BOM Documentation / 4-25-2016 - Page 1 of 10
BOM Maintenance/Production Instructions
BOM (Build Order Maintenance), is a RollMaster program upgrade designed to use individual items from system inventory to create “Kits” or “Made to Order/Stock Items” to sell as a single unit. Stock mini-blinds are a good example of a kit assembly project, as are installation kits. Essentially, parts and pieces from existing inventory are combined into one new inventory item to be sold as a single unit. To get started, a RollMasterCustomer ServiceRepresentative must turn this feature on in your system.
Setup for a BOM item starts with designating catalog items as BOM Constructed Itemsand then utilizing the Associated Productsfeature to tie all the parts & pieces together. In the Catalog Maintenance module,create the main catalog item to be sold as the single inventory unit as per the illustration below. Click the B.O.M. Constructed Itembox to activate the item in the system, and then access the Associated Productstabs to Add, Edit, or Deleteall the parts and pieces that will make up the single inventory item—these are also existing Catalog Items in the system.
If you check the Only Display BOM itemsbox in the Associated Productstab screen, the system will remove any non-BOM items from the display. When you right-clickto Editor click the Add Association button, the system will prompt a Product
Association box as follows:
When editing a Product Association, the screen will appear as above. The Update Item(1)button can be used to change out the existing part. When adding a Product Association, that button will appear as Select Item, allowing you to select a new part to add to the overall kit. In the box below, the option (2)relating to BOM Itemsneeds to be checked and appears as follows: Item is part of B.O.M. To enter the number of components needed to make up one Main BOM Item, click next to Exactand then enter the number of components in the box to the right of the option, as in the example above. The Widthand Lengthoptions will rarely, if ever, be used, and requires setup be completed in Product Code Maintenance via clicking the Dimensionsoption in that screen and then completing Dimensions Maintenancefrom the Special Setupmenu. These options will most likely be used for window coverings and floor mats. Before leaving this screen, be sure to click the Updateor Addbutton when changes/additions are complete.
Additional setup for adding overhead costs to BOM Constructed Itemsis found in the Product Code Maintenance module from the Special Setupmenu. That option appears as follows: Overbill Percentage Setup. When you click on this option, the system will prompt aOverbill Percentage Setupbox as follows:
By determining the percentage of Labor, Overhead, and/or Wastethat is incurred when constructing BOM Items, you can use these fields to send additional costs to the Job for Job Costing purposes. These percentages are factored based on the total material costs, but do not report to the General Ledger, much like standard Overbilland Overheadcosts. Click Saveor Continueto keep any additions/changes.
When setup is complete, you will initiate selling/processing a BOM Itemfrom Quote or Order Entry, much like you would any other material line. When you are in the Find andAdd Line Itemsscreen, when a BOM Itemis selected, the system will prompt a BOM Createdalert as follows:
This alert reminds the Userto assign the Build Orderto get processing started by following these next few steps. Complete the steps in the screen above and follow the prompts to the Inventory Reviewscreen, as in the screenshot below:
The From Inventorytab screen will default if the item is designated as both a Stocking Item and a BOM Constructed Itemin the Catalog. If the item is BOM Constructed, but not designated as Stockin the catalog, the From Build Ordertab screen will default as follows:
Any existing stock inventory BOM Orderswill appear in the screen above. If available BOM inventory exists, it can be selected via the Assignbutton at the bottom right of the screen, much like regular stock inventory. To create new Build Order, click the Create Build Orderbutton at the bottom middle of the screen. The system will prompt an Add B.O.Screen as follows:
At the Required Datefield, select the date on which you need production of the BOM Itemcompleted. This date is separate from the Install Dateon the Job. Click the Savebutton to continue. The Statuson the Line Item will display B.O. Created, much like the Purchase Order process. When the BOM Itemis put into production from the Build Order Processing module, the Statuswill update to B.O. Released.
As soon as a BOM Itemorder is created in Order Entry, it can be accessed and processed from the Build Order Processing module located in the Inventory Control menu. When you enter that module, a Build Order Processingscreen will appear as follows:
The default sort order for BOM Items is by Branchand then BO#(Year/Month/Day) and Sequence # for the day. A “C” to the left of the BO# indicates the BOM Itemwas created from Order Entry, and therefore tied to a specific customer order. BO Itemstock orders can be created from this module. Much like the PurchaseOrder screen, you can click on any of the column headings to resort the data by that criteria. The Statuscolumn will display a blank status to indicate an initial “BOM Item Created” status. A Releasedor Part. Releasedstatus indicates the BOM Itemis in process or production. The Print BO Reportoption at the top left of the screen will print a list of all BO Item Ordersthat appear in the screen below, much like the Print Job Report. If exported to Excel, you will see much more detail than the printed report.
To sort the screen to display a list of only BO#’sthat need to go into production (including Part. Releasedstatus items), click the Show Unreleased Onlybox and then click the Buildbutton as follows:
Select a BOM Itemby clicking a line item from the display list and clicking the View BObutton. The system will prompt a Build Order Maintenancescreen as follows:
The components that make up an existingBOM Itemorder will display in the BO Line Detailscreen above. When a line item is highlighted, the system will display additional data relating to the item at the bottom of the screen. In the box at the top left, the Notesicon (1)can be clicked to prompt a Notesscreen for this specific BO#. The Req. Date(2)prompts from Order Entry, but can be changed in this screen. The Item Qty.(3)field also prompts from Order Entry, however, if you click on the button, an Edit Item Quantity box will prompt as follows:
From here, you can change the Item Qtyand/or click the View Reservedbutton to prompt a BO View Reserved Inventorybox as follows:
Click the Savebutton if any changes to the quantity are made. In the Order Costsection(4), click the magnifying glass icon to prompt a BO Total Detailscreen as follows:
It is important to review the Catalogcost vs. the BO cost to make sure costs are current and correct. There is no A/P Cost update feature tied to this module. If there is a cost discrepancy, it needs to be investigated and corrected prior to going into production, where costs are finalized.
To send the BOM Orderto production, from the Functionsmenu, select Assign and Release. All items with a Factor IDof 08 will automatically assign from inventory. Non 08 items will need to be assigned by right-clickingon the line item to Assign Material Line. If all items are instantly assigned, the system will prompt the following Build Order Print box:
This box can also be accessed via the Functionsmenu. You can Printand then Releasethe BOM Orderat different times, or click the Print And Releaseoption to complete both tasks at once. The Printoption will generate a one page report with component details that can be given to the warehouse for assembly of the BOM Item. This will not ship the item out of the warehouse, you will still need to print a Work Order after the BOM Itemis released. To complete the process, from the Functionsmenu, select Finalize Build. This option is similar to receiving a Purchase Order. The system will close the current Build Orderand Job Cost will now be visible on the job.
There are some additional maintenance/print options available within this module. The first appears under the Functionsmenu in the main screen as follows: Mass Update BO Catalog Cost. This option was added to allow for mass cost updates to be completed in Catalog Maintenanceon BOM Constructed Items. From time-to-time, price changes to BOM Itemcomponents will occur and in order for the system to read in updated pricing, this option should be run periodically. Once the material, freight and any overbill costs are updated for each component item and rolled up into an updated BOM Itemcost, the system then recalculates any programmed Overbill Percentagecosts to be added for Job Cost. The system also writes a history record to the catalog item.
In the Build Order Maintenancescreen, if changes are made to any of the component lines, including quantities, or a component is added or deleted, you can update the main BOM Itemin the Catalog, by clicking on the Optionsmenu at the top left and clicking on Update BOM. If the change will only pertain to the current Build Order, there is no need to use this option.
When you click on the Print menu option, the system will prompt the following print options:
The Select Printeroption will allow you to select a different printer. The Print Single Item Build Orderis the same report that prompts from the Build Order Printbox, explained above. It prints a very detailed single page report for the BOM Item. If you have more than one BOM Itemon a Job, you will need to print one report for each. The Print Complete Job Build Orderoption prompts a modified Work Order screen as follows:
This option produces a document more akin to a system Work Order. It includes all lines on a Job with BOM Itemscreated. What you will see is finished goods that need to be constructed, with no components and quantities needed for each listed. This report assumes the User knows what parts and quantities are needed to construct each item listed. This report typically prints one page per Job.
The Print Labelsoption, with the proper printer and label size selected, prints a Label for any BOM Itemcreated from Order Entry.