Information For the Parents and Students of

Mrs. Porter’s Fabulous Fifth Graders

Please keep this booklet to refer to during the year!

(Pages 20 & 21 need to be completed and returned.)

  1. General Information
  2. Friday Folders
  3. Complete Supply List
  4. Supply List Cont…
  1. Children’s Special Area Schedule

7. Lunch Schedule

  1. Snack Time
  2. Sending Money to School
  1. Birthday Parties at School

11 Book Orders

12 Ordering Books On-Line

13. Test policy

  1. Homework Policy
  2. Homework Cont…
  3. Homework Cont…
  4. Website
  5. Grading Procedures
  6. Grading Procedures cont…

20. Classroom Directory (Must be signed/ returned.)

21. Treat Permission Slip (Must be signed/ returned.)


Welcome to fifth grade. I hope you had a wonderful summer. It sure did go fast! I sent all my students a letter in August. I hope you received yours. Please let me know if you did not receive the letter.

We had a great first day at school. This year will be filled with many more fun filled days! Throughout the next couple of weeks we will be learning about feelings, reading maps, close reading, and place value.

Please feel free to send in books or movies about the themes we will be studying. (All movies must be rated G.)

Always let me know if something is bothering your child that may affect his/her learning or happiness at school.

Always send a note, if your child’s after school transportation changes or you will be picking up your child.

Throughout the year, you may want to discuss something with me. Please don’t hesitate to write me a note, e mail me, () or call me (686-3800.)

(There is a link to my email on my webpage!)


Your child’s Friday Folder will be coming home the last day of each school week. The purpose of the Friday Folder is to ensure that you will receive important papers from school, as well as graded assessments. Some may need to be signed and returned. It is also a means of parent/teacher communication.

The Friday folder is due back on Monday (or the next school day).

There is a sheetinside the folder; the number of papers in the folder will be recorded on this sheet. Please check to make sure that the number of papers matches the number recorded on the sheet. There is also a space or you to write comments or questions.

If your child has completed all weekly assignments, he/she will receive a star in the Homework All Star Column. If you do not see a star, there are missing assignments. Some homework will be graded. Students are encouraged to use their books/packets when completing all homework. The Friday folder will be one way you will be able to check to see if your child is completing his/her homework.

This system will help us to maintain open communication throughout the school year.

Thank you for your support,

Mrs. Porter


Mrs. Porter C-244 2014 -15

  • 2 red pens
  • 6- Dry erase markersBLACK ONLY
  • 2 Highlighters (yellow & orange)
  • 3 Fat Sharpies (red, blue, & black,)
  • Scissors (large Fiskars)
  • 4X4 Post it notes (lined)
  • Post it flags
  • 2 Composition notebooks:

(Different colors)



  • 2 spiral notebooks:
  • Social Studies
  • Science
  • 6 two-pocket folders with prongs (plastic preferred)

*red- Math

*green- Reading

*yellow- Social Studies

*blue- Science

*orange- Language Arts

`purple- Friday Folder

  • Large soft sided pencil case
  • 1 Pink Pearl eraser
  • Art smock (old shirt)
  • 2 packages of index cards 3 X 5 lined index cards (colored preferred) These will need to be replenished throughout the year.
  • 2 large boxes of tissues
  • Lock that was purchased through William Street School

You may purchase a lock through the William St. School office, if you need to ($5.00).

  • old, clean athletic sock to use as eraser for dry erase board
  • cost of a school agenda planner ($3.00)
  • 1 roll of paper towels
  • Colored pencils (Small box)
  • Crayons (Small box)
  • 1 Large Glue stick
  • 1- Blue 2” 3 Ring binders larger
  • 1 bottle of waterless hand cleaner
  • Scotch tape
  • 1 zip drive
  • 4- tennis balls new or used (sliced for chair)
  • ESPERANZA RISING by Pam Muñoz Ryan (Optional) I have a copy for your child to use, but it is advisable that your child have his/her own book so he/she can annotate as he/she reads.
  • Pencil sharpener that holds the shavings

Many of these supplies can be found at the Dollar Store.

Supplies may need to be replenished throughout the year.

Grade 5 2013- 2014


September 2014

Your child’s special schedule is as follows:

Mondays: 12:05 – 12:45 Tech/Art *

(Mr. Canaski/Mrs.Chambers)

Tuesdays: 9:25 – 10:05 Tech/Art

(Mr.Canaski / Mrs. Chambers)

1:25 – 2:05 PE (Mr. Frey)

Wednesdays: Music (Mrs. Nagy)

Thursdays: 8:45 – 9:25 Tech/Art

(Mr. Canaski / Mrs. Chambers)

Fridays:12:05 – 12:45 PE (Mr. Frey)

Children are required to bring appropriate comfortable clothing and sneakers on the days they have physical education.

BOCH 2:15 – 3:00

Chorus – Tuesdays

BAND – Mondays & Thursdays

*Students will have tech during the first semester and art second semester.



This year, we will be eating lunch from

11:07 – 11:40

Middle Level Tables 14,15, & 16

Feel free to join your child for lunch, after signing in at the office and getting a visitor’s pass.

  • Forgetting to bring lunch/lunch money can be very upsetting for a child. If your child ever forgets his/her lunch or lunch money, please tell him/her not to worry and to let me know. They are allowed to charge their lunch. Also, I will be more than happy to lend him/her money. I will then send home a note letting you know that I lent your child and money so you can reimburse me the following day.



A healthy snack is a way to boost your child’s learning capabilities. Please consider something that will not make a mess. ( FYI- Canned fruit in liquid has been a problem in the past and so has yogurt. It has spilled all over children’s desks/supplies.) Candy/sweets will not be allowed. I suggest keeping it simple.

Here are some ideas:


applesgranola bars

cucumber slices cheese

popcorn crackers

any fruit or vegetable already cut up

dry cereal in a baggy

If your child would like to bring a water bottle, please make sure it is the push top kind.

This way your child can close the bottle to prevent accidental spills.


When sending in money to school for any reason, please be sure that it is in a sealed envelope, labeled with your child’s name and the purpose for the money. This is the procedure for all money sent to school for any reason.

Please do not send loose or extra money to school. It can easily be lost or misplaced.



Birthdays are a happy experience and I want them

to be an enjoyable celebration for the children at school.


1. Let me know if you will be sending in a snack for your child’s birthday, before the day arrives so that I can plan accordingly.

  1. Send finger food for the snack- cookies, cupcakes etc. Please do not send cakes or food that requires cutting, plates, or forks.
  2. Send only one type of snack.
  3. Do not send in a drink. We drink water for parties. (No harm done if it spills!)
  4. Do not send in candles or decorations.
  5. There are 25 children in our class. There is no need to send extra snacks for the party, because the children will not be sharing outside of our classroom.
  6. Invitations can only be distributed in school if the whole class is invited, or all of the girls or all of the boys. Please do not send invitations to school for just a few children.
  7. I will address and mail invitations for those childrenwho are not included on our class roster, if you send them with the names and stamps on the envelopes. Please send them to school at least one week ahead of time.
  8. Ask your child not to discuss home birthday parties at school if all of the children are not invited. Children’s feelings get hurt very easily.

10. Summer birthdays will be celebrated in June.

I hope you will support me in these guidelines so that all of the children can enjoy the many birthdays we celebrate all year long. Please save this sheet to refer to when birthday time rolls around for your child.


Book Orders

Each month I will send home book order forms so that you will have the opportunity to buy quality, age-appropriate books at reasonable prices. You are not obligated to order books. However, I encourage you to start a personal library if you haven’t already done so.

If you order books, please return the completed order form and payment in a sealed envelope with your child’s name on the envelope. Payments should be made by check or money order only, with the exact amount made out to the book club. I will be sending home order forms from various bookclubs. Please check the order forms when making out the check(s) to find out whom you will make the checks payable to.

The book orders are due on the date stamped on the order form.



Book Club Order Due Date : September 20

Online Ordering Information

Web address:

Class Activation Code:GLWP9

Dear Parent,

Now it's easier than ever to find the right books for your child — and help us earn FREE books for our classroom library at the same time!

With new online ordering from Scholastic Book Clubs, you can choose from a much wider selection of books than in

the printed flyer. Plus, you can send your orders directly to me online and use your credit card. Best of all, our class earns a FREE book every time a parent places their order online. It's so simple! Here's how it works:

SIGN UP at On the parent page, click the "Don't have a User Name and Password?" link, and then register for your own username and password. When prompted, enter the one-time Class Activation Code shown above. This code ensures that your order is sent to me.

SELECT the books you'd like to order from over 500 titles available online...and take advantage of online-only specials and discounts.

SEND your order to me online by the due date. Books will be delivered directly to our classroom, as always.

Of course, you can still order using the form from the printed flyer. But why not experience for yourself how convenient

it is to order online? Ordering online is fast, easy, and secure. Plus our whole class benefits thanks to the FREE books we'll earn with

every parent online order. Go to now to get started.

Thank you,

Mrs. Porter


It is my belief that communication with parents and parental support is an essential piece in helping a child be successful.

One way I can communicate with parents and make sure that they are aware of their child’s progress is to have all graded tests signed by a parent.

Please sign your child’s tests and make sure they have made the necessary corrections.

All tests are gone over in class after the students have an opportunity to make corrections.



So far we are off to a great start! I am very much enjoying getting to know your children. I was amazed at what routines they were able to pick up and begin implementing today! What a smart group . I know there is so much information coming home, but homework is something parents always ask about.

I know how busy your lives can be so homework will only be due Tuesday – Friday (with the exception of projects and reading.) Homework will help to reinforce the skills your child is learning in school and will also help your child develop responsible behavior and good work habits. For your convenience, I have listed below some suggestions that will help your child to be successful with his/her homework.

  1. Have your child read or read with your child daily for 30 minutes.

They must keep track of their reading in their Independent Reading


  1. Place a collection of homework supplies in a basket or box, ready to use daily. Include scissors, glue sticks, crayons, pencils, and erasers.
  1. Homework should always be written with pencil. Crayons are only used for coloring. Papers do not need to be colored unless the directions require this. If your child enjoys coloring, he or she may color papers, but it will generally not be necessary.
  1. Homework should be done neatly. Your child will be asked to redo all work that is not done neatly.
  1. I will explain all homework at school. Allow your child to do the work independently whenever possible. Check to see if he or she is doing the homework correctly. Homework is not a test. It is practice and if it is done incorrectly, your child has practiced error. If needed, use the homework as a home teaching opportunity. Nothing will be sent home that has not been gone over at school. Please be sure the final product is done correctly. If your child had great difficulty with the work, please send me a note indicating the problem.I will return all homework that is not finished or not completed correctly. Your child will be required to make corrections/finish and return it to me.
  1. Homework is due on the next day, unless the directions say differently.
  1. Please sign or initial all of your child’s homework. This way I know you are aware of his/her understanding of the concepts/skills he/she is learning at school.
  1. Keep school papers in a box for review at home. Also, occasionally a paper is taken home when it should have remained at school. If papers are thrown away as soon as they arrive home, there is no chance for retrieval or review.
  1. Written homework will generally only take 30 minutes. As the year progresses there may be longer assignments, but a fifth grader should notspend more than 45 minutes on written homework unless he or she chooses to do more.
  1. Give your child many opportunities for outdoor physical activity. Be

sure your child gets plenty of sleep.

  1. Limit and carefully supervise the amount of time spent watching TV and playing video games.

Thank you so much for your help and support with homework. I look forward to a productive and memorable year with your child.

If your child does not complete his/her homework they will highlight the missed assignment in their agenda. Please check and sign your child’s agenda daily. This will help you and your child to keep track of missed homework and his/her homework grade. It is one way that I can communicate with you and keep you informed concerning your child’s work habits.

Classroom Website

You will find many links on my classroom website that will help your child reinforce the skills he/she is learning at school.

You will also find many of the student packets, vocabulary packets, and games to test your child’s skills and knowledge.
Grading Procedures

Mrs. Porter

  1. Math Assessments will be recorded. We have tests designed to assess the necessary skills and concepts that need to be mastered in alignment with the NYS Standards.

2.RLA There is one grade given for Reading, Writing, Grammar and Spelling. Reading is 40% of the ELA grade, writing and grammar is 40% of the ELA grade and spelling will be considered 20% of the ELA grade. The reading grade consists of reading tests and monthly book projects that are scored using a rubric. Writing is scored on a rubric and converted to a grade equivalent. Routinely, spelling and grammar tests are administered. Spelling tests are routinely administered on Fridays.

3. Special projects and independent work are averaged into

respective subject as a grade.

  1. Failure to complete a project or assignment that is being graded will result in a score of 0.
  1. Exact grades will be recorded and averaged to provide a semester grade.

Grading Procedures cont…

All content area work and assignments will assessed using a numerical scale. (Total correct/Total Possible Correct.) If an alpha grade is assigned, it will be converted to a numerical grade.

Most writing assignments and projects will be assessed using a rubric.

Be Included In Our Classroom Directory!

Throughout the year I am sure I will have numerous requests for the addresses and phone numbers of classmates. I will send home an address and phone number roster for the children in our class. If you would like your child’s information to be included on this roster, please sign the form below and have your child return it to school by Friday.
