Unapproved Minutes
College of the Sequoias
College Council Summary
Dec. 13, 2011
2:10-4 p.m.
Sequoia Building, Room 1
Members Present:Brent Calvin, chair; Steve LaMar, vice chair
Administration:Eric Mittlestead,Bob Masterson
Classified:Steve LaMar, Sandy Williams
Faculty:Michele Hester-Reyes
Standing Committee Chairs:Jennifer La SernaEssential Learning Initiative
Bob MastersonFacilities/Safety
Duncan Graham Institutional Planning
Tim HollabaughTechnology
Frances GusmanStudent Equity
Members Absent:
Administration:Karen Roberts, John Bratsch
Classified:Terry Gray, Lori Jones
Faculty:Jeff Basham, Paul Tidwell, Ed Sense
Adjunct Faculty:Donald Nikkel
Students:Stephanie Garcia, Melissa Miller
Standing Committee Chairs:David Maciel, Mike SkaffBudget
Stephanie CollierEssential Learning Initiative
Jeff BashamInstitutional Planning
Alicia CrumplerStudent Equity
- Call to Order:Calvin called the meeting to order at 2:11p.m.
- Public Comment:
- Approval of Minutes: No quorum present
- Reports from Standing Committees:
- Budget Committee:No report.
- Essential Learning Initiative Committee: La Serna reported that the committee is working with TCOE and Fresno State on a three-day expository writing seminar.
- Title V Report:La Serna reported new date is in and the committee will be reviewing CCSSE data. A preliminary look indicates an improvement over the past two years.
- Facilities/Safety Committee: No report.
- Accreditation Report:Duncan said the self-study survey is out, and 80 people have responded so far. The various subcommittees are writing their rough drafts for the four self-study report sections.
- Institutional Planning Committee: Graham reviewed proposed changes to the committee’s mission and title to include institutional effectiveness. He said the proposed changes would go to the Academic Senate for review in January. La Serna asked for inclusion of an ad hoc member.
- Technology Committee:No report.
- Student Equity Committee: Gusman said the committee met Nov. 28. Plans are in the work for a hunger banquet in late March. The committee is also working on a resources fair in conjunction with the event as a means to make students in need are away of available resources for assistance. The committee also discussed the implications of AB 620, which would require attempts to gather student information about gender identity. Hester-Reyes asked if that information could be harvested as part of the CCCApply application process. Graham said the onus for gathering the information should fall on the state chancellor’s office rather than individual colleges.
- Student Report:No report.
- President’s Cabinet: Calvin said the cabinet discussion about BPs and APs continues. The cabinet also discussed plans for the January convocation, which will focus on accreditation, continued growth into a multi-location district, and services for veterans.
Information Items:
5.AP 4220 Standards of Scholarship:Hester-Reyes explained the already approved changes to the policy, which allows instructors to use plus-minus grades.
6.AP 4230 Grading and Academic Symbols: Hester-Reyes explained the already approved changes to the policy, which allows instructors to use plus-minus grades.
Discussion Items:
No items.
Action Items:
7.AP 3515 Reporting of Crimes: No quorum.
8.AP 3550 Drug-Free Environment: No quorum.