Board of Directors

Minutes of the General Session

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Members present: President Pam Schwartz, Vice-president Ben Roloff, Treasurer Rita Tillery, Secretary Don Thompson, Greg Eisert, Sharon Major, Lloyd Maple, Ritchie Miller, Steve Puck, Dave Rohde, Tom Wilson, Rose Romeo and Carole Studdard.

  1. Meeting called to order at 9:00 a.m., and a quorum was declared.
  2. Pam led Pledge of Allegiance.
  3. Board approved the proposed Agenda.
  4. Board approved the Minutes of the General and Executive Sessions of December 14, 2015.
  5. Treasurer’s Report: Rita reported total assets of $763,783.12 and net income of $5565.21 YTD December 2015. Moved and seconded to accept the report; carried unanimously.
  6. Rules suspended to hear from guests in attendance. Tom Doran and Colleen Fogarty reported that Arizona is the only state with no consumer protection law and requested that a SCHOA representative accompany them to a meeting with a legislator to present their case to introduce a bill for a law similar to the Texas model to the Arizona Legislature. Greg advised that he would attend.
  7. Returned to regular order of business.
  8. President’s Report:
  9. Pam reported that the Legislative Breakfast was held on January 8th. SCHOA will be the host for the March gathering, place and time to be determined.
  10. Pam introduced Pat Quinn, a former energy executive and currently a consumer protection utility advocate, who presented a report concerning pending and upcoming rate cases which may pose significant consequences for residential users, including those in Sun City. Mr. Quinn asked SCHOA to consider entering as an intervener in these cases.
  11. General Manager’s Report:
  12. Tom reported that December’s compliance efforts yielded optimistic results and that the Compliance Report had been amended to provide some clarity.
  13. Tom also reported that progress was ongoing in the expansion project and that the estimated date of occupancy was sometime in May.
  14. Office Manager’s Report: Rose reported 73 new Association members and 618 renewals.
  15. Marketing Report: Carole reported that the scheduled Home and Garden show is filling up nicely, and a good turnout is expected. Carole reminded the Board that the next New Residents Orientation is scheduled for March 15th.
  16. Committee reports:
  17. Administration and Finance: refer to the General Manager’s report.
  18. Collections: no report.
  19. Compliance: see General Manager’s report.
  20. Environmental: will meet today at 1:00p.m.
  21. Governmental Affairs: refer to Pat Quinn’s presentation.
  22. IT: met with Larry Woods and Tom regarding the software upgrades.
  23. Planning and Elections: will next meet in April.
  24. Public Relations: see Marketing Coordinator’s report.
  25. Transportation: will meet tomorrow at 10:00a.m.
  26. Charter Amendments and Bylaws: Ritchie reported the working group has a meeting scheduled for February 2.
  27. Meeting adjourned at 10:16 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Don Thompson, Secretary