TOOLKIT Women’s March voor één Nederland / Women’s March for a United Netherlands
If you / your organization support(s) the Women’s March Netherlands, we encourage you to invite as many people as possible to the event by sharing our event page, and announcing your support, including the march in your newsletter, organizing banner-making events, and in many other creative ways.
We have outlined some of the guiding principles and main messages for the 11 March event. If you have additional questions, please contact Anke Kluppels or 0620420967.
Unity Principles & Messaging
Unity Principles
The best way to ensure that you stay “on message” is to refer to our Unity Principles. Please find them here.
We do not condone hate speech or negative political posts. This movement is larger than any person. In the same vein, we promote diversity of all forms.
"Our key message is in Dutch: “Women’s March voor één Nederland” and in English “Women’s
March for the Netherlands we love”. Let's march together for a united Netherlands by flooding the streets of Amsterdam and showing that no one will drive us apart. We'll march for a Netherlands against hate and all forms of discrimination. We'll march for our children and theirs, to make sure they grow up in a world filled with love and compassion, not bigotry and suspicion. We’ll march for the Netherlands we love, inspiring people right across our beautiful country to vote with their hearts. But to do that, we ALL need to march together.
That is why we will march voor 1 Nederland: #Womensmarch1NL
The march is about solidarity, equality and inclusivity. As Women’s March Netherlands, we call upon people to make their own placards and banners with strong and positive messages. Some groups will be using the hashtag #oranjevanbinnen to show that no matter what colour, race or religion we have - on the inside we're all the same.
In Dutch: "Vind jij ook dat Nederland een verdraagzaam land moet zijn, waar iedereen gelijke rechten heeft en waar we racisme en seksisme niet tolereren? De Women's March van 11 maart staat in het teken van de verkiezingen. Laat je stem horen voor gelijkheid, diversiteit en één Nederland."
The Global Women’s March team are planning a campaign targeting Dutch embassies and consulates. This campaign will be announced om March 8. Please follow our facebook closely for updates. Hashtag willbe: #VoteAgainstHate.
Together we are strong!
The vision and mission statement are locatedhere.
Our Guiding Principles are located here (bottom of the page). These principlesaddress non-violent resistance.
Bottom line
●Post withinclusion in mind
●Post inspirational, positivemessages
●Post about the various aspects of the Unity Principles – not just about women
●We encourage to knit and wear orange Pussy Hats because Orange Is The New Pink!
●And of course to bring as many colorful and creative signs and banners!
●Post negativepoliticalmessages
●Post anything that includes hateful speech
●Promote “anti” anything (This is not an anti-Wilders campaign)
●Forget that this isn’t just about women: We fight for diversity in the broad sense of the word
●Forget to include and invite groups from all backgrounds, that make the Netherlands as wonderfully diverse as it is
Women’s March branding
Logo Versions
Profile pictures
Event banner