Kathryn E. Anthony
Department of Communication Studies
University of Southern Mississippi
475 Liberal Arts Building
118 College Drive #5131
Hattiesburg, MS 39406-5131
(601) 266-4272
Ph.D. University of Kentucky (2013, December)
Focus: Organizational Communication, Health Communication
Dissertation: The Role of the Message Convergence Framework in
Obstetricians’ Clinical and Communicative Practices
Advisor: Timothy L. Sellnow
Committee: Dan H. O’Hair, Elisia L. Cohen, Deborah Crooks
M.A. University of Kentucky (2010)
Advisor: Dr. Timothy Sellnow
B.A. University of Southern Mississippi (2008)
Speech Communication
University of Victoria, 2007
Academic Appointments
2014- Present Assistant Professor
Department of Communication Studies, University of Southern Mississippi
2013-2014 Assistant Professor
Communication Studies Program, Columbia College
2009-2013 Graduate Research Assistant
Department of Communication, University of Kentucky
2008-2013 Graduate Teaching Assistant
Department of Communication, University of Kentucky
2006 Undergraduate Teaching Assistant
Department of Speech Communication, University of Southern Mississippi
Refereed Publications
Anthony, K.E. & Sellnow, T.L. (2016). The role of the message convergence framework in
medical decision-making. Journal of Health Communication, 21(2), 249-256.
Herovic, E., Sellnow, T.L., & Anthony, K.E. (2014). Risk communication as interacting
arguments: Viewing the L’Aquila earthquake disaster through the message convergence framework. Argumentation & Advocacy, 51(3), 73-86.
Anthony, K.E., Cowden, K., O'Hair, D.H., Heath, R., & Eosco, G. (2014). Complexities in
communication and collaboration in the hurricane warning system. Communication Studies, 65(5), 468-483.
Reynolds, M., Head, K., Sellnow, D., & Anthony, K.E. (2014). Exploring the education value of
the undergraduate teaching apprentice (UTA) experience. The Journal of the Association for Communication Administration, 33(1), 17-34.
Vos, S.C., Anthony. K.E., O’Hair, D.H. (2014). Getting to 40 weeks: Constructing the
certainty of women’s due dates. Health Communication, 29, 866-876.
Anthony, K.E., Sellnow, T.L., & Millner, A.G. (2013). Message Convergence as a Message-
Centered Approach to Analyzing and Improving Risk Communication.Journal of Applied Communication Research, 41(4), 1-19.
DeSantis, D., Anthony, K.E., & Cohen, E.L. (2013). Characteristics of illegal
distributors of prescription ADHD stimulants to college peers. Substance Use & Misuse, 48(6), 446-456.
Anthony, K.E, & Sellnow, T.L. (2011). Beyond Narnia: The necessity of C.S. Lewis’ first and
second things in applied communication research. Journal of Applied Communication Research, 39(4), 441-443.
Anthony, K.E., & Sellnow, T.L. (2011). Information acquisition, perception, preference, and
convergence by Gulf Coast residents in the aftermath of the Hurricane Katrina crisis.
Argumentation and Advocacy, 48(2), 81-96.
Book Chapters
Sloan, A.G., & Anthony, K.E. (2015). MEO Case Study: Implicit vs. Explicit Ethics. In M.
Ramsey’s (Ed.) Issues of Culture and Conflict. Case Studies in Organizational
Communication. Kendall Hunt Publishing.
Sellnow, T.L., Veil, S.R., & Anthony, K.E. (2013). Theoretical perspectives on corporate
reputation: Organizational learning. In C. Carroll (Ed.) Handbook of Communication and Corporate Reputation (pp. 235-249). San Francisco, CA: Wiley Blackwell.
Invited Publications
Anthony, K.E., Sellnow, T.L., & Millner, A.G. (December 2013). Converging on safety: The
most believable risk communication messages. Communication Currents, 8(6).
Manuscripts under Review
Veil, S., & Anthony, K.E. The pariah effect of toxic trailers: FEMA’s legitimacy challenges in
the post-Katrina formaldehyde crisis. Submitted to Journal of Public Relations Research.
Anthony, K.E., & Venette, S. Risk, uncertainty, and message convergence: Toward a theory of
financial communication. In preparation for submission to the Handbook of Investor Relations and Financial Communications. Wiley-Blackwell.
Anthony, K.E. Reducing Elective Deliveries Before 39 Weeks: Obstetricians’ Perceptions of
National Interventions on their Clinical and Communicative Practices. Submitted to Southern Communication Journal.
Reif, C., Anthony, K.E., & Venette, S. Self-disclosure and family responsiveness: Improving
ostomates’ perceived psychological and social quality of life. Submitted to Communication Studies.
Manuscripts in Preparation
Anthony, K.E., Vos, S.C., Lasslo, J.A., & O’Hair, H.D. Persuasive physician messages for
getting pregnant patients to term. In preparation for submission to Patient Education and Counseling.
Conference Papers
Anthony, K.E. & Lasslo, J.A. (forthcoming, 2016). Reducing early elective deliveries:
Obstetricians’ perceptions of national interventions on their clinical and communicative practices. Paper accepted by the International Communication Association Meeting, Fukuoka, Japan, June 9-16, 2016.
Reif, C., Anthony, K.E., & Venette, S.J. (forthcoming, 2016). Self-disclosure and family
responsiveness: Improving ostomates’ perceived psychological and social quality of life.
Paper accepted by the International Communication Association Meeting, Fukuoka, Japan, June 9-16, 2016.
Anthony, K.E. & Venette, S.J. (forthcoming, 2016). Risk, Uncertainty, and Message
Convergence: Toward a theory of communication. Paper accepted by the International Risk and Crisis Communication Conference, Orlando, Florida, March 6-9, 2016.
Veil, S., & Anthony, K.E. (2015). The pariah effect of toxic trailers: FEMA’s legitimacy
challenges in the post-Katrina formaldehyde crisis. National Communication Association Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, November 20, 2015 (Top Faculty Paper Panel, Applied Division).
Anthony, K.E. (2015). The communicative role of obstetricians on women’s delivery decisions.
Southern States Communication Association, Tampa, FL, April 8, 2015 (Top Paper Award, Applied Division).
Anthony, K.E., & Sellnow, T.L. (2014). The role of the message convergence framework in
obstetricians’ clinical and communicative practices. National Communication Association Meeting, Chicago, IL, November 21, 2014. (Top Paper Panel, Applied Division).
Anthony, K.E. (2014). Constructing gender roles: The similar yet divergent experiences of
single and married women in evangelical churches. Eastern Communication Association Meeting, Providence, RI, April 25, 2014 (Top Three Paper Panel, Applied Division).
Anthony, K.E., & Vos, S.C. (2014). Healthy Babies are Worth the Wait: Perceptions of
obstetricians concerning campaign effectiveness in reducing late-preterm deliveries.
Kentucky Health Communication Conference, Lexington, KY, April 12, 2014.
Anthony, K.E., & Veil, S.R. (2013). Formaldehyde and FEMA trailers: A best practices
approach.. National Communication Association Meeting, Washington D.C., November 24, 2013.
Anthony, K.E., & Lasslo, J.A. (2013). Employing the integrated behavioral model to understand
women’s behavioral intentions for completing a full-term pregnancy. National Communication Association Conference, Washington D.C., November 22, 2013.
Sellnow, T.L., & Anthony, K.E. (2013, November). Connecting crises, uncertainty,
and competing messages: Contributions of message convergence as a source of decision making in crisis communication. National Communication Association Conference, Washington D.C., November 22, 2013.
Veil, S. R., Sellnow, T. L., Cupp, P., Anthony, K.E., Staricek, N., & Young, L. (2013).
Revisiting the best practices in risk and crisis communication: A multicase analysis. International Crisis Communication Conference, Ilmenau, Germany.
Anthony, K.E., & Sellnow, T.L. (2013, June). Message Convergence as a
Message-Centered Approach to Analyzing and Improving Risk Communication.
International Communication Association Annual Meeting, London, England, June 18, 2013.
Anthony, K.E. (2013). Prostate screening suggestions: A pentadic
critique. Kenneth Burke Interest Group. Eastern Communication Association Annual Meeting, Pittsburg, PA. April 24, 2013 (Top Paper Panel, Kenneth Burke Interest Group)
Anthony, K.E., Cowden, K., O'Hair, D., Eosco, G., & Heath, R. (2012).
Negotiation and boundary spanning in the hurricane warning system. Applied Communication Division. National Communication Association Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL. November 13, 2012 (Top Paper Panel, Applied Communication Division).
Anthony, K.E. (2012). The H5N1 virus and the threat of bioterrorism:
An analysis of ethics. Applied Communication Division. National Communication Association annual meeting, Orlando, FL., November 15, 2012.
Vos, S.C., Anthony, K.E., & O’Hair, H.D. (2012). Getting to 40 Weeks: Constructing the Uncertainty of Due Dates. Health Communication Division. National Communication Association annual meeting, Orlando, FL., November 14, 2012.
Sellnow, T.L., Veil, S.R., & Anthony, K.E. (2012).Organizational communication's role in learning and reputational development. Organizational Communication Division. National Communication Association annual meeting, Orlando, FL.
Anthony, K.E., Cohen, E.L., & DeSantis, A.D. (2012). Characteristics of college
students who illegally distribute to peers. Public Health Education and Health Promotion. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, October 27, 2012.
Anthony, K.E., Cowden, K., O’Hair, D., & Eosco, G. (2012). The hurricane forecast and warning system: Boundary spanning and inter-organizational struggles. The American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, January 21, 2012.
Anthony, K.E., & Millner, A.G. (2011). Message convergence and health literacy
during food contamination crises. National Communication Association annual meeting, New Orleans, LA, November 18, 2011.
Vos, S.C., Anthony, K.E., & O’Hair, H.D. (2011). 39 weeks: Understanding
Women’s Birth Choices and Preterm Birth. Roundtables in Research 4. National Communication Association annual meeting. New Orleans, La, November 19, 2011.
Anthony, K.E. & Sellnow, T. (2010). Because the emergency starts and ends local: The
role of local media in establishing message convergence during Hurricane Katrina. The Central States Communication Association Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, Ohio, April 18, 2010.
Anthony, K.E., & Sellnow, T. L. (2009). Information Acquisition, Perception,
Preference and Convergence by Gulf Coast Residents in the Aftermath of the Hurricane Katrina Crisis. Society for Risk Analysis Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, December 9, 2009.
Anthony, K.E., Millner, A., & Petrun, E. (2009). Challenges and Opportunities for
Timely Crisis Communication via Television Coverage. The National Communication Association annual meeting, Chicago, IL, November 12, 2009.
Grants & Fellowships
2015 Faculty Online Course Development Grant, University of Southern Mississippi, 1,500.00
2014 Savory Fellowship in Undergraduate and Faculty Research (Received with Katharine Besley) Columbia College SC, 1,000.00
2013 Michael Carozza Fellowship in Health Communication, College of Communication and Information, University of Kentucky, 1,000.
2008 Graduate Fellowship Award, Delta Gamma National Fraternity, 2,500.
Awards and Honors
2015 Top Faculty Paper Award, Public Relations Division, National Communication Association
2015 Top Paper Award, Applied Division, Southern States Communication Association
2014 Top Paper Award, Applied Division, National Communication Association
2014 Top Paper Award, Applied Communication Division, Eastern Communication
2013 Top Paper Award, Kenneth Burke Interest Group, Eastern Communication Association.
2012 Top Paper Award, Applied Division, National Communication Association
2012 Health Communication Certificate, College of Communication and Information, University of Kentucky
2012 Risk Sciences Fellow, Division of Risk Sciences, University of Kentucky
2011 Risk Sciences Fellow, Division of Risk Sciences, University of Kentucky
2008 Don George Award for Academic Excellence, Department of Speech Communication,
University of Southern Mississippi.
2007 Don George Award for Academic Excellence, Department of Speech Communication, University of Southern Mississippi
University of Southern Mississippi
CMS 111H Honors Public Speaking
CMS 320H Honors Business & Professional Speaking
CMS 440 Health Communication
CMS 450 Special topics in Health Communication
CMS 720 Introduction to Graduate Research
Columbia College
COMM 100 Public Speaking
COMM 200 Survey of Communication/Introduction to Research Methods
COMM 230 Health Communication
COMM 290 Patient-Provider Communication
University of Kentucky
CIS 110 Composition and Communication
COM 181 Public Speaking
COM 287 Persuasive Speaking
COM 252 Interpersonal Communication
COM 315 Workplace and Organizational Communication (Mass-lecture course)
COM 365 Research Methods
COM 462 Intercultural Communication
Service to the Discipline
Editorial Service
2015 Reviewer, Social Science & Medicine
2015 Reviewer, Weather, Climate, & Society
2015 Reviewer, Southern Communication Journal
2015 Reviewer, Carolina Communication Association Annual
2014 Reviewer, Carolina Communication Association Annual
2013 Reviewer, Carolina Communication Association Annual
Professional Organizational Service
2015 Second Vice-Chair, Applied Division, Southern States Communication Association
2015 Paper reader, National Communication Association, Applied Communication Division
2015 Paper reader, Southern States Communication Association, Applied Division
2012 Paper reader, National Communication Association, Applied Communication Division
2012 Paper reader, International Communication Association, Public Relations Division
Communication Studies Department Service
2014 Member of the Department of Communication Studies Graduate Committee
Methodological Skills
Extensive interview and focus group training and experience
Textual Analysis
Training and research experience with univariate and multivariate statistics
Survey design, scale development, and factor analysis training
Meta-analysis training
Professional Memberships
Southern States Communication Association
National Communication Association
International Communication Association