Cycles of Life
Students will explore complete and incomplete metamorphosis.
Technology Skills:(3A, 3B, 4A, 4B, 5A, 6A, 6B, 7A, 7B, 7C, 10A, 10B)
- Acquire graphics and information using the Internet
- Model respect of intellectual property by not illegally copying another individual’s electronic work
- Follow links provided by a teacher-created jumppage
- Resize graphics
- Demonstrate the ability to apply cut, copy, paste and move functions inan electronic document
- 4.4 (A) Collect and analyze information using tools including calculators, safety goggles, microscopes, cameras, sound recorders, computers, hand lenses, rulers, thermometers, meter sticks, timing devices, balances, and compasses.
- 4.6 (A) Identify patterns of change such as in weather, metamorphosis, and objects in the sky.
Duration of Lesson:approximately 1-2 lessons
Before the Computer: Teacher willsupply a list of insects or use the list supplied, and instruct the class on copyright laws and citation of sources. The teacher will direct the students to locate information concerning an insect and gather information about the insect assists the student in determining whether the insect has complete or incomplete metamorphosis.
Day One
- Direct students to click on Required TechnologyLessonslink on Student Technology Resources. Then, direct them to appropriate lesson.
- Open cycles_of_life.kidand cycles_of_life_webs.htm
- Click the Student Name icon and type your name.
- Save document in Home Directory (H: drive).
- Using the supplied insect list and websites students will research information about their designated insect.
- If unable to locate enough information, open Internet Explorer to campus page and click on Library Catalogue link.
- Click Web Path Express on the left-hand side.
- Type the name of the insect in the search box. Choose the appropriate web site.
- Multitask to copy and paste from Internet Explorer to Kidspiration, or follow alternateteacher given instructions for taking notes and then later type in the information in the Kidspiration graphic organizer.
To copy pictures from Internet Explorer, right-click on the image and select Copy.
Click the Kidspiration taskbar button. Click on a blank space (not in a symbol), and then use Ctrl + V to paste.
For citation of pictures or information, click the Internet Explorer taskbar button. Click to highlight the web site address. Press Ctrl + C to the URL.
Click the Kidspiration taskbar button. Click inside the yellow box below the words “Credits” and then use Ctrl + V to paste the URL.
To change background or line colors for a symbol box click on the symbol to select it. At the bottom of the Kidspiration page click the colored rectangles located on the taskbar to change the background (1st rectangle) or line color (2nd rectangle). Repeat for each box.
- Save document.
- Print if finished or close the file and work on it on Day 2.
Day Two(if needed)
- Open the saved document (in their H drive).
- Continue to gather information as instructed in day one.
- Save and print document
Science Skills / Correct Content:
Identified the correct type of metamorphosis. / 20 pts
Supported the choice of type of metamorphosis with facts gathered from an Internet source. / 20 pts
Tech Skills / Acquired graphics and data / 15 pts
Resized graphics and arranged page for appeal / 10 pts
Citation of sources / 20 pts
Copy, paste and move graphics / 10 pts
Change the color of the symbol background for the title box. Color the other boxes (optional). / 5 pts.
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