ROUGH percentages from
Mountain Plains RegionPriority Indicators Checklist
July 2016
This checklist is intended to help us better understand your program’s intent to impact and evaluate the sub-indicators of the 7 priority indicators in the SNAP-Ed Evaluation Framework. Please place an “X” next to each indicator in the middle column if your program intends to impact the indicator. Please place an “X” next to each indicator in the last column if your program attempts to evaluate the indicator. Only one checklist should only be completed for each Implementing Agency (IA). The information gathered on this checklist will be anonymous and will only be used for the purpose of facilitating the discussion at our Mountain Plains Region in-person meeting in Denver.
Thank you for completing this checklist!
Individual LevelHealthy Eating Behaviors (MT1) - Changes in individual and family healthy eating behaviors on the pathway to achieving the current Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommendations.
Indicator MT1 measures healthy eating behavioral changes reported by SNAP-Ed participants before and after participations in a series of direct nutrition education classes offered face-to-face or over the Internet.
Indicator Code, Name and Description / Intent to Impact Indicator / EvaluateIndicator
MT1: Healthy Eating Behaviors
During Main Meals:
a. Protein foods prepared without solid fats (e.g., saturated and/or trans fats) or fresh poultry, seafood, pork, and lean meat, rather than processed meat and poultry / 77% / 50%
b. Ate a serving size of protein less than the palm of a hand or a deck of cards / 62% / 25%
Throughout the Day or Week:
c. Ate more than one kind of fruit (throughout the day or week) / 77% / 80%
d. Ate more than one kind of vegetable (throughout the day or week) / 77% / 80%
e. Ate nuts or nut butters(throughout the day or
week) / 31% / 25%
f. Used MyPlate to make food choices(throughout the day or week) / 100% / 77%
g. Frequency of drinking water / 62% / 38%
h. Frequency of drinking fewer sugar-sweetened beverages (e.g., regular soda or sports drinks) / 85% / 64%
i. Frequency of consuming low-fat or fat-free milk (including with cereal), milk products (e.g., yogurt or cheese), or fortified soy beverages / 100% / 85%
j. Frequency of eating fewer refined grains (e.g., spaghetti, white rice, white tortilla) / 85% / 91%
k. Frequency of eating fewer sweets (e.g., cookies or cake) / 85% / 27%
l. Servings of fruit consumed per day / 100% / 85%
m. Servings of vegetables consumed per day / 92% / 83%
Food Resource Management Behaviors (MT2) -Changes in individual and family behaviors that reflect smarter shopping and food resource management strategies, enabling participants to stretch their food resource dollars to support a healthier diet.
Indicator MT2 measures behavioral changes resulting from smarter shopping and food resource management strategies used when purchasing foods for consumption at home. State SNAP Agencies will particularly find the results of this indicator useful in ensuring SNAP participants, or those who are potentially eligible, are stretching their food dollars and making healthful purchases.
Indicator Code, Name and Description / Intend to Impact Indicator / EvaluateIndicator
MT2: Food Resource Management Behaviors
Healthy Shopping Practices:
a. Choose healthy foods for my family on a budget / 85% / 82%
b. Read nutrition facts labels or nutrition ingredients lists / 100% / 77%
c. Buy 100% whole grain products / 92% / 33%
d. Buy low-fat dairy or milk products / 92% / 33%
e. Buy foods with lower added solid fats (saturated and/or trans), sugar or salt/sodium / 85% / 36%
f. Buy fruits and vegetables – fresh, frozen, dried or canned in 100% fruit juice / 92% / 8%
Stretch Food Dollars:
g. Not run out of food before month’s end / 85% / 82%
h. Compare prices before buying foods / 92% / 75%
i. Identify foods on sale or use coupons to save money / 92% / 8%
j. Shop with a list / 92% / 83%
k. Batch cook (cook once; eat many times) / 54% / 14%
l. Use unit pricing to find best values / 92% / 33%
m. Cook healthy foods on a budget / 92% / 33%
Physical Activity & Reduced Sedentary Behavior (MT3) - Two-part indicator measuring behavioral changes to increase physical activity and/or reduce sedentary behavior. Physical activity is defined as any body movement that works muscles and requires more energy than resting. Sedentary behavior is defined as too much sitting or lying down at work, at home, in social settings, and during leisure time.
Indicator Code, Name and Description / Intend to Impact Indicator / EvaluateIndicator
MT3: Physical Activity & Reduced Sedentary Behavior
Increased Physical Activity, Fitness, and Leisure Sport:
a. Physical activity and leisure sport (general physical activity or leisure sport) / 92% / 58%
b. Physical activity when you breathed harder than normal (moderate-vigorous physical activity) / 77% / 50%
c. Physical activity to make your muscles stronger (muscular strength) / 85% / 0%
d. Physical education or gym class activities (school PE) / 23% / 33%
e. Recess, lunchtime, classroom, before/after school physical activities (school activities-non-PE) / 62% / 13%
f. Walking steps during period assessed (e.g., Increasing daily goal by 2,000 steps) / 23% / 67%
Reduced Sedentary Behavior:
g. Television viewing / 62% / 50%
h. Computer and video games / 54% / 43%
i. Sitting on weekdays while at work, at home, while doing course work, and during leisure time / 38% / 20%
Increased Physical Fitness:
j. Aerobic or cardio fitness, muscular strength, muscular endurance and/or flexibility / 62% / 13%
Environmental Settings Level
Nutrition Supports (MT5): Sites and organizations that adopt PSE changes and complementary promotion often including favorable procurement, meal preparation activities, or other interventions that expand access and promote healthy eating; associated potential audience reached.
Adoption takes place when sites or organizations make at least one change in policy or practice to expand access or improve appeal for healthy food and beverages.
Indicator Code, Name and Description / Intend to Impact Indicator / EvaluateIndicator
MT5: Nutrition Supports
a. Number and proportion of sites or organizations that make at least one change in writing or practice to expand access or improve appeal for healthy eating / 92% / 92%
b. Total number of policy changes / 85% / 82%
c. Total number of systems changes / 100% / 62%
d. Total number of environmental changes / 92% / 83%
e. Total number of promotional efforts for a PSE change / 69% / 78%
Potential Reach:
f. Total potential number of persons who encounter the improved environment or are affected by the policy change on a regular (typical) basis and are assumed to be influenced by it / 77% / 70%
Organizational Partnerships (ST7) – Partnerships with service providers, organizational leaders, and SNAP-Ed representatives in settings where people eat, learn, live, play, shop, and work.
Unlike ST8 – which focuses on multi-sector partnerships at the local, state, territorial, or tribal level – indicator ST7 defines partnerships at the site level (e.g., elementary school), organization (e.g., school district), or complementary sites. Organizational partnerships of relevance to SNAP-Ed may include school health advisory councils, wellness committees, and site councils that focus on bringing together collaborators and local champions (see ST6) to change the context or environment surrounding individual physical activity and nutrition choices offered to clients at the site.
Indicator Code, Name and Description / Intend to Impact Indicator / EvaluateIndicator
ST7: Organizational Partnerships
a. Number of active partnerships in SNAP-Ed qualified sites or organizations that regularly meet, exchange information, and identify and implement mutually reinforcing activities that will contribute to adoption of one or more organizational changes or policies such as those listed in MT5 and MT6 / 100% / 77%
For each partnership being evaluated, the following should be measured:
b. Description of the depth of the relationship (network, cooperator, coordination, coalition, collaboration) / 62% / 63%
c. Description of partnership accomplishments and lessons learned / 69% / 67%
Sectors of Influence Level
Multi-Sector Partnerships and Planning (ST8) – This indicator measures community capacity by assessing the readiness of multi-sector partnerships or coalitions to plan and achieve the changes in nutrition, physical activity, food security, and/or obesity prevention policies and practices that are evaluated as subsequent indicators in the Sectors of Influence level of the framework.
ST8 identifies specific, quantifiable measures for evaluating multi-sector partnerships or coalitions that are planning for community-level changes in policies and/or practices for nutrition, physical activity, food security, and or/obesity prevention.
Multi-sector partnerships or coalitions at the jurisdiction level include those operating and/or seeking to make changes at the local (e.g., community, district, parish, city, town, county, borough, region), state, territorial/commonwealth, or tribal levels.
Indicator Code, Name and Description / Intend to Impact Indicator / EvaluateIndicator
ST8: Multi-Sector Partnerships and Planning
For each multi-sector partnership or coalition being evaluated, the following should be measured:
a. Types and number of organizations or individuals per sector represented / 77% / 60%
b. Documented level of multi-sector representation of the partnership (as documented by partners) / 46% / 83%
c. Documented level of active engagement of the partnership / 69% / 44%
d. Level of influence of SNAP-Ed in the partnership (as documented by the partners) / 31% / 75%
Population Level
Fruits and Vegetables (R2) – This indicator represents changes in fruit and vegetable consumption, including subgroups of under-consumed vegetables, over time, from year to year, among the low-income population of the state. Unlike MT1 and LT1 (Healthy Eating Behaviors), which measure increases in fruit and vegetable intake attributed to SNAP-Ed series-based programs, R2 is intended to measure the proportion of the SNAP-Ed eligible population that is achieving the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2015 recommendations. Thus, R2 measures fruit and vegetable consumption status for low-income households surveyed within the state of area of focus. R2 is a population-level surveillance measure.
Indicator Code, Name and Description / Intend to Impact Indicator / EvaluateIndicator
R2: Fruits and Vegetables
Number or percentage of SNAP-Ed eligible persons who ate:
a. Fruits one or more times per day (or, median number of times or cups consumed daily) / 62% / 38%
b. Vegetables one or more times per day (or, median number of times or cups consumed daily) / 62% / 38%