Town of Shallotte

Planning Board Meeting

January 10, 2012

6:30 PM

The Shallotte Planning Board met for their regularly scheduled meeting on January 10, 2012 at the Shallotte Town Hall Meeting Chambers with Dennis Winters presiding.

Members Present: Gene Vasile, Ted Narazinski, Evelyn Madison, Dennis Winters, Tim Gore and Elwood Cheers;

Members Absent: Bobby Lewis

Staff Present: Allen Serkin and Debra White

Aldermen Liaison: Jimmy Bellamy

1.  Call to Order

Dennis Winters called the meeting to order.

2.  Roll Call

Gene Vasile, Ted Narazinski, Evelyn Madison, Dennis Winters, Elwood Cheers and Tim Gore all present

3.  Agenda Amendments

Dennis Winters suggested moving item #3 Zoning Map Update to item # 6.

Evelyn Madison motioned to approve the agenda amendments; seconded by Gene Vasile. The motion passed 6 yes 0 no.

4.  Public Comments - None

5.  Approval of Minutes

Gene Vasile motioned to approve the December 13, 2011 minutes as amended; seconded by Ted Narazinski. The motion passed 6 yes 0 no.

6.  (Planning Zoning ) Restaurant Parking- The Board of Aldermen requested that the Planning Board look at the restaurant parking standards to determine if they need revision.

Barrett McMullen was present at the meeting and request that the parking requirements be reduce for restaurants. Mr. McMullen would like for the town to keep the “25% rule” but reduce the parking from one space per 75 gross square footage to one space per 150 gross square footage.

After much discussion, Planning Board Member Gene Vasile stated that he would not feel comfortable making a decision and suggested continuing this discussion until the planning board could look more into ways of improving the parking requirements.

a)  Recommend staff to draft an ordinance amendment for restaurant parking.

Action Taken:

Dennis Winters motioned that the Shallotte Planning Board form a committee consisting of himself, Gene Vasile, Evelyn Madison, Elwood Cheers and Alan Serkin to discuss ways to improve the parking standards, Motion seconded by Evelyn Madison. The motion passed 6 yes 0 no.

7.  (Planning and Zoning) Off-Premise Signs - The Board of Aldermen requested that the Planning Board look at the off-premise sign standards to determine if they need revision.

a)  Recommend staff to draft an ordinance amendment for off-premise signs.

Action Taken:

Dennis Winters motioned that the Shallotte Planning Board recommend staff to create a draft ordinance for off-premise signs and present it at the February Planning Board meeting, Motion seconded by Gene Vasile. The motion passed 6 yes 0 no.

8.  (Planning and Zoning) - Discussion Items

a.  Staff Report/Development Activity – Alan Serkin presented a staff report.

b.  Planning Board annual report- Staff is working on the annual report.

c.  Planning Board officers – The Planning Board has decided to wait on appointing new officials until the Board of Alderman appoint the members for 2012. Ted Narazinski motioned to maintain the presiding officers for 2012 until after the Board of Alderman appoint members, Motion seconded by Evelyn Madison. The motion passed 6 yes 0 no.

d.  2012 Priorities -This item was discussed in the Planning Board Workshop early today.

e.  Planning Board Training by CFCOG, Feb. 28, Location TBD has been cancelled and will be rescheduled for a later date.

9.  (Planning and Zoning) - Zoning Map Update - Request by staff to continue the zoning map update discussion.

a)  Recommend revised zoning map to the Board of Aldermen.

Action Taken:

The Shallotte Planning Board reviewed and discussed the most recent zoning map updates and will continue discussion in upcoming Planning Board meetings.

10.  Adjournment

Gene Vasile made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Ted Narazinski. The motion passed 6 yes 0 no.

Respectfully Submitted,


Debra White,

Planning Board Clerk