LSIS STEM funding– guidance for providers

1.About LSIS STEM funds

2.LSIS’ commitment to STEM

3.Priority project areas for the LSIS STEM Fund

4.Key criteria to address in LSIS STEM project bids

5.Funding limits and deadlines for the LSIS STEM Fund

6.What happens next?

1.About LSIS STEM funds

  1. The Learning and Skills Improvement Service (LSIS)are pleased to invite bids from providers across the learning and skills sector for a range of continuing professional development activities.
  2. This document provides further guidance on the LSIS STEM funding opportunities. Providers should also refer to the associated document “LSIS Teaching and Learning funding – guidance for providers”, and use the application form supplied.
  3. The LSIS STEM fund is part of the Teaching and Learning area of work.
  4. These funds are provided for SFA/YPLA[1]funded providers only. Staff must be delivering SFA/YPLA funded courses. The funds can be used flexibly, for example, for the release of staff time or venue costs. Capital items are not allowable. All staff participating in the project must be in a provider.
  5. LSIS welcomes collaborative applications – across subject areas and across providers.
  6. The overall aim of these funds is that they will be used to overcome barriers and provide additional opportunities for CPD in circumstances where otherwise it would not take place. All sessions must be capable of contributing to the IfL 30 hour (or pro rata) CPD requirement and include opportunities for reflection.

2.LSIS’ commitment to STEM

  1. LSIS’ commitment is set out in our Corporate Plan under priority area 3:

“to increase the amount of continuous professional development to improve teaching and learning in, and across, STEM subjects, working in partnership with the Royal Academy of Engineering, the National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics and the National Science Learning Centre”.

  1. For more background on the STEM agenda, and the action programmes set up to address it across the whole of education, see:

3.Priority project areas for the LSIS STEM Fund

  1. The aim of the LSIS STEM Fund is to improve the quality of teaching and learning in and across the STEM subjects through CPD projects.
  2. LSIS and national STEM partners have identified priority areas for projects. These include, but are not limited to:
  3. Cascade training to create more teaching and learning change agents
  4. Sustainability – updating for future skills / low carbon economy
  5. Equality and diversity
  6. Harnessing technology
  7. Progression through STEM / STEM careers information and guidance
  8. Space
  9. Improving Mathematics in and across STEM
  10. Working together in CPD across the STEM subjects
  11. International year of Biodiversity (2010)
  12. Using teaching and learning change agents / LSIS STEM resources to explore subject-specific priorities
  13. Projects may address one or more subjects or priority areas.

4.Key criteria to address in LSIS STEM project bids

  1. You can find some core / key success factors set out in the associated document “LSIS Teaching and Learning funding – guidance for providers”.
  2. Please also ensure that you address:
  3. Which (if any) of the priority areas above you intend to cover in your project.
  4. Which subject areas within and across STEM are covered within your project.
  5. How the project will secure significant improvements in teaching and learning practice or performance.
  6. How the project will promote improvement in terms of professional development.

5.Funding limits and deadlines for the LSIS STEM Fund

  1. There are three “open” funds available, and you should clearly indicate on your application form to which fund you are applying, and the total budget for the project:

Fund title / Purpose / Maximum per project / Deadline for bids / LSIS responses by
STEM Cascade training / to create more teaching and learning change agents within the STEM subjects, with a minimum of 10 new change agents being trained / £1,000 / Round One closes 22 October 2010 / Round One projects awarded by 12 November
STEM CPD / exploring one or two STEM subject areas – aimed at those starting to explore improved teaching and learning in STEM / £1,000 for each subject area within the project / Round One closes 22 October 2010 / Round One projects awarded by 12 November
Step up in STEM / exploring two or more STEM subject areas e.g. through CPD, curriculum development, action based research – aimed at those with experience of the STEM and / or Teaching and Learning Programme[2] / £5,000 / Round One closes 5 November 2010 / Round One projects awarded by 30 November
  1. Additionally, there is a “subscriber only” funding band for those who have used their LSIS Account to subscribe to the STEM services. Projects here will be expected to investigate wider organisation issues and / or collaboration with other providers or relevant organisations (e.g. employers). There is a maximum of £10,000 per project. More information on this fund will be sent out to providers when they subscribe.

6.What happens next?

  1. LSIS colleagues and Regional STEM Centres will review bids and respond as soon as practicable, and by the dates indicated above.
  2. We may contact you for points of further clarification if necessary, but will still attempt to meet the deadlines set out above.
  3. For projects up to £1,000, 100% payment will be made at the start of the project. For “Step up in STEM” projects[3],100% payment will be made on confirmation of your subscription. Terms and conditions will be set out in the grant letter from LSIS.
  4. Projects must be completed and invoiced by 31 March 2010.
  5. Please see the associated document “LSIS Teaching and Learning funding – guidance for providers” for information on the review panel and feedback.


[1]The Skills Funding Agency (SFA) and Young People’s Learning Agency (YPLA) replaced the Learning and Skills Council (LSC) in April 2010.

[2]If you are successful in your bid at this level, you will need to subscribe to the LSIS STEM package to benefit from a wider range of support. Please note that you should not include the £1,000 subscription fee in the project budget as this must be covered by your institution’s resources. For more information on LSIS Accounts please see

[3]See above