St Peter Chanel Catholic Primary School Parents’ Forum Meeting

Wednesday 1st February 2017, 6pm


Mrs S Gower Miss C Putnam Mr I Middleton Miss R Lynch Mrs V Startup

Mrs K West (1) Mrs A Isenberg (R) Mrs M Campbell (6)


Mrs M Townsend Mrs M Hutchinson Mrs J Turner

~ Mrs Gower and Mrs Startup began the meeting with a prayer ~

Feedback from previous meeting:

Mrs Gower advised all had been addressed from the previous issues raised in the last forum meeting.

The meeting:

Parents reported from Reception that were very happy with their class teacher Miss Flores.

Year 1 homework:

Parents think reading isn’t being treated as a priority in this class. They also feel that the homework given is far too much in regards to Maths and English plus spellings. They also feel that the work covered isn’t necessarily the homework given as the children are reporting that they haven’t covered this work in class.

NB: Parents must report their concerns about homework to their class teacher so the teacher is made aware that it is taking the child a long timeto complete, so the matter can be addressed.

Action: Mrs Gower will follow this up and look into it with Year 1.

Gold Book:

This was a general concern from parents who felt the children who were achieving in class i.e Reading higher tier books, were being over looked when it came to getting in to the gold book. Class Parent Reps were then informed by Mrs Gower how the Gold Book works and what class work is expected to get in to it. It’s about pushing themselves in class, asking questions about their topic, showing active interested in their learning, bringing in tools from home to show and add to their school work (to name a few) Class reps will feed this back to the parents.


Parents felt there should be a wider variety of after school clubs.

Action: Mrs Gower is already looking in to this – but to perhaps add on to the weekly newsletter for parents to ask around & to see if they know of any club teachers available i.e. Karate, Drama /Theatre…


Some parents feel that although important information comes out weekly in the newsletter, sometimes it can be a bit vague as to what is going on. For example: Class trips could be explained a bit clearer as to why the school can’t take classes further afield; due to time restraints. If school trips are a bit repetitive – ask parents to come forward with suggestions to places that are local or not too far away.

Action:Mrs Gower to mention in the newsletter for ideas to be sent into school of different class trips. Also, to explain about the cost of coaches so parents are made aware of the restraints the school faces.

Year 2 SATS:

Some parents feel that they would like more of an understanding or breakdown of what actually takes place during SATs time.

Action: A letter possibly to go out to parents weeks leading up to SATS with what to expect and how to prepare the children at home.

Online Banking:

Mrs Goweradvised the school are looking into this – update at next meeting.

Parent Questionnaire: Though response was low it was largely positive which Mrs Gower gave a short presentation on with an analysis of the replies. With regards to the “Disagree” section of the questionnaire, the forum advised perhaps having a section where the parent / carer needs to give a reason as to why they ticked “Disagree” so the school can look in to this with a better understanding. Without feedback the school are unaware of the parents’ concerns.

Action: To resend out more questionnaires again in this weeks’ newsletter.

Also, to have questionnaires on the Governors’ table during Parents Evening next week.

Class Representatives:

To take some time and thought with the Parent Conduct Agreement. Ask parents / carers’ how they feel about the following: Playground conduct, Assembly conduct and Class Trips / Events. To gather feedback from parents on how they feel about the three agreements and to pass back to the school.

Mrs Gower and Miss Putnam thanked everyone as the meeting was a little longer than usual.

All actions will be taken and dates given for the next Parents Forum soon.