2017-2018 Top of Form
Deadline for electronic submission: March 17, 2017, 11:59 p.m. CST
Read Grant Guidelines
Student Information
Last Name * First Name *
E-Mail * Daytime Phone *
Highest Earned Degree/College/Department*
Degree Currently Pursuing/College/Department*
Research Area*
Prospective Graduation Date
Affiliation Information
Check with your university to make sure that you are following correct university protocol when applying for this grant.
Name of College/University*
Grants Contact for University*
Grants Contact E-Mail*
Grants Contact Phone*
Mailing Address* City * State * Zip *
Tax ID Number*
Major Professor’s Name*
Major Professor’s Email*
General Information
Have you (Researcher) been awarded an LEEC grant in the past? *
If so, what year(s)?
Project Title*
Budget Requested * Up to $1200, depending on scope of project
(Uploads can be in the following file formats: gif, jpg, png, doc, docx, pdf. To do so, first click on the Browse (or Choose File) button, navigate to and select your file, then click on the Upload button.)
Attachment 1: Letter of support from your affiliated college or university, written on school letterhead and signed by an authorized representative, must be provided. The authorized representative’s contact information must be included.
Attachment 2: Letter of recommendation from your major professor must also be included. The major professor’s contact information (phone and e-mail address) must be included in the letter.
Attachment 3: University’s W-9 Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification Form *
Attachment 4: Official University Transcript
Letter of Support from University *
Letter of Recommendation from Major Professor *
W-9 Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification Form *
Official University Transcript *
Top of Form
Failure to follow the Grant Guidelines found at 2017-2018 LEEC Grant Guidelines will result in this application being disqualified.
All fields in the form below are required fields.
Valuable Hint: There is a maximum word limit for each section below. You are not obligated to use all of the word space. The best way to prepare your proposal is to write your descriptions in Word or a similar word processing program, then copy and paste your descriptions in the appropriate sections. This will ensure that your proposal has everything you want it to include, is free from grammatical errors, and fits within the word limit.
1. PROJECT ABSTRACT: 20 POINTS (up to 250 words)
Briefly describe your project’s primary guiding questions. List each objective and the strategies that will be used to accomplish your research.
2. RATIONALE: 20 points (up to 400 words)
Explain the need for this research. Explain how this project will further current environmental understanding.
3. PROJECT DESIGN: 20 Points (up to 450 words)
Describe how you will conduct your research. Explain how you will use your funds to support your objectives, providing justification for all proposed expenditures. Provide a brief implementation timeline.
4. ASSESSMENT/EVALUATION METHODS: 20 points (up to 300 words)
Describe how you will evaluate the outcome of your research. Explain how the results obtained through this research will be disseminated to inform the field and shared with the general public. (Remember that the production of a poster to be displayed at the 2018 Louisiana Environmental Education Symposium is mandatory.)
5. TRAINING AND QUALIFICATIONS: 10 points (up to 150 words)
Describe the qualifications and expertise you possess that ensure completion of the research.
Complete the form below. This must be completed; otherwise, the application will be disqualified. All proposed expenditures must be justified in your Project Design.
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Grand total of proposed expenditures for materials/equipment ______
ACTIVITY / LOCATION / DATE(S) / TIME(S) / TOTALGrand total for research support
Note: Shipping and handling costs must be considered in the budget preparation or separate funding must be available to cover these expenses.
Total Requested * Bottom of Form