participation from racial minority communities.

Equitable access


·  Recommendation to the Board by membership committee (Review membership fee structure)


Membership Service Coordinator and Executive Director




Fall 1999 Membership renewal Drive

A commitment to anti-racism will be part of the criteria for membership in OCASI

Process to ensure members endorse OCASI’s Anti-Racism practice

Shared values /

·  By-Laws Change

·  Review of membership form to include specific language regarding the adoption of OCASI’s Anti-Racism policy. /

Board of Directors and Membership




October 1999 AGM

2. Structure Recognizing the principles of equity and OCASI's commitment to anti-racism, the following guidelines will be established to ensure that there is equitable representation of racial minorities at all levels of the organization:

Policy statement


Outcome desired


Actions required


Who is responsible


Resources needed


Time lines

Participation of racial minorities will be integrated in the nomination and election of committee and working group chairs, the Regional Directors, the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee.

Balanced representation of the membership in governing structure


·  Identification of individuals with the necessary skills needed on the Board

·  Recruitment of individuals
·  Discussion of the importance of ethno-racial balance at the AGM
OCASI will establish targets that:
§  ensure representation of racial minorities,
§  are representative of the membership
§  and are reviewed every two years /

President and Executive Committee of the Board




Summer 1999 to October 2000

Introductory sessions will be offered at conferences and other events to orient first time participants and make the functioning of the organization transparent.

Membership understanding of OCASI decision-making structure


·  Orientation to OCASI at all membership meetings

·  Mentoring/Buddy system for new member agencies and board members. /

OCASI Staff and Executive Director


Time at meetings, conferences, etc.


Immediate implementation

OCASI will continue to develop and review its structures and functioning to promote the participation of racial minorities at all levels of the organization

An organization that is reflective of its membership and the population of Ontario


·  Ongoing review


Board of Directors, Committee & Working Group Chairs. Executive Director

/ /

Immediate implementation and ongoing review

All volunteers, staff, board, funders, community partners and member organizations will receive a copy of the anti-racism policy.

Promotion of anti-racism in the settlement service sector


·  Mail out of policy to stakeholders

·  Ongoing Anti-Racism education and communication for all volunteers, staff, board, funders, community partners and member organizations /

Working Group Staff and Executive Director


$$ for mailout

Staff time /

November to December, 1999

3. Decision-making To ensure that decisions reflect OCASI's commitment to anti-racism, the decision-making processes must be transparent, collaborative and inclusive. They should encourage full participation of board, staff, volunteers and member agencies. The following guidelines will apply when decisions are to be made:

Policy statement


Outcome desired


Actions required


Who is responsible


Resources needed


Time lines

Representation of racial minorities must be considered when organizing consultations, workshops and panels and when selecting OCASI participants for meetings, press conferences, etc. Every effort must be made to ensure that financial considerations are not a barrier to participation.

Equitable representation

Equitable access /

·  Identification of individuals interest and abilities


Executive Director and Board President


$$ travel and accommodation


Immediate implementation

OCASI will facilitate the involvement of all members at OCASI activities through strategies that acknowledge their cultural and linguistic diversity and lessen barriers to full and equitable participation.

Equitable representation

Equitable access


·  Explore alternative models for participation

·  Implement strategies that facilitate equitable participation /

OCASI Staff, Board of Directors and Executive Director


Staff Time

$$ for cultural interpretation/
translation where necessary /

Immediate implementation (August, 1999 - regional elections)

Chairs of committees, working groups, regional directors and the Executive Director will work to ensure that appropriate measures are developed to ensure that racial minorities are included in the decision making process.

Equitable participation


Such measures may include but are not limited to a formalized system of support and mentoring; pre-consultation meetings and telephone contact to explain the process and facilitate the decision making process and ensuring that advisors are available at the consultation.

·  Peer support

·  Mentoring
·  Review structures to ensure they encourage equitable participation. /

Committees’ Chairs, Executive Director, Executive Committee


Staff and Board Time


Implemented July 1999

All policies developed by OCASI will incorporate and be guided by the organization's commitment to anti-racism

OCASI becomes an Anti-Racism Organization


·  Review all new and existing policies to ensure compliance with Anti-Racism policy.

·  Ongoing policy development


Policy Committee Chair, Executive Director

/ /

Fall 1999 to Fall 2000


In view of the organization's commitment to advocacy and anti-racism education, and recognizing the need for ongoing education, OCASI will:

Policy statement


Outcome desired


Actions required


Who is responsible


Resources needed


Time lines

Provide leadership to member agencies on the development and implementation of anti-racism policies.


Member agencies and overall sector working within an anti-racist framework


·  Training support on policy development for member agencies.

·  Anti-racism workshops.
·  Seek specialized funding sources. /

Policy Committee and Executive Director


Time and financial resources to cover costs of workshop


Winter 1999 to Summer 2000

Include anti-racism analysis in its representations to government and all communication with media.


Promotion of anti-racism


·  Immediate implementation

·  Ongoing training /

OCASI Staff and E.D.


Staff time


Immediate implementation –ongoing

Address anti-racism issues at committee and working group meetings.


Promotion of anti-racism practice


·  Include in job description of committee chairs


Committees’ Chairs

/ /

Immediate implementation - ongoing

Hold workshops at conferences on issues relating to racism.


Promotion of anti-racism in settlement work


·  Workshops


Membership Services Coordinators


Staff time

Financial resources /

October 1999 and annually after

Network with other groups committed to anti-racism.

Building anti-racist networks


·  Identify other groups committed to Anti-Racism in Ontario.

·  Participate in the work of antiracism networks /

Policy Committee Chair and Executive Director


Staff time



Develop and maintain links with ethno-racial communities through networking and active solicitation of their participation, views and concerns.


Active participation of the membership in OCASI’s work


·  Invite ethno-racial communities to join OCASI


Membership Service Coord. and E.D.

/ /

Immediate implementation (ongoing)

Monitor and respond to negative media portrayal of racial minorities, immigrants and refugees

Public Education


·  Letters to the Editor

·  Articles in print media
·  Participation on media panels, interviews, etc. /

Communications Coordinator and E.D.

/ /


Support members involved in public education and seek opportunities to extend OCASI's own program of public education.


See Above


·  Media Training for member agencies

·  Publication of Media Directory of Community “Experts” /

Public Education Coordinator, Member Service Coordinator


$$ for facilitator


October 1998 to October 1999


Advocacy and Anti-Racism education continued…..

Organize regular anti-racism workshops for board and staff. /

Embedding Anti-Racism theory and practice in the structures and policies of OCASI


·  Workshops organized annually.


E.D. and Board President


$$ for facilitator and workshop costs


March 1999 (annually)

Develop an anti-racism convention for members. / Increased commitment to AR practice in the settlement sector in Ontario. /

·  Develop OCASI’s Anti-Racism convention

·  Endorsement of AR convention by membership
·  Assist Anti-Racism policy development by member agencies /

Anti-racism Working Group and Policy Committee




Late Fall, 1999 to Fall 2000


OCASI is committed to ensuring that racial minorities are represented at all levels of the organization. The following guidelines will be part of the selection process and other human resource practices:

Policy statement


Outcome desired


Actions required


Who is responsible


Resources needed


Time lines

In all hirings, OCASI will seek to ensure that the pools of candidates include persons from racial minorities.

A Staff Team representative of the membership


·  Wide advertising of available positions

·  Recruitment of individuals from racial minority communities
·  Clear interview guidelines
·  Review personnel policy
·  Review job requirements to ensure that no artificial barriers exist /


Personnel committee / /

Immediate Implementation

If people from racial minorities are not proportionally represented within the work force, with equal qualifications, OCASI will hire preferentially individuals from racial minority backgrounds.

See Above

/ /



Copies of Employment Standards Act and Human Rights Legislation


Immediate Implementation

Provide mentoring and professional development to enhance the opportunities for staff from racial minorities to participate effectively and assume positions of added responsibility.

A knowledgeable Staff Team


·  Identify development opportunities for staff (when possible).

·  Ongoing Staff development activities




$$ Staff Training


Implemented (ongoing)


In keeping with OCASI's commitment to anti-racism, the following guidelines will apply to all areas of communication:

Policy statement


Outcome desired


Actions required


Who is responsible


Resources needed


Time lines

All communications, both external and internal, will be consistent with and promote OCASI's anti-racism policies.

Communications reflect commitment to AR practice


·  Review

·  Monitor /

E.D., Staff, Board of Directors





OCASI's commitment to anti-racism will be reflected in all public communications

Public Education


·  Review

·  Monitor


E.D., Staff, Board of Directors




Implemented (ongoing)

OCASI will, in all its publications, policies and communications with members, other service providers, all levels of government, funders and the general public, use language and images which are inclusive and reflect Canada's racial and ethnic diversity.

Consistency of anti-racist practice and Public Education


·  Review

·  Monitor


Public Education/Communications Coordinator, Policy Coordinator and E.D.




Implemented (ongoing)


The board of directors is accountable to the membership and responsible for ensuring the evaluation process takes place.

A core group will be created as a resource to the board and its committees

Policy statement

/ Outcome desired /

Actions required


Who is responsible


Resources needed


Time lines

One year after the adoption of this policy and thereafter every two years, OCASI will evaluate the effectiveness of this policy in ensuring that OCASI is an anti-racist organization
This will involve looking at:
·  Representation of racial minorities on panels, committees, work groups, executive committee, general attendance at meetings and delegations.
·  Membership recruitment.
·  Consultations with members, board and staff.
·  The organizational structure and policies of OCASI to ensure they reflect its commitment to anti-racism
·  Number of workshops held on issues related to racism and attendance at these workshops
·  Existence of an anti-racism convention for member organizations
·  Number of complaints and resolutions. / ·  Policy is implemented in a timely manner.
·  Effectiveness to reach outcomes is assessed.

·  Board uses the feedback to guide the organization.

·  OCASI becomes an AR organization / ·  Create core AR resource team
·  Create a review team
·  Develop terms of reference
·  Review of processes developed Monitor compliance
·  Assess effectiveness to reach outcomes /

The Board of Directors

/ /

Oct. 2000 and then every 2 years


The board of directors is accountable to the membership and responsible for ensuring the evaluation process takes place.

One year after the adoption of this policy and thereafter every two years, OCASI will evaluate the effectiveness of this policy in ensuring that OCASI is an anti-racist organization

A core group will be created as a resource to the board and its committees

Policy statement

This will involve looking at:


·  Outcome desired

·  Actions are carried out in a timely manner
·  Assess effectiveness to reach outcomes
·  Board uses the feedback to guide the organization /

Actions required

·  Create a review team
·  Develop terms of reference
Review of processes developed /

Who is responsible


Resources needed