Course Syllabus-Physical Science- Gary K. Inman
Dear Parents,
I look forward to teaching your children for the spring 2016 semester. Physical Science covers Physics for the first 9 weeks and Chemistry for the second 9 weeks. Students will be performing multiple labs and have many opportunities for hands on, real world applications of both Chemistry and Physics. Physics is a branch of science that covers movement and describing the world around us mathematically. Chemistry is a branch of science that describes matter and its interactions with one another. Students will be expected to study every night. Memorization is not paramount in this class, but students need to be able to re-work problems and apply what they have learned to many situations.
Tests 35%
Special Note: I give pop quizzes! I have the right to give multiple pop quizzes in one class if I feel it is necessary to make sure students are paying attention.
Science Project: There is a possibility that students will be required to complete a science project. This is a project that will take all semester to prepare. The projects will then go on display for competition in February. This is not the teacher’s last minute decision, it is the county’s.
Final Grades: The final grade in this class is calculated by: 1st 9 Weeks is worth 37.5%, 2nd 9 Weeks is worth 37.5% and the final exam is worth 25%. The final exam is a state test! The school has also adopted a ten point grade scale. 90-100=A, 80-89.99=B, 70-79.99=C, 60-69.99=D, <60=F.
Course Outline
Week 1-2: Motion including velocity, acceleration, and displacement.
Week 2-3: Newton’s 3 laws of motion and forces.
Week 3-4: Work, Power, and simple machines.
Week 5-6: Energy including Kinetic Energy and Potential Energy.
Week 6-7: Types of energy. Nuclear, thermal, electrical.
Week 7-8: Waves. Including electromagnetic Radiation.
Week 9: Electricity and Magnetism. Including circuit diagrams.
Week10: Introduction to Chemistry: mixtures, pure substances, and compounds.
Week 11: States of Matter, solids liquids, gases, and gas laws.
Week12: Atomic Structure, including the development of the modern atomic theory.
Week 13: Periodic Trends, including learning to use the periodic table.
Week 14: Bonding, including ionic and covalent. Naming compounds
Week 15: Chemical Reactions. Classifying and Balancing Chemical Compounds
Week 16: Acids/Bases and Nuclear Chemistry.
Week17-18: Review for final Exam
1) Students should be in their seat working on the starter before the bell rings.
2) Respect everyone. Teasing or disrespect to anyone in the classroom will not be tolerated.
3) Follow the teacher’s directions. If I ask you to do something, don’t argue, just do it!
4) Ask to leave your seat when you are NOT doing a lab.
5) Students are expected to be quiet whenever the teacher is talking to the class or the teacher requires quiet.
6) During labs students are to follow directions to the letter.
7) Technology including but not limited to: cell phones, iPads, MP3 players, MacBooks, and laptops are to only be used when I give the go ahead.
Students who do not follow lab safety instructions will not be allowed to finish their labs. Unfinished labs will be graded as is. If the behavior continues during 2 consecutive labs, the student will lose the ability to perform labs and receive a zero on all labs they cannot participate in.
Students who do not follow rules or directions will be punished in the following ways:
1st Infraction: Warning, name on board
2ndInfraction: Check and 15 minute detention. Call Home
3rd Infraction: Check and 30 minutes added to detention. Call Home
4th Infraction: Check, write up, kicked out of class.
Students who disrupt class or are insubordinate in anyway will skip to the 4th infraction penalty.
Special Technology Penalty: Any electronics being used while I am teaching or at any inappropriate time will be taken immediately. This includes school devices and personal devices. I will let students know when they can use their devices. If the student surrenders the device immediately I will return it at the end of class. If the device is not surrendered immediately I will make an office referral for insubordination. Parents that need to contact their children in emergencies need to call the front office at 671-6050.
Class Materials
1 Bound Notebook, 1 3-Ring Binder to keep returned work and loose paper, (optional: calculator.)
Technology (Important!)
I strongly recommend that students get either an iPad or macbook from the school technology coordinator. It costs $25 to use the device for the entire year. It will be MUCH easier for students to do work at home if they have a computer with Internet access.
Feel free to contact me about any questions you may have. The school’s phone number is 671-6050. My e-mail address is . I hope that we will be able to work together to promote a strong sense of scientific inquiry in your children.
Science Olympiad
Students who participate in science Olympiad will be able to drop their lowest project grade. Since there are only at most 4 projects each year, dropping one project will greatly improve your grade. Participation means that you attend meetings, meet with individual coaches, and work on the different projects. Simply paying your dues and getting a t-shirt will not qualify you for the Science Olympiad credit.
Gary K. Inman
By Signing below, you admit to have read, understand, and accept the syllabus I have presented you with.(Feel free to include any relevant contact information!)
Student Name: ______
Student Signature: ______
Parent Name: ______
Parent Signature: ______