Meets at the American Hotel Thursdays at 6:30 PM

John Kenny / Bill Redden
Mark Wyse / Amanda Hayes
Assistant Governor / LIMA TREASURER
Lynn Freshman / Wanda Tubbs

Lima Rotary Website

Rotary Internationals Website

Week of February 4, 2010

Members Absent:Pat Brady, Maria Conner, Jim Frenck, Russ Holsopple, Jim Murray, John Price and Tom Wheat

Guests: Maureen & Erin Carroll, Jim Bailey, Barb Wilson and Jim Shadwell

$$ Fines:Clair Milburn celebrated his 70th birthday on Ground Hog Day and the club serenaded him with a birthday song. George Gotcsik arrived late for the meeting and President Bill told both of them they could use the money they would have been fined for the Girl Scout Bake Sale Auction.

Club Business:President Bill advised the members to turn in their membership surveys to Paul Tilly. He asked everyone to make sure they start looking over the list of vendors we will be sending our golf tournament flyers to. Each member is going to have to contact between 12 and 14 of these vendors. President Bill got a head count for the Valentine Dinner next week. Each member was

District 7120 Website

encouraged to bring their spouse. He also asked the club to think about the Public Image Grants that the District used this past year. He needs to know if they saw the ads, other people talked to them about the ads and did it help our club with getting new members. We will discuss this at next week’s meeting. President Bill also informed the club that to date over $37,500 has been raised for the Haiti relief from the Rotary clubs of District 7120. He thanked Betty Lou Tilly for suggesting that our club donate money for a shelter box. By having us contact the other clubs we had a part in raising around ½ of the total. Paul Tilly reminded the members about the USO Dinner on Feb. 20th at the Avon Inn for the Zion House. Tickets are $25 for one and $40 per couple. You can get them from Paul.

Program:Once again this year we welcomed the Girl Scout Troop lead by Maureen Carroll for their annual bake sale. George Gotcsik volunteered to be our auctioneer and worked the members to raise money for the Girl Scouts. With 19 items to be auctioned off George did a masterful job in getting each member to make the largest bid for an item. When it was all over we had raised $727 for the Girl Scouts which beat last year’s total of $700.

Queen of Hearts: Our pot has grown to a total of $77.50 before tonight’s drawing. Erin Carroll, our RYLA Student for 2009 and a Girl Scout, was asked to pull the lucky ticket. Erin pulled one of Mike Hayes’s ticket and Mike then drew the 5 of hearts. He won $2 for this card and donated his winnings back to the club. Thank you Mike for your generosity.

Upcoming Programs:

Feb. 11 Valentine Dinner w/ spouses

Feb. 18 Boy & Cub Scout Programs

& Board Meeting

Feb. 20 USO Dinner @ Avon Inn

Feb. 25 Operation Wallacea with

Melinda Eirick

Mar. 3 Area 5 Dinner at Rabbit Room

Mar. 11 Board Meeting

Mar. 18 Dinner at Pastaria Pub 6:30PM

Mar. 25 HF-L Young Life Program with

Fred Bassette

April 1 Uganda Water Project with

James Harrington

Quote of the week

"Nothing is more conducive to peace of mind than not having any opinions at all."

Georg Christoph Lichtenberg

Upcoming District 7120 & Rotary International events

Feb. 20 / Rotary Hockey Night in Rochester
Mar. 12-13 / Multi District PETS in Syracuse
Mar. 27 / District Assembly @ Pittsford Middle School
April 10 / District 7120 Oratorical Contest at Roberts Wesleyan 12 to 4 PM
April 23-25 / District Conference @ Crowne Plaza Hotel in Albany
June 6 / Rotary Red Wing Day @ Frontier Field in Rochester
June 20-23 / Rotary International Convention in Montreal
June 30 / District Change Over Dinner @ The Esperanza Mansion in Point Bluff

Joke of the week

A woman's husband had been slipping in and out of a coma for several
months, yet she had stayed by his bedside every single day.
One day, he motioned for her to come nearer. As she sat by him, eyes
full of tears, he whispered, "You know what? You have been with me
all through the bad times. When I got fired, you were there to
support me. When my business failed, you were there. When I got shot,
you were by my side. When we lost the house, you stayed right here.
When my health started failing, you were still by my side......
You know what?"
"What dear?" she gently asked, smiling as her heart began to fill with warmth.
"I think you're bad luck!"