Early Middle Ages Part 1 Reading Guide Terms and People
Key Questions and Concepts Section 2
1. Know how the fall of Rome and its central government led to the Dark Ages P28
No central law or government. No protection, Infrastructure decays, cities not safe. Church dogma and doctrine keep lay people illiterate. Trade stops. People move from cities to the country. Germanic Kingdoms pop up with a government of feudalism
2. Explain the power struggle between Leo 3rd and Charlemagne? See doc analysis
3. What did Charlemagne (Legacy) bring to Western Europe? P30
Education, unification, Christianization, blending of roman and Germanic cultures efficient Gov. united Western Empire
4. What happened to Europe after Charlemagne? P 31
Charlese Heirs split empire into three. Weakening it.
New invasions from Muslims, Vikings and Magyars (East Europeans Hungarians)
5. What threat did Muslims pose to Europe in the late 800? p. 31
continued invasions, conqueredSicily (close to Rome), moved into Spain.
6. Who were the Vikings what problems did they pose for Europe?P. 32
Scandinavians, Sweden, Norway, Denmark. Great sailors, they would conquer plunder and terrorize burning communities.
Eventually becoming Christians and invasions stopped.
7. What positive role did the Vikings play during this period? P.32
Opened trade routes in the northern seas and coast lines. Would settle with North America 500 years before Columbus, became and mixed with England, France, and Russia joining their population.
8. What was the reason feudalism devolved? P33.
For Protection
9. Explain the Mutual Obligation system of Feudalism. Include definitions of world in Blue P. 33
Germanic Kingdoms sprang up t. Mutually loyalty and obligation King or (Lord Granted land form king)Lordtraded land for military service Knights =and loyalty to the person granting land (fief) crafts, food. Peasants paid with food and taxes in return for protection in the manor during raids.
10. What problems did Feudalism cause? P. 34.
Mixed loyalties, warfare and confusion
11. What power and restrictions were placed on Noble Women? P36
Oversee house and medical tasks, might go to war. Could not inherit land, mostly arranged marriages.
Still Patriarchal
12. Explain what the Manor was and how it supported the Feudal System. P36 -37
Self Sufficient Economies!!! All food, clothes, horse and metal, weapons, bedding made in the manor and each contained a Parish Church
13. Analyze how the economic system of the manor worked and how it affected peasants and nobles p.37
the more manors a noble had the richer they would become. Peasants gave food in return for shelter and protection Peasants paid taxes and 10% to the church.
14Why did Manors have to be self-sufficient economies? P37
There was little to no trade. Roads unsafe no central laws or governments.
Section 3 Part 1
1-Explain how the Church shaped medieval life... P. 39
The church was the center of Medieval Life. A priest or bishop was needed for sacraments from birth to death: baptism, Eucharist, marriage, sickness, penance, and last rites for death. Cathedrals would be built to create economic tourism, Relics would bring pilgrims, and the main pilgrimage would be to Jerusalem which would lead to the Crusades.Pilgrimages would create economic benefit to houses of worship featuring grand cathedrals and relics. The ever looming threat of excommunication. To be separated from god. Kicked out of the church.
2. What was the Role of the Parish(local church) priest? P39
To offer holy Sacramentsand to lead mass
3. What was the importance of the village Church? P40
center of medieval life. See all sacraments and mass people must do from birth to death.
4. When did Cathedrals begin to develop and what was this architecture called? P40
High or late Middle Ages 1100s, Called Gothic
5. Explain the Church attitude towards women? P40. P41
Woman were sinners and often blamed for the problems in the world going back to Adam and Eve. Before that with Lilith!!!
Yet theyvenerated worshiped. The Virgin Mary
6-What was monastic life and the influence of medieval monks and nuns. What was Benedictine Rule? P41
Daily prayer, working in the fields, wine and bear, crops. Manuscripts: the copying of books and the bible. Flailing self-mutilation, Gregorian Chants (music) Monasteries became profitable. 10 percent of the population became monks or Nuns. Modeled poverty piety and humility.
7-Analyze how the power of the Church grew during the middle Ages. P42 along with Charlemagne the concept papal Supremacy put the pope over the kings and emperors.
8. What was PapalSupremacy? How was the church linked to secular life P42-43?
Papal Supremacy made the pope and the church above any secular leaders. Innocent 3rd Declares supremacy over kings when they began to appoint Bishops, and annulling or canceling marriages. (1198)
TheChurch controlled vast amounts of land wealth. They had their own soldiers. Since only church members were educated they were needed and used in kings and nobles, lord’s governments.
Cannon law provided the church with separate law all must follow. The threat of excommunication was the worst punishment of all. An Interdict could exclude a whole town or kingdom from receiving sacraments.
Papal Supremacy Innocent the 3rd 1198
9. What was Cannon law? The why was excommunication a sentence worse than death?P-43
Cannon Law was church law. Excommunication was worse than death. Separated from god eternal damnation.
8-Describe the situation of Jews in medieval Europe. Page 44
Jew faced anti-Semitism, often blamed for natural disasters. Kicked out of Spain and dispersed in the Diaspora, Killed by Crusades in Germany. Limited in occupations, yet popes turned to Jews based on their education. Jews migrated to Eastern Europe and would face anti-Semitism there.
9-Show the secular and church social and political hierarchy (see pyramid chart)to go over)
Early Middle Ages Reading Guide Part 2
Answer the questions.
Within you answers write definitions for any world in blue.
You may bullet your responses but make sure they are accurate, complete and text based!!!!
10-In what ways did the Church contribute to a lack of knowledge during the Dark Ages to go over (answer below)
Church dogma and doctrine limited literacy by having mass in Latin a language people did not understand? People had to follow cannon law, going against church teachings was to be a heretic, which was punishable by excommunication, exile and death. Example Galileo and Giovani Bruno. Books were burned. Only learning was left to those in monasteries.
11-Summarize the ways in which the Byzantine Empire flourished under Justinian. What were the major accomplishments under Justinian and the Byzantine Empire? P 99Expanded Empire nearly united east and west.Justinian Code provided for uniform law.TheHagia Sophia,Justinian’s, Byzantine Church, is a marvel of architecture to this day. Center of trade and culture. Hippodrome (like Circus Maximus chariot races from Rome)
What role did the Empress Theodora in the Empire P.99?
She was Co Emperor/es. Unheard of at that time. She forced Justinian to stay and fight during the Nica Riots
12. What are Icons and what was the controversies over them? What was the outcome p.100?
Byzantine art usually featured single religious figures or stories called “Icons.”
Byzantine art seems to radiate and glow!!! Made of mosaic and gold or painted on walls carried over from RomanEmpire
A movement known as the Iconoclasts(against the Icons) saw people’svenerationor worship of icons as Ideology and thus went against monotheism. They began to destroy them. People fought back due to the love and connection these figures gave to Christians thus the Icons were saved.
13. What was the legacy or (heritage) of the Byzantine Empire? P. 101
Stood from 330 – 1453 AD. Brought Justinian’s Code to Empire, Allowed for continued learning and education as Greek was
the main language. The Bible was taught in Greek all could understand marvels of engineering learning and art.
13-Analyze how Christianity in the Byzantine Empire differed from Christianity in the West. See below
West Catholic East Byzantium Eastern Orthodox
Priests can’t marry Priest can marry
Pope Above Emperor Emperor and Patriarch (leader of Church 5 of them)
Latin Religious Language no one knows Greek language common language to all
Christmas most importantthan EasterEaster more important than Christmas
Pope (single Leader) 3 -5 Patriarchs divided by region
Gothic Architecture Byzantine Architecture
Pope demands authority of EasternPatriarchs would not accept authority of Pope
14. Great East West Schism:(1054) The break of union between what are now the Eastern Orthodox and Catholic churches. Final Blow Eastern Orthodox Patriarchs refused the authority of the pope. Each excommunicated each other
15. When and who adopted the doctrine of Papal Supremacy P.68
1198 Pope Innocent the 3rd.. Over kings appointing their own bishops or annul or cancel marriages.