Family Council Minutes

March 6, 2017 at 4:00 pm

Joyce Sliwa, Council leader opened the meeting by reviewing last month’s minutes.

Laurence Ladue was asked to give an update on Valley View. Laurence stated, he and Bernadette Cawein have been in touch with the Bus Company handling repairs on the bus weekly. The delay appears to be custom parts, which are needed and have been ordered. Once the parts come in the repairs will be completed.

The Customer Satisfaction Survey will happen in the month of March. Interviewers will interview residents beginning March 28th. Family surveys will be mailed out for residents who are unable to be interviewed, shortly and we ask for your participation in following instructions and completing them.

Laurence also stated an Activity Director has been hired to replace Bernadette Cawein who will be retiring March 30th. Laurence said, he interviewed 4 candidates, and was very clear about the job at hand and how challenging it will be for the new Director. He selected, Mark LaBruna. Mark was the Director of recreation at Elant in Goshen. He will be attending the first NEED class in the beginning of April. Ron W. asked if the new Director would be in charge of the store. Laurence said, yes. That won’t change. Ron suggested more male products/items should be ordered and sold at the store perhaps some sports items.

The facility will be receiving a NYS grant called ATI, Advanced Training Initiative in the amount of $300,000; it will be used to provide training to staff on different topics such as, End of Life Care, preventing hospitalization andrehospitialization.

The facility also received $90,000, from a PESH audit to purchase more lifters.

Laurence also reported there will be AC units in the lounge areas in the Couser building.

Moire A. asked, will the individual units be painted. Laurence said it’s a slow process because you can only focus on one unit at a time. He will check though and see where we are with regards to painting. Laurence said, we will be getting new bedside tables, as one of the many capital projects.

Mary Ann McDonough asked if the activity Director has been approved by the legislature. Laurence said it didn’t need to be approved and reviewed the hiring process for that position.

Ken Herbig reported on Volunteerism. Ken looked at the new manual used for Volunteers and feels it’s a lot of good information, however very long, and involved. He states this may be a problem for recruiting Volunteers. You must have a flu shot and bring a copy of immunization records. Many volunteers may not have proof of their immunizations. So they would need a blood test to prove they have been vaccinated. Ken said that costs money and is also time consuming. Laurence agreed, however states this industry is highly regulated, and that’s not going to change. Laurence said,we have to keep up and maintain proper documentation for all volunteers. We have to show how we communicate with volunteers and that they have all been In serviced.Laurence did give the go ahead to advertise the need for volunteers on The Family Council website as well as Pat Dwyer’s radio program.

Ken is looking forward to the warm weather. He will begin gardening. He is looking for donations of plants both flowering and vegetable and also manure.

The next Family Council meeting is 04/03 at 4:00 pm