Lake Orienta Elementary
August/September2017 Volume 7, Issue 1
Dear Penguin Families,
We are happy to welcome back all of our students, teachers, staff, and parents! We had a wonderful start to the school year on August 9, 2017. Lake Orienta received a school grade of “C’ under Florida’s Accountability System. We earned a total of 52 percentage points and missed a “B” by 1% point. WE have looked at our data carefully and are already working on a plan to meet that goal or higher for the 2017-2018 school year. Lake Orienta enjoys good parental involvement, a strong PTA, business partnerships, a great volunteer base. It takes everyone working together to make Lake Orienta a great place to learn and grow!
We are also a Title I school. This status means that Lake Orienta has a certain percentage of students who qualify for and receive a free or reduced price lunch. Money is provided from the federal government to support schools with a high percentage of economically disadvantaged students. We utilize Title I funds to provide 2 Reading Specialists, 1 Math Coach, 2 Reading Coaches and paraprofessionals to support Lake Orienta’s students. We will host some special family evening events where our teachers and support staff will work with parents on how to support your child with their reading, writing, math, science and social studies at home. At these special events, we will also provide accommodations for any parents with disabilities and interpreters so that information is accessible to everyone who might need special assistance.
This year we will be working hard to maintain and improve our high level of performance. Please plan to attend Lake Orienta’s Title I Annual Meeting and Family Night for Parents on Tuesday, August 29,2017 @ 6:00 pm. Pizza and lemonade will be served from 5:15-5:45 in the cafeteria. I strongly encourage you to attend and please be on time. We do begin promptly at 6:00 and the evening is full of important information for parents. This is our first official Title I meeting for parents, so your participation is important to the success of your student at Lake Orienta We look forward to an exceptional and outstanding year!
Donna M. Weaver, Principal
News from our Assistant Principal:
Welcome back to a new school year at Lake Orienta Elementary School! Our year is already off to a great start. The DIVIDEND Breakfast was great. I met so many wonderful parents. Thanks to PTA, it was a well-attended meeting.
We continue our Disney Musicals in Schools Grant this year with The Lion King. Our first fundraiser is a Movie Night on September 8, 2017. Stay tuned for more information.
Safety is our Number 1 concern here at Lake Orienta Elementary. In order to keep your student safe, please follow directions if you are dropping off in the Car Line in the morning. Practice getting ready to leave the car and gather all belongings before the door is open for you.
Please make sure Teachers have notes from you explaining any changes in Transportation. If, in an emergency, you need to pick up your child early, it must be before 2:30 PM (1:30 on Wednesdays). It is a disruption to learning time to locate a child on campus during dismissal time.
Let’s Make It a GREAT YEAR!!!
Mary Walters-Clark, Assistant Principal
Upcoming Events:
August 29- Title I Family Night