Campus Resources for Students with Disabilities
Some offices may require an appointment. Most services are provided free-of-charge to fee-paying students. Many of the services are available to all students. For more details, call or visit the website listed.
Advocacy, Accommodations and Support
/Services / Support
/Resources for Disabled Students – RDS
100 General Services Building
491-6385 / Accommodations and advocacy services to students with any disability, including alternative testing, alternative text formats, note-taking support, priority registration and efforts to resolve problems encountered on campus. Appropriate documentation of disability required.
Assistive Technology Resource Center – ATRC
302 Occupational Therapy Building
491-6258 / Assists with equal access to technology and electronic information for students with disabilities. Services include assistive technology (adapted computing hardware and software) assessments, accommodations, training and technical assistance. Students must provide appropriate documentation of disability and be referred through RDS.
ATRC - Assistive Technology Computer Labs
302 Occupational Therapy Building
491-6258 / The ATRC supports various computer labs in providing assistive technology for student access. Contact ATRC for specific information concerning these labs. These labs include the following general student labs in Morgan Library and the Behavioral Sciences Building.
Morgan Library Assistive Technology
Help Desk491-1535 / In the Morgan Library, there are seven rooms available for students who use assistive technology to access computer instruction or information. Reservations to use these rooms and equipment must be made online, in person or by phone.
Intra-University Laptop Checkout Program
130 BSB
/ Laptops with assistive technology are available for checkout in the Behavioral Sciences Building around the corner from the coffee bar on the first floor. Though the laptop checkout program is open to all students attending CSU, priority is given to undeclared students.
Academic Support
Academic Resource
/Academic Support Services
/Academic Advancement Center – AAC
117 Gibbons
491-6129 / Academic coaching and other academic support including tutoring for many lower division courses, study instruction strategies, career counseling, peer mentoring and leadership development. Students must meet specific criteria for services (low-income, first generation, or learning/physical disability). Documentation of disability must be on file with RDS.
Campus Writing Center
Room 6, Eddy Hall and Morgan LibraryComputer Room 3
491-0222 / Assists students with the writing process, including brainstorming, drafting, revising, researching, and proofreading skills for written assignments. On-line service and information on study skills available. Weekly “Writing Center Tutorials” available for qualified students. In addition to the Eddy and online services, writing consultations available at Morgan Library.
Native American Cultural Center
Lory Student Center, Room 218
491-1332 / Eagle Feather Tutoring Program is a free service available to students on a walk-in or appointment basis at the NACC office. Tutoring schedules are posted on website.
Arts and Sciences Tutoring Program Building
491-5365 / Open tutorial sessions for a variety of math, science and liberal arts courses with peer tutors. Tutoring for specific courses are at pre-determined times each semester.
The Institute for Learning and Teaching – TILT Building
491-3132 / TILT's Learning Programs are designed to enhance students’ educational experiences by teaching academic skills, supporting work in courses, providing preparation for life after graduation, and offering enrichments that go beyond the classroom. Programs include: Arts & Sciences Tutoring, Academic and Study Skills Workshops and Online Resources, Enrichment Programs, and Private Study Rooms.
Other Support Services
Other Resource
/Other Services / Support
/CSU HEALTH NETWORK: Care for Body and Mind
Medical Services: Hartshorn Building
600 South Drive
Counseling Services: Aylesworth Hall, NW Wing
491-6053 / CSU Health Network is an integrative and innovative approach to providing seamless and comprehensive quality mental health and medical services. Students registered for six or more credit hours pay fees that make them eligible for services. Fees allows unlimited office visits with physicians/nurse practitioners through multi-disciplinary clinics and an initial visit with the mental health staff plus five subsequent free sessions. There is no charge for group sessions. Enrollment in the CSUHealth Insurance Plan is not required for access care at the CSUHealth Network.
Athletic Learning Assistance Program (ALAP) / The ALAP provide opportunities for student-athletes to develop effective study skills. Students can receive assistance with their individual learning needs. Assistive technology is available for use in their computer lab.Learning Assistance Program – LAP Aylesworth Hall NE
491-6053 / Diagnostic screening and testing of difficulties with attention, focus, learning, and visual perception (Irlen Syndrome) for fee-paying students. Through the CSU Health Network Counseling Services.
Center for Community Partnerships – CCP of Postsecondary Success (OPS)
New Start for Veterans
320 Occupational Therapy Building
491-5930 / The OPS program focuses on supporting successful postsecondary transition outcomes for people with intellectual disabilities including individuals with an autism spectrum disorder or a brain injury. The OPS program is a fee for service program.
New Start supports current and incoming CSU student veterans, helping them achieve success and ultimately in the career areas of choice.
Campus Recreation
Campus Recreation Center
491-6359 / Promotes the pursuit of a balanced, healthy lifestyle through diverse programs and activities including: intramural sports, aquatics, fitness classes, sports clubs, and outdoor experiential opportunities. Membership is dependent upon fee paying status.
Adult Learner and Veteran Services – ALVS
http://www.adultstudents.colostate.eduLory Student Center, Room 195
491-3977 / Assists with the transition of veterans and adult students to campus life; facilitates academic success through programs/services and referrals, including: information on scholarships, awards, programs and services, one on one consultation, and community building.
Career Center
http://career.colostate.eduLory Student Center, Room 26
491-5707 / Internship and career planning resources, job/internship search tools, and information to help choose a major or graduate school. Conducts career fairs and on-campus interviews with employers.
Center for Advising and Student Achievement - CASA Building, 1st Floor
491-7095 / Academic advising for undeclared students, those seeking a controlled major and those planning a career in a health-related profession. Assists non-admitted students wanting to take courses as well as students needing to withdraw.