Plans for Future Action Arising Out of the Self-Evaluation Process
Change, Improvement or Innovation / Standards / College Leads / Timeline / Anticipated OutcomeAlthough the District meets the Standard, the process for developing institution-set standards for job placement is being revised under the District’s Strategic Plan for 2018-2021. The Strategic Plan includes an objective to increase the percentage of CTE students who achieve their employment objectives. This objective will assist the District in aligning the job placement metrics across various multiple CTE programs. The District will collect data in order to assess progress on this objective including the percentage of CTE students who obtain a job closely related to their field of study and median change in earnings. The District will align this data with the institution-set standards. / I.B.3 / Academic Deans; the Office of RPIE; CTE faculty. / 2018-2021 / The District will have uniform and accurate data for job placement institution-set standards for CTE programs.
The District meets the standard and is committed to increasing the use of data for decision-making at the District and department/unit level as exemplified in District Objective 4.1. Based on program review audit results, the District adopted an action in the 2018-2021 Strategic Plan to increase the effective use of data in programs reviews. / I.B.5 / Office of RPIE; Institutional Program Review Committee; Outcomes and Assessment Committee; and Senior Management / 2018-2021 / Improvement of the standard data metrics for program review including new or additional data metrics as needed.
Although the District meets the standard, dialog related to data disaggregation is ongoing through the work of the Data Disaggregation Taskforce. The Taskforce continues to focus on systems for collecting student-level data at the program level where such data would be meaningful and useful. / I.B.6 / Data Disaggregation Taskforce; Office of RPIE / 2018-2019 / Improved SLO assessment data collection and analysis.
Following feedback received through the website development process, the Public Information office has continued redesign of the District’s website. Launch of the updated site is planned for spring of 2019. In addition, the District adopted an action in the 2018 – 2021 Strategic Plan to ensure that the District website is current and relevant. / I.C.1 / Superintendent/President; Vice President, Administrative Services; Dean, Technology; Manager, Marketing and Public Relations / 2019 / Improved website design, functionality, and accuracy.
The District is actively working to improve processes to ensure that SLOs remain current, updated, and accurate across all systems, including Banner (for reporting in the course schedule), TracDat, Curriculum, and the District’s website. The District is transitioning to CourseLeaf CIM for curriculum management, which includes researching a method to import outcomes from TracDat to CIM, as a way to ensure that faculty are able to update course outcomes, where necessary, in response to assessment results, and maintain the accuracy of outcomes on official CORs. In its current curriculum management system, CurricuNet, this was possible only through a manual work-around where faculty attached TracDat outcomes to CORs. / II.A.3 / Outcomes and Assessment Coordinator; CourseLeaf Taskforce / 2018-2020 / SLOs will be current, updated, and accurate across all system.
The District is simultaneously working to improve collaboration between the OAC and IPRC, with both committees crafting initiatives in 2017-2018 to provide faculty training on the role of outcomes in program review. Although outcomes assessment is integrated in program review, faculty responses to committee surveys and requests for training indicated that more could be done to encourage integration and make outcomes assessment feel more central and meaningful to the process of program review. / II.A.3 / OAC; IPRC / 2018-2020 / Develop more meaningful use of SLO assessment in program review.
The District meets the Standard and is committed to the success of students in pre-collegiate courses as evidenced by the Quality Focus Essay projects. In addition, to support the District’s objective of increasing the percentage of students who complete transfer-level English and math within their first year, the District has adopted three actions in the 2018-2021 Strategic Plan to shorten developmental course sequences in English, math and ESL. / II.A.4, II.A.5 / Vice President, Academic Services; Deans, Language Arts and Math/Science; math, English, and ESL faculty. / 2018-2021 / Increased support for students to advance to and succeed in college-level curriculum and shortened time to degree.
Although the District meets the Standard, through Guided Pathways assessment, the District identified best practices that could be implemented to improve student-centered schedule planning. The District has adopted an Action in the 2018-2021 Strategic Plan to implement student-centered schedule planning to maximize full time enrollment.
In addition, the Quality Focus Essay projects address course sequencing for developmental courses and time to completion. / II.A.6 / Vice Presidents, Academic and Student Services; Student Services Deans; Instructional Council; Counseling Department / 2018-2021 / Increasing the opportunities for students to complete degrees and programs in a timely manner.
Through the Institutional Self Evaluation process, the District found that although all learning support services are included in various related program reviews, specific service area outcomes had not been developed for each learning support service. For example, although the Tutorial Center is included in the LRC program review it did not have its own set of service area outcomes. The District intends to develop individual service area outcomes for each learning support service and include assessment and evaluation results in the related program review. / II.B.3 / Management Council / 2018-2020 / Ongoing assessment for learning support services through service area outcomes.
Although the District meets the Standard, in alignment with new legislation the District is in the process of developing multiple measures placement to improve student placement into transfer-level English and math.
The District has adopted three objectives in the 2018-2021 Strategic Plan to increase the percentage of students who complete transfer-level English and math within their first year. In addition, the Quality Focus Essay includes a project to implement multiple measures assessment to maximize student placement into transfer-level English and math. / II.C.7
The District’s 2018-2021 Strategic Plan includes an objective to increase professional development opportunities for and participation of District employees in support of improving operational effectiveness. By May 2020, the District will implement a professional development plan for the coordination, alignment, and management of professional development activities and new employee orientation. / III.A.14 / Dean, Human Resources; Management Council; Academic Senate; Faculty Enrichment Committee; Safety/Facilities Council; Professional Association of Classified Employees / 2018-2021 / Coordinated, consistent, and timely professional development opportunities for District employees.