Room 425 City-County Building
210 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
Madison, WI 53703-3345
FAX 608/266-4425 TDD 608/266-4941
TRAVIS MYRENDirector of Administration / CHARLES HICKLIN
DATE: June 10, 2009
TO: All Prospective Proposers
SUBJECT: Request for Proposal # RFP #109038 Inmate Telephone System
The following addendum becomes a part of the above referenced RFP. All other terms and conditions remain in effect, unchanged.
A mandatory vendor conference was held at the, City County Bldg, 210 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd, Room 315,Madison, WI, 53703, June 23,2009. The following individuals were present at the pre-proposal conference:
Name / AffiliationSteve Kianey / GTL
Daniel G. Rehorst / GTL
Tim Voughn / Securus /Evercom
Bob Starr Jr / Securus /Evercom
Joe Garbe / PCS
Corey Murphy / ITI
Jan Roth / ICS
Gary Rasza / Embarg
August Schober / Wisconsin State Payphones
Duane Cutler / Legacy Inmate Communications
Rick Farmer / Pinnacle Public Services, LLC
Tim Kallio / Allied Technologies
Bob Wolf / CC&N Inc
Joanne Jensen / CC&N Inc
Mark Apodaca / CC&N Inc
Dane County Staff (Sheriff’s Office)
Craig Vender Molen / “
Laure Prieur / “
Richelle Anhalt / “
Jeffery Teuscher / “
Pat Imhoff / “
Scott Kuntz / “
Marv Klang / Dane County Information Management
Francisco Silva / Dane County Purchasing
The following is a listing of answers to questions received prior to the on-site/vendor conference.
1. Page 15, sect 5.2 - Will the County require all vendors, including the incumbent to provide all “new and unused” telephones, new system, and all other equipment described in this rfp?
2. Page 19, sect. 5.7 – The County is interested in lower rates and a “no commission offer”. Will the County remove the bold statement on the bottom of page 19 that allows for renegotiation with Dane County for commission percentage modification?
3. Page 20 sect. 5.8, 3rd bullet - Is the wording “local long distance a typo? Also, are there coin phones in this rfp?
There are no coin phones in this RFP. The preferred method of indentifying call detail includes, local, intralata, interlata, and interstate.
4. Page 26, Attachment E – Is the call data correct? The debit calls represent 42% of the total calls, but only 15% of the total minutes. Also, the average debit call length is 3 minutes.
Data provided was based on the Revenue Reports provided from our current provider.
5. Page 27, Debit/Debit Card – Under the Debit card graph, will the County insert “(Firm fixed Price” where it has been excluded?
6. Page 21 sect.6.1 - Would the County consider removing the $476,000. payment to further lower the calling rates?
7. Page 21, sect. 7.1 bullet 3 – Is the $39,166 payment supposed to equal 1/12 of the $476K? 476/12 = $37666.66
The payment should reflect one twelfth (1/12) of the total or a monthly amount of $39,666.67.
8. Page 19, sect 5.7 and 7.1 – Accounting Page 21 Payment Requirements
For Cost Proposal #2, the County is requiring that commissions be paid by the 10th of the following month. Would the County consider changing that requirement to the 20th day of the following month to allow the winning vendor adequate time to process the commissions?
9. Page 31/32, - Attachment F - Forensic Audio Analysis Specifications –
Under the “Key Features” section the “Turnkey” item discusses a repackaged, tested system. Will the County advise if the winning bidder is expected to pay for this service?
Yes, the vendor is expected to pay for this service. This is a one time cost. The County’s goal is to take key conversations from jail and put them into a forensic setting. Audio may not always be as good as we want or need. This is a tool to help us solve crimes in the jail.
Under the “Requirements” section, Item 2 discusses the audio training course. The course itself is free; however, a footnote states that travel, lodging, and meals are not included. Would the County clarify if the winning bidder is to provide this, and if so, would the county provide a firm dollar amount for this item so the vendors can take this cost into consideration for their bid?
As indicated, training is included as part of the overall package resulting in no additional cost. The County will cover the travel, lodging and meal costs.
Under the “Requirements” section, Item 3 recommends a tower system. However, Item 4 discusses requirements for a horizontal rack-mounted system. Will the County clarify which configuration (horizontal or tower) they wish?
This is a complete system and items 3 and 4 reference different components of the system. One is a peripheral and it runs off of a tower PC.
10. Page 14/15, Tech Requirements – Under “Support Equipment, the winning vendor is required to provide computers, printers, modems, and software. Would the County provide an exact number of each category of support equipment?
Current support equipment includes six stand alone PC work stations with printers. These PCs must have the capability to burn CDs/DVDs. In addition to a complete PC for the site administrator, the current support equipment includes (6) six stand-alone PC workstations with the capability to burn CDs/DVDs, They are located in the following locations: (1) City County Building, (3) Public Safety Building, (1) Ferris Center, and (1) at the Dane County Narcotic and Gangs Taskforce Office. Internet capability exists. The vendor is responsible for the cost of providing internet access.
11. Will the County consider requiring a bid bond and performance bond to insure the financial stability of the vendor submitting a proposal to this RFP? Will the County require the past two years’ Financial Report from each vendor submitting a proposal to this RFP?
12. Will the County consider any other added value services other than what is required in this RFP? If yes, how will the County evaluate these new added value services, such as Inmate Email, Video Visitation, Jail Management System, etc?
No. The intent of this RFP is to reduce the cost to the inmates. On November 18, 2009 County Ordinance 25.11 (29) is scheduled to take effect. Under this ordinance the County shall not enter into any contract for telephone service for jail inmates that is intended to generate revenues in excess of the costs of providing service to jail inmates. This is intended to achieve the lowest possible cost for the inmate consistent with public safety.
13. The County provided twelve months worth of call detail in this RFP. Intra Cell revenue appears through June 2008 and is missing from July through December 2008. The local revenue is significantly higher for the last 6 months. Can you explain what happened to the Intra Cell revenue?
The call detail provided by the current vendor included intra cell calls. Because it is the County’s intent is to provide the lowest possible cost to the parties, intra cell calls are charged at the local rate. The change took effect in July 2008 with intra cell calls being rolled into local detail.
14. The County is requiring 223 inmate telephones, 58 telephones more than currently in place. Will the County provide any conduit, or the pathway to run the cabling, if needed to install the additional telephones? Will the County identify how many telephones are currently in place at each of the three Correctional Facilities and the Court House and how many additional telephones are being requested at each? Is there any telephone cabling or connectivity between these buildings?
The additional telephones reflect the addition of the visitation areas within the City County Building and the Public Safety Building. There are a total 29 visitation booths with a handset on each side. There are six (6) non-contact visitation booths in the Public Safety Building. The remaining visitation booths (23) are located in the City County Building. The intent of the increase is to include the visitation booths into the telephone system to give us better monitoring capabilities. There is connectivity between the facilities. Any additional cabling and conduit is the responsibility of the vendor.
The current phone system has a total of 165 telephones in place. Adding 58 additional phones in visitation will increase this number to 223.
Under the current system, there are seven (7) inmate telephones in the Court House, eighteen (18) at the Ferris Center, sixty-six (66) at the City County Building Jail, and seventy-four (74) at the Public Safety Building Jail. The total for all facilities combined is one hundred and sixty-five.
15. How many work stations are provided by current Inmate Service Provider? Are the 6 minimum PCs requested by the County to burn CDs in addition to these work stations?
There are currently six PCs provided by the incumbent in additional to that provided for the on-site administrator.. Because each PC has the capability to burn CDs/DVD s, additional PC stations are not needed.
16. Can the County provide the area code and NNX at each of the three Correctional Facilities and the Court House?
The are code for all three facilities is 608. The NNX number for the Public Safety Building is 284, for the other buildings it is either 266 or 267.
17. Under Auditing 5.8 reference is made to “pay phone coin usage, etc”. Will there be any Coin Payphones required by the County and if yes, how many and at what locations?
Please strike pay phone coin usage. There are no pay coin phones associated with this RFP.
18. What County Agency receives the commission dollars from the Inmate Telephone Revenue?
Current commission from the Inmate Telephone System goes to Dane County’s General Fund.
19. Will the County provide a contact name and number for APPRISS/VINE?
The County’s contact person at APPRISS/VINE is Joyce Boone at 502-561-1825 or e-mail .
20. In Section 4.5.1 Mandatory #1 & 4.5.3 Mandatory #3 requires the vendor to fund the cost associated with each. Will the County allow the payment to be made directly to the County for each requirement?
The current and preferred method is for the vendor to make the payment directly to the providers (APPRISS/VINE and Digital Audio Corporation).
21. The County is requiring references in the RFP. What is the minimum number of references that the County will require?
Each submission must include a list of three client references identified by the company to include appropriate contact person names and title, agency (city, county, state, federal, etc.), location with address and telephone number as well as facsimile number and e-mail address (if in existence). A form is included within this RFP for this specific purpose and must be submitted with the proposal. While a comprehensive list of projects and clients is not required, under section 4.2, Organizational Capabilities, the vendor is required to describe their experience and capabilities of providing similar services.
22. The RFP states that multiple responses are allow. Can both financial offers appear in each response?
Yes. The RFP requires that cost proposals be submitted in a separate envelope. Multiple responses may be submitted together.
The previous questions were submitted prior to the vendor conference. The questions below were asked at the vendor conference held in room 315 of the City County Building on June 29, 2009 and the facility tours held immediately following the conference.
The following is a list of the attendees present at the vendor conference.
23. Does the County have PC’s with the CD burners on the workstation and the Internet access?
Most of the deputy work stations utilize access the County network and internet through Neoware net stations. Select work stations utilize PCs and have varying degrees of ability to burn CDs/DVDs.
24. What type of connectivity is there between buildings?
There is network connectivity via T1 lines between facilities. We are also part of the fiber ring downtown. We have some fiber connectivity with the PSB and CCB using multi mode fiber.
25. Is the desire to have access to the phones via the network through CITRIX? What version of Citrix is used?
Yes. We currently utilize CITRIX presentation server 4.5. Our current operating system is Windows 2003.
26. Who is your current commissary provider?
27. Are the mandatory requirements in section 4.5 one time or annual fees?
The Forensic Audio Analysis equipment is a one time fee. APPRIS/VINE and provision for indigent phone cards are an annual requirement.
28. Will you require on site administrator?
29. What is the current call time limit?
30 minutes.
30. Is the cost of the APPRIS/VINE system and the indigent phone cards included in the $476,000 annually or $39,166 monthly indicated in section 7.1?
No. these are separate items in addition to the $476,000 cost of administering an inmate phone system.
31. Intra cell calls are charged at the local rate. Is debit currently charged at $0.50 cents per minute across board?
32. Can we see the first 6 months of this year to see if the trend is the same?
Yes. See the attached revenue reports. Please note that intra cell calls are designated as such in 2009, however, they are charged at the local rate.