Guideline: ClubFit Fitness Centre Membership


ClubFit memberships provide access to Melbourne University Sport’s Beaurepaire (Aquatic & Fitness) Centre for the purposes of improving individual and/or team performance. ClubFit memberships are aimed at providing sport-specific strength and conditioning opportunities for club members who participate in seasonal representative competitions under the University’s banner.

Only members of approved clubs are permitted to purchase a ClubFit membership.

Approved Clubs

The following clubs, who provide representative opportunities through seasonal external competitions, are eligible to offer ClubFit memberships to their members:

§  Athletics

§  Baseball

§  Basketball

§  Boat

§  Cricket

§  Cycling

§  Football w & m

§  Hockey

§  Lacrosse

§  Netball

§  Powerlifting

§  Rugby

§  Soccer

§  Squash

§  Tennis

§  Touch

§  Volleyball

§  Water Polo

ClubFit Cost

ClubFit memberships are priced at a reduce rate in comparison to 12-month UM Student and Others membership categories. Membership prices effective 01/01/12 are as follows:

§  UM Student $400

§  UM Staff/Alumni $500

§  Other $520


1.  All applicants must be current, active members of an approved club participating in regular season representative competitions

2.  ClubFit memberships are non-transferable, and photo membership cards will be issued.

3.  Proof of club membership is required before the Clubfit membership can be processed at MUS reception.

Purchasing a ClubFit Membership

Applicants wishing to purchase a ClubFit membership should:

1.  Download a ClubFit Membership Form from the Melbourne University Sport website under the menus Clubs/Club Resources -

2.  Present the form to a Club Executive Committee member (President, Secretary, Treasurer or other nominated official who has been approved by Melbourne University Sport)

3.  Present the application form at either receptions at the Sports Centre or Beaurepaire Centre and make payment (cash, EFTPOS or major credit cards accepted)

4.  UM Students will have their ClubFit membership linked to their Student Card while Others will receive a Melbourne University Sport membership card

5.  Your card is your key to aquatic and fitness facility access – ask our reception staff about making the most of your new membership.

For More Information

All ClubFit membership queries should be directed to Katie Duncan, Sport & Clubs Coordinator via email or 8344 39455.

ClubFit Fitness Centre Membership Form

Club: / Boat
Football – Mens/Womens
Lacrosse / Netball
Tennis / Touch
Water Polo
Other* ______
*Needs approval by Sports development
Student Number:

Name: Mr Mrs Miss Ms Dr Prof.

Given name: / Family name:
Postal Address:
Suburb: / Postcode:
Phone mobile: / Home: / Business:
DOB: / Email:

12 Month Pre-Season

UM Student / $400 / $90
UM Staff/Alumni / $500 / $100
Others / $520 / $125


·  The duration of all 12 month memberships is 12 months from the start date and includes public holidays and semester breaks.

·  The duration of all Pre-Season memberships is 3 months commencing 1 December 2012 and concluding 1 March 2013.


i.  Access: ClubFit membership does not include access to yoga or Pilates classes.

ii.  Holidays: MUS Fitness Centre may be closed during the following times - Christmas to New Year, Good Friday to Easter Sunday, Anzac Day and other public holidays.

iii.  Deferment: No deferment is permitted.

iv.  Extensions: No extensions or suspensions will be issued due to absence for illness, public holidays, or elective vacation. Members will receive an automatic credit for the Christmas to New Year period.

v.  Cancellation: In the event of a membership being cancelled prior to the completion of the membership term, MUS is not liable to refund any balance of fees.

vi.  Lost/Stolen Card: Replacement cards are available for a fee of $20.00.


1.  I understand that ClubFit memberships are only available to MUS Club members and affirm I am a Club member.

2.  I acknowledge that I will be required to be complete an authorization process to use the strength and fitness equipment before the membership is issued.

3.  I understand that for my own well being, it is beneficial for me to undertake a medical assessment by the physician of my choice before I start an exercise program.

4.  I have been issued with and understand the “MUS FITNESS CENTRE Rules & Regulations”, and agree to abide by the same.

5.  I understand that upon the expiration of my membership, all entitlements of the said membership are forfeited. Any application to rejoin will be at the full fee current at that time.

6.  I have read the member terms and conditions listed above and agree to abide by them.

7.  I can contact MUS for a copy of the MUS Privacy Policy, or obtain a copy from

I acknowledge that all risks involved or associated with or in any way related to activities on MUS premises are voluntarily assumed and accepted by me, in full knowledge, notwithstanding any representations or statements whatsoever made by the University of Melbourne, its officers, employees, servants, or agents, or MUS, its employees, agents, and members. I agree to fully indemnify and unconditionally release the University of Melbourne, MUS, their officers, employees, agents, and members from and against all actions, claims, and demands, whatsoever, including claims of negligence made by me in respect of loss or damage whatsoever, including but not limited to any loss of property, personal accident or injury (including death) that may howsoever arise, or result from, or in any way be connected with my voluntary participation in MUS activities.

Member Signature: / Date:
Club Executive Signature: / Club Position: / Date:
Member No. / Amount $ / Receipt No. / Staff Initials: / Date:
Approved: / Member details entered by: / Date: