Latin Advanced Studies
Mrs. Remus
(240) 236-8270
Fall 2009
Course Description
Latin Advanced Studies/Advanced Placement continues the acquisition and review of advanced Latin vocabulary and grammar used to read and translate the language. At this level of study students are expected to be able to translate accurately Vergil’s Aeneid from Latin into English and to show an understanding of the grammatical structures, vocabulary, and literary techniques this author has used. Students will also study the political, social and cultural background of this epic poem and relate its influence upon Roman civilization and later literature.
Career Pathways
The study of Latin Advanced Studies/AP relate to several Career Pathways:
Arts and Communication: through the study of classical architecture and mythology found in the arts and through the language itself as a means of communication.
Health Services:through the continual use of Latin in the sciences and medical fields.
Human Services: through the use of Latin in the legal system.
Natural Resources: through the use of Latin and classical mythology in such fields as archaeology, and other aspects of science such as chemistry and astronomy.
Academic Level Description
Latin classes are heterogeneously grouped and are comprised of students of all academic levels and all grade levels.
The 5 C’s of classical language learning:
1)Communication: The student will communicate in a classical language.
2)Culture: The student will gain knowledge and understanding of Greco-Roman culture.
3)Connections: The student will connect with other disciplines and expand knowledge.
4)Comparisons: The student will develop insight into his/her own language and culture.
5)Communities: The student will participate in wider communities of language and culture.
Major Objectives
1) Through your continued study and practice of Latin grammar and vocabulary you will be able to translate original Latin of advanced difficulty, as well as be able to translate Latin expressions and abbreviations of the same level of difficulty.
2)Through your study of the Aeneid as an epic poem you will develop the ability to interpret the poem critically, to understand Vergil’s use of imagery, to read it aloud with pauses and phrasing, and to scan the dactylic hexameter verse.
3) Through your study of the Aeneid as an epic poem you will become familiar with the figures of speech commonly used by Vergil in his epic poem.
4) Through your study of the Aeneid you will be able to discuss particular motifs or general themes suggested in specific passages of the poem, as well as those relevant to the entire poem.
5) Through your study of the Aeneid you will analyze critically various characters and situations as they are portrayed in specific passages.
6)Through your study of the Aeneid you will become familiar with the influences other ancient epic poems, i.e. the Iliad and the Odyssey, had in the writing of this Roman epic poem.
7)Through your study of the Aeneid you will become familiar with the cultural, social, and political history that greatly influenced the writing of this epic poem.
8)Through your study of the Aeneid as a major literary work and Vergil as an epic poet you will become aware of the contributions both have made to literature, to Roman civilization and to our world today.
For our study of Latin grammar we will be using Wheelock’s Latin, Chapters 1-40. We will also be translating sections of Vergil’s Aeneid, Books I, II, IV, VI, X, and XII.
Classroom Materials
Bring to class your Latin (I, II, and III) 2"/3" three-ring binder with 10 dividers (no spiral notebook), pencil and pen, and your covered Latin textbooks.
Academic and Behavioral Expectations/How To Be Successful In Latin
- Consider school your job, and dress appropriately.
- Be in class and in your seat before the bell rings. Keep your T.J. badge with you at all times.
- Enter class as an active learner prepared to concentrate on Latin only.
- Be a good listener. Talking or causing distractions interferes with everyone’s learning.
- Be ready and willing to work in both small and large groups with classmates.
- Don’t hesitate to ask questions, and let me know if you are not understanding.
- Complete all assignments, i.e. both homework and class work on time.
- Make up missed assignments and assessments as soon as possible.
- Be aware that cheating/copying is not tolerated, and will result in parent contact and a zero grade.
- Cell phones/calculators must be off and not visible in class. Cell phones/calculators which appear during a testing situation will not only be confiscated, but will result in a zero test/quiz grade.
- Class materials should be put away and class should be dismissed only upon my instruction.
- Remember your grade in Latin is not something I give but, in fact, something you earn. I expect all of us to do our best at all times.
Grading Policy
1. Test/Quizzes: Oral and Written / 60%2. Class Work / 30%
3. Homework Assignments * / 10%
Grading Scale
90-100% -A
80-89% - B
70-79% - C
60-69% - D
59% & BELOW - F
Grades are not automatically rounded up.
In order for you to have the highest possible grade in Latin, I believe in giving many homework and class work assignments, as well as tests and quizzes. All tests and quizzes are graded. Most homework and class work assignments are graded. For the first time in your study of Latin you will be doing oral translations for the class and for me without notes. These translations will be given class work or quiz grades. All grades will be calculated on a point basis; total points earned over total points available. At the conclusion of the midterm or term these points will be converted in each category to a percentage using the above scale. You will take a cumulative test at the end of this course. This test is not a CRES Test, nor a final exam. It will, however, count as a major grade for Term II.
Make-Up Policy
Missed assignments/tests/quizzes due to an excused absence must be completed within 3 school days upon your return to class in order to receive full credit (unless other arrangements are made). After three school days, the work will be graded, but only ½ credit will be given. Any assignments/tests/quizzes missed as a result of an unexcused absence/class cut will result in zero credit.
Although homework is only 10% of your total grade, missing many homework assignments does result in the lowering of your overall grade. If a homework assignment is missed (not due to absence) on an infrequent basis it may be completed immediately after school in my classroom for ½ credit. Frequently missed assignments will result in parent contact. Remember, it is your responsibility to contact me (after school) for the work you have missed. All missed tests/quizzes must be made-up after school.
Extra Help/Make-Up Work
I will be available both Wednesdays and Thursdays after school for extra help beyond your2:20 dismissal time. I should be available any day until 2:50 to assist you, unless I am attending a meeting. Never hesitate to join me for extra help after school. If I find that you are slipping in your grade or need additional assistance, I may very likely invite you to visit after school for extra help.
You must be academically eligible (2.0 GPA and no “F” grades) in order to participate in extracurricular activities, e.g. Latin Club meetings and field trips.