Centennial High School Association of Music Parents (CHAMP)
Annual General Meeting
September 9, 2015
In attendance: Catherine Clake has the sign in sheets
Welcome and Introductions by Kathie Van Lare (band director). John Edmonds (choir director) and Gloria Laurendeau (band director) also present.
Minutes from 2013 – Joe Melanson motions to accept, Robert McLaughlin seconded the motion. None opposed. Motion carried.
Director’s report
Kathie Van Lare – reviewed the events for the upcoming 2015-2016 school year. The spring concert is at the new Bella Concert Hall at Mount Royal University.
Keys for success – Be a team player, be on time, practice, have materials, return forms on time, be responsible for missed school time and get involved in all that Centennial has to offer (i.e. clubs, sports teams, etc).
LA trip – Partaking in the Forum Music Festival, Walt Disney concert hall tour, LA philharmonic, Museum of Tolerance or Grammy Museum, Baseball game (Angels vs. Mariners), Cal State University workshops, Santa Monica Pier, Hollywood – Grauman’s Chinese Theatre, Walk of Fame, Wax Museum, El Capitan Museum, Disneyland performance. The hotel is Springhill Suites, is only 1 year old so very nice and clean, sleeps 6 students to a room which keeps costs down, has a rooftop pool (can hire a lifeguard), hot & cold breakfast included. Have 80 students submit deposits and have room for 100 students. Still have time to get deposit in – must act quickly. Next deposit dates are October 7 - $1,000, November 18 - $500, January 20 - $500, March 9 – final payment (can apply travel credits to this payment).
Gloria Laurendeau – discussed the Disneyland performance, rehearsal, site reading Disney movies, play the video, add strings, recorded. See backstage at Disneyland. Great time.
Nancy McCutcheon (VP) – discussed her role as the liaison between the school and the performing arts. Discussed how important it is to communicate if a student is not able to attend a rehearsal / performance and if there are too many “no shows” there are consequences of not being able to partake in performances. Music enhances the school and the community.
Fundraising update by Kathie Van Lare - reviewed the list of fundraisers approved by Dr. Christensen. There are several fundraisers during the year for students to earn travel credits to assist with the cost of trips. 80% is applied to the student and 20% is applied to CHAMP. SUTP and magazines are currently running. CHAMP will be selling SUTP books in Canadian Tire the last weekend of September. The sign up sheet will be posted for students to volunteer. The list of fundraisers are cookie dough, magazines, Regal, Purdy’s, Coco Brooks, poinsettias and Evergreen Nurseries.
Casino update by Robert McLaughlin – we receive a casino from AGLC every 18 months. Centennial is slated for the 4th quarter of 2015. The casino benefits the whole school. The money goes to school council, athletics and CHAMP. The casino is split three ways with school council and athletics. The next casino is December 13th and 14th at the Deerfoot Inn & Casino. Typically generates about $65,000.00 and is vital for purchasing equipment, instruments, supplies, clinicians, bussing, etc.
Big Band Dinner Dance update by Kathie Van Lare – This event pays for the CHAMP administrator, Catherine Clake, for the year. We need donations, items for the silent auction and volunteers for this event. The jazz bands and Stardust Big Band will be playing at this event. This year it is on Friday, November 20, 2015.
Financial update by Dustin Johnson – The gaming rules for the casino funds changed this year and CHAMP could not spend $12,000 that was planned. Had to use more of the general funds therefore resulting in a loss on the financials of $11,000. Income was $38,000 and Expenditures were $49,000. Dustin asked if anyone had questions on the financials. No one had any questions.
Dustin showed the budget for 2015-2016 showing Income of $69,850 and Expenses of $66,450 resulting in a surplus of $3,400. The biggest expenses are Camp Caroline subsidy of $9,000 and clinicians of $15,000. The reallocation of funds from the ensemble rooms to purchase uniforms instead was a fiscally responsible decision by the CHAMP executive and committee. Dustin asked if anyone had questions on the financials. No one had any questions.
Board nominations and elections - Kathie Van Lare.
President – Robert McLaughlin is the current president. Raymond Mason put his name forward and was nominated. Board members asked three times for any other nominations and there were none. All were in favour and none opposed. Raymond Mason was voted in as president.
Vice president – Kathie asked if anyone was interested. Angela Strand put her name forward. Board members asked three times for any other nominations and there were none. All were in favour and none opposed. Angela Strand was voted in as vice president.
Secretary – Jolene Treherne is the current secretary and has offered to continue in this position. No one else was nominated. Board members asked three times for any other nominations and there were none. All were in favour and none opposed. Jolene Treherne was voted in as secretary.
Treasurer – Dustin Johnson is the current treasurer. He is stepping down and Michelle Den Hoed has offered to take this position. No one else was nominated. Board members asked three times for any other nominations and there were none. All were in favour and none opposed. Michelle Den Hoed was voted in as treasurer.
Newsletter – Tamara Melanson is the current newsletter and has offered to continue doing the newsletter. No one else was nominated or volunteered. Tamara Melanson will continue as the newsletter director.
Fundraising Coordinator – Virginia Myles was the fundraising coordinator and has offered to continue in this position. No one else was nominated or volunteered. Virginia Myles will continue as fundraising coordinator.
Librarians – Orlean Muirhead is the current librarian and is stepping down from this position. Melanie Smith and Audrey Wilkins put their name forward to be the librarians. No one else was nominated. Melanie Smith and Audrey Wilkins are the newlibrarians.
Special Events Coordinator – Robert McLaughlin is the current special events coordinator and has offered to continue in this position. No one else was nominated or volunteered. Robert McLaughlin will continue as special events coordinator.
Casino Coordinator–Samantha Bright is the current casino coordinator and has offered to continue in this position. No one else was nominated or volunteered. Samantha Bright will continue as casino coordinator.
Awards and Scholarships – this position is open. Zoe Lavallie volunteered to be the awards and scholarships coordinator.
Uniforms Coordinator – this is a new position this year and will likely take at least 2 people to run. Tami Magill, Cathy Murrell and Patricia Anderson volunteered to help with the uniforms.
Final comments – CHAMP meetings are typically held the 2nd Wednesday of every month at 5:30pm in the music room and last approximately 1 hour. There are 9 meeting per year. All are encouraged to come as the decisions made affect all music students. Kathie is encouraging everyone to donate to the Terry Fox Run. The school goal is $1, 980 (that’s $1.00 per student in the school). It the donation amount reaches $5,000, Kathie has agreed to dye her hair “Centennial Green”.
Motion made to adjourn the annual general meeting by Michelle Den Hoed and seconded by Samantha Bright at 8:30pm. Motion carried.