Team Leader Training – FAQs
Do I have to attend Team Leader training?
Team Leaders must complete the following training before they can lead a Team programme:
è Induction by The Prince’s Trust - The Prince’s Trust induction follows standard guidelines and is undertaken locally by Trust staff. Trust staff can find the induction pack on TrustNet
è The Prince’s Trust Team Leader training - an outline of the Team Leader training course is on the team-partners webpage
è Risk assessment training - the responsibility for training Team Leaders in risk assessment sits with individual Delivery Partners. This training must take place before the Team Leader takes charge of their first Team and wherever possible, prior to attending the Team Leader training course
Details of other training programmes and qualifications can be found within the job descriptions section found within the Team programme Toolkit.
If the attendee does not attend the full Team Leader training course they are not able to lead a Team.
How is Team Leader Training course structured?
From 1st July Team Leader Training will become a five day residential programme and TLs will be required to attend a MHFA training course within a year of appointment. An overview of the course can be found on the Delivery Partner web pages.
I have already completed a Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) course do I have to do it again?
If you have already completed a standard MHFA course within the last 6-9 months, and can provide The Trust with your certificate on booking on to Team Leader training, then you do not need to attend. If you have completed the programme before but want to do it again this can be arranged.
If you have completed a youth version of the programme you will need to complete the standard MHFA course.
What does the training cost?
Team Leader Training costs £627.60 inc VAT and this will include Sunday evening accommodation, Sunday evening meal and all other accommodation and meal costs through to Friday afternoon.
Back in 2011 when Team Leader Training ran over five days the cost of the programme was £757.02 including VAT and the Sunday overnight stay was an additional charge and no meal was provided. So the current price of £627.60 including VAT retains some saving for our Partners and there will not be two sets of travel costs.
The Trust does not charge the full cost of delivering TLT to partners. The fee charged reflects charges for accommodation and materials.
Where will the MHFA courses be run?
We intend to offer at least two MHFA in each Country and Region over the course of a year to provide TLs with a choice of dates to attend the programme. TLs will be able to attend a course in their region if another is more convenient.
Will the content of TLT remain the same?
The only aspect of training we are removing from the existing training is the MHFA element the rest of the course will be retained.
Will there be evening work in the residential course?
Yes there will be some early evening work and self study. This is needed to fit the content into the five day residential course and the existing price structure.
Will people be able to arrive on Monday morning?
The price agreed with the venues includes Sunday evening accommodation and an evening meal. The course will start promptly at 8.30am. We require all attendees to be in the training room at 8.30am each morning.
Will these changes be reflected in the Toolkit?
Yes. On production of a New Toolkit Page 19 will read:
Training required
Team Leaders must complete the following Prince’s Trust-led training before they can lead a Team programme:
è Induction by The Trust: details listed under the Delivery Partner Manager role on the previous page
è Team Leader training, including:
o pre-course work and e-learning (approximately two hours)
o Residential course (five days). This covers each aspect of the programme, and includes working with The Trust target groups, managing difficult behaviour, drugs and alcohol awareness and how to embed literacy, language and numeracy into the programme. In addition, Team Leaders will have the opportunity to plan and deliver to their peers sessions related to the Scheme of Work
o Team Leaders must complete a MHFA course within a year of their appointment. Team Leaders can access MHFA courses delivered by The Trust or by another provider delivering MHFA adult courses.
Delivery Partners book places on the residential training by completing the appropriate booking form, available on Team Online. An outline of the Team Leader training course is also on the website. Delivery Partners can find details of the MHFA courses and how to book on Team Online.
May 2014