Assessed by: Linda Farrall & Emma Atkin

Activities usually carried out by the Equestrian Club:

Training & Matches: Jill Carenza Equestrian Centre, Broadway. Tour: Lloret de Mar (Outgoing) 2-9 April ‘17

Hazard Description / Persons exposed / Risk Control Measures Currently in Place / Risk Level / Action Required / Action complete
Road traffic incident / Students / See generic ‘SU General Sports Fixtures Travel risk assessment’ / Low
Falls from a horse, kicking, biting / Students / BHS approved riding hats to be worn at all times. Body protectors to be worn at all times during training and home competitions, advised at other competitions. Appropriate clothing and footwear to be worn at all times. First aid kit available at riding school and instructors first aid trained. Members will always be supervised by instructors whilst handling horses. Membership to the club must be paid in full prior to participating in any riding activities to ensure they are insured.
All lifting is undertaken by two or more riders using the correct lifting techniques; the instructors will supervise all lifting. The correct lifting technique is demonstrated before members attempt to mount for the first time. / Med / All riders will be advised that they should only walk in front of horses and never stand behind them.
Captain to keep a vigilant eye on all riders.
Equipment failure / Students / Tack will be checked by instructors before riding. Members must check tack themselves to ensure they’re secure.
All riders are trained that if any tack is deemed unfit to use, they must inform a member of staff and make sure that it is changed to ensure it is safe when riding. / Low
Loss of control of horse / Students / All members must give an honest assessment of their riding ability so that they are put on suitable horses. Instructors will also assess rider’s ability and change horses accordingly if necessary. / Low / If the riding instructor feels that the horse is unsuitable for the rider and poses a risk to the rider, a more suitable horse will be foundto ensure that they are safe to continue riding.
Allergies / Students / Members must inform the committee of any allergies that may be affected by the riding activities. Members should carry their own allergy medication necessary. For those that take anti-histamines, it is advised that the allergy tablet is taken beforehand to ensure that they have time to take effect before riding. / Low / Any other allergies, or medication which a rider brings with them should also be flagged up to a member of the committee.
Existing medical conditions / Students / Members must inform the club of any existing medical conditions, medication taken or previous injuries which may affect riding. Any exiting conditions or injuries must be disclosed on rider registration forms from the riding school before riding. Members must carry own necessary medicines, inform the club of any special precautions that must be carried out in order to ensure maximum safety. / Low / Participants must be paid-up members of the club in order to ensure that they are insured for the activity.
The onsite first aider should also be made aware of any relevant health conditions incase first aid is required before medical attention.
Injury associated with normal riding / Students / Members should warm up and cool down properly during every riding session. Correctly fitting clothing and protective wear to be worn at all times. Members must inform the instructor present if they have any concerns.
Club Captain has security’s main telephone number in case of emergencies: 01242 714402 / Low / All protective wear should be correctly fitted, if borrowed from the centre all equipment should be checked by a member of staff before getting onto a horse.
Risk of contracting an illness from animals / Students / Members should be aware that although very unlikely that there could be a very slim possibility of contracting an illness from the horses at the Centre.Riders are advised that they should be up to date with tetanus vaccination to ensure that they are fully protected, although contracting any illness from a horse is very unlikely. If riders were at risk at all, staff would be sure to inform all riders to be cautious. / Low
Specific to Tours: / Students / All the control measures mentioned above should apply but a clear ‘safety plan’ regarding procedures to follow in the case of emergencies abroad should be in place. Emergency Contact Numbers, First Aiders and First Aid kits etc should be known and in the possession of the Tour leader / Low / All tour participants must be insured.

For the purpose of this risk assessment, the following definitions shall be used:

Hazard – The potential for harm or injury arising from an activity including the use of tools or methods needed to carry out that activity

Risk – The likelihood of harm or injury occurring due to that hazard


LowCan be performed unsupervised following basic training

MediumCan be performed with supervision following training

HighMust be qualified and trained; special supervision arrangements must be made

Very HighRequires specialist expertise, do not proceed with activity

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